Dorian Cattani

The Perfect Date Outfit With Wardrobe Stylist Dorian Cattani   You were finally asked out by that cute guy you always run into on your morning Starbucks trip. You’ve been

Wardrobe Essentials: Look and Feel Effortless By Dorian Cattani   There is a reoccurring theme that happens with my female clients every season: they want to look and feel effortless

Summer Blues? Tips From Wardrobe Stylist Dorian Cattani By Dorian Cattani   Some people experience “winter blues,” but sometimes I experience the “summer blues.” This solely has to do with

If you’re having trouble parting with clothes you haven’t worn in awhile, bring them to the Pop-Up Closet Rescue & Clothing Donation Drive tomorrow from 5-9 p.m. at the Iconic