4 Writing Styles to Help You Handle Every Paper

by Staff

Academic, creative writing… Those bring so many requirements that your head is about to burst. What do you mean there are more types of writing?! Don’t panic, we are not dealing with loads of theories that you will never implement in practice. Instead of types, we are discussing styles that may actually help you with your struggles. Did you know that any text can be classified as expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative writing? However, a single paper can include several writing styles. Oh no, this already sounds too complicated. Let’s figure out the basics and implement them into our work! 

Expository Writing

This one is indeed common. You have used it to explain a tricky concept or present specific information to the wider audience. Textbooks, how-to articles, and academic writing — this is not a complete list of expository style implications. You can easily recognize the style by defining its purpose. For instance, expository writing primarily serves to inform the audience by presenting evidence, arguments, or logical reasoning. It follows a strict structure and favors objective language that requires authors to refrain from sharing their emotions and opinions. If you struggle to follow the requirements of academic writing, turning to an urgent essay writing service may be the perfect “write my paper for me cheap” solution. Companies like FastEssay offer help from expert writers who can provide you with examples of professional essays and papers in an instant. 

Descriptive Writing

This style is equally helpful in fiction and nonfiction. Its purpose is to set the atmosphere, convey the mood, and engage readers in the story by intriguing them with a particular setting. Therefore, you may witness its applications in fictional novels and poetry or travel guides and journal writing. The descriptive style relies on sensory details to create a picture of a person, place, or object. Think about the means to describe your hometown. 

Do you remember specific sights that others should definitely visit? Maybe street musicians have defined your love for a particular location. You went there every weekend and bought chocolate-flavored ice cream. It was so cold that you could hardly hold the cone in your hand. It tasted like chocolate but smelled like an orange. How was cooking something similar even possible? Okay, maybe none of these elements were in your childhood. But admit, my random description has brought associations that helped you imagine this town. Descriptive writing is exactly about this: some literary devices and small details, referring to sensations. Just try, and you will engage your readers in a fascinating new (or already familiar) world. 

Persuasive Writing

Level up! The name speaks for itself: use this style to persuade your audience. This type of writing contains the author’s opinions and biases but also requires logical reasoning to explain them. I bet you have written argumentative essays in school: take a stance and prove that your position is the best. Is it based on evidence? If not, try harder to find relevant proof! Sounds a bit surreal, but loads of academic articles are dedicated to so many topics that supporting almost any reasoning becomes possible. Please do not forget to cite your sources properly and complete a reference list if the task requires you to do so. Finally, if you want to improve your persuasive writing, try to integrate rhetorical appeals consciously: 

  • Logos appeals to reason and focuses on developing rational arguments that rely on direct evidence and statistics. 
  • Ethos is about authority. If speakers or authors can prove their competence, others are more likely to listen and act accordingly. 
  • Pathos prioritizes emotions. Make your audience feel! They may sympathize with your characters or feel sorry for your unpleasant experience. 

Narrative Writing

I hope you are not tired because the most interesting part only starts! Narration is about delivering a story. Sounds pretty simple? Indeed, everybody tells stories. Simultaneously, be careful: not every piece of writing is a story, and especially a good one. The novel can present characters, conflict, and settings but still leave the audience with a poor impression. Or with no impression at all. The worst you can do is tell a story that nobody will remember or even barely listen till the end. Fortunately, there is a straightforward strategy to avoid such an unpleasant scenario. Ensure that your story (it can be an anecdote, social media post, or a whole poem) does not miss the following: 

  • Recognizable characters. Whoever figures in the story must have specific traits relatable to your audience. For example, this waitress is always late because she reads about superheroes till midnight. 
  • Genuine emotion. Make your characters feel, then your audience will feel too. Empathy is a power that makes stories unforgettable. Do your readers have enough reasons to care for your characters? 
  • Special moment. Descriptions of something vague and abstract rarely evoke emotions. Instead, focus on a specific moment that allows readers to co-create the rest of the picture. 
  • Specific details. We have already talked about the power of sensations. Use such details without hesitation. Once again, do not prioritize abstract concepts. How can we know that the cat in your story treasures his friendship with a boy? Obviously! This unbearable creature always wakes the boy up before the alarm. 

These elements are obvious, like the last example, but many still underestimate their value. You can find more guidelines about storytelling in Kindra Hall’s book Stories That Stick. This author also presents a simplified structure which gets straight to the point, unlike the standard introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Try capturing your readers’ attention with the following: 

  • Normal. Your characters must have a background. Show who they are and what their routine looks like. 
  • Bang! Oh no, something has happened. Oh yes, something has happened! You do not have to disturb your characters’ routine with a tragedy. But this is a fact: the routine must be disturbed. 
  • New normal. Well, something has happened, and the lesson must be learned. Can your characters adjust their lives accordingly? Make them and show their new routine. Ensure your readers are glad to complete this journey alongside the characters. 

Summing Up

I admit our journey was not easy. But the lesson must be learned, and the new routine must be established! Routine in which you can handle every paper regardless of its purpose and complicated requirements. Use expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative writing styles wisely and don’t forget about the key elements of great stories. Make your writing unforgettable, and never stop searching for things you truly enjoy. Once you discover your preferences, your routine will turn into something exciting. Was I talking about writing?

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The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.

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