Feed Jersey City is a campaign by Whealth, Crave Jersey City, Cayena NJ, and E. Tittlemouse & Co. to provide Jersey City’s homeless a memorable holiday meal on Christmas day, as well as donate care packages of everyday essentials (toothbrushes, first aid kits and other hygiene products) and warm clothing for the winter. The brainchild of Whealth’s David Trotta, Feed Jersey City is also the beginning of bigger project to preserve the history and culture of Jersey City through food. The dinner, which 120 of Jersey City’s homeless population will be treated to, uses recipes curated by Trotta, Crave Jersey City, and Cayena NJ from all over the community.
“I feel like I’ve been taking out of the community that’s been so great to me and so supportive to me, that I felt like, for December, if I was going to do anything, I had to give back to the community, and I had to do it just big and crazy and audacious,” said Trotta. “It’s not just good enough to give someone a meal, they need to have a full experience.”
This is where E. Tittlemouse comes in, not only taking donations of daily essentials and clothing, but also giving the homeless a sense of normalcy on one of the most important days of the year. “I’m putting together a group, we’re going to the shelter…We’re going to dress them up, make them look really nice specially for that day, so that they can feel the spirit,” said Napoleon Diaz, owner of E. Tittlemouse & Co.
More than just being charitable, Feed Jersey City’s hope is to “interact with [the homeless] and engage them and make them feel like a part of the community,” said Trotta. One can say that the larger theme of Feed Jersey City is community, relying on its generosity to be successful. So far, the Jersey City community has really pulled through. The Indiegogo campaign has reached 65% of its goal of $2,000, and there are still seven days left to donate. There are a variety of perks, including the actual recipe guide from the very feast that will be served by Feed Jersey City for a donation of $10. This includes a pernil recipe from a Dominican fellow who has been living in Greenville for the past forty years, Trotta’s grandmother’s biscotti recipe, and a gnocchi recipe from celebrity chef and Jersey City native Amanda Freitag, to name a few.
E.Tittlemouse & Co. is also still accepting donations of items such as soap, deodorant, granola bars and mouthwash for care packages, and clothing for the winter such as gloves, hats, socks, scarves, and jackets. This is a great opportunity to show gratitude for one’s own good fortune by giving to those less fortunate in your very own community. Trotta and everyone involved are immensely grateful for the level of support Feed Jersey City has been receiving.
“I feel so blessed to have a community that’s just so giving,” said Trotta.
About the Author/s
Writer/Blogger at The Digest. Lifelong New Jersey resident. Actually likes this place.