Ensuring that your child is receiving the suggested daily intake of nutrients is vital to their development. The best way to guarantee your kids get all their vitamins and minerals is to introduce them to superfoods. These options are whole foods, meaning they are refined and processed as little as possible and otherwise free from harmful additives and artificial flavoring. Many superfoods—like turmeric—can prove impossible when you consider how challenging it is for any parent to get their kids to eat healthy snacks. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. Here are seven kid-approved superfoods to try at home.
1. Berries
A variety of berries contain an abundance of vitamin C that is vital for building a healthy immune system and wound healing. Fruits are easier to give to kids than veggies because they’re sweeter (we don’t call them “nature’s candy” for nothing). Berries can be easily made into smoothies as a cool, filling drink during the summer, added to yogurt as a topping, made into popsicles or eaten raw and added to school lunches.
2. Nuts
It’s no secret that nuts are full of healthy oils that will contribute to the health of any growing child. They’re a great portable snack to pack for school, trips and playdates. The best items to buy are bags of trail mix in bulk. They’re great for kids and adults to eat! There is also no need to disguise trail mix because they have bits of chocolate in them for kids to look forward to. For kids with peanut allergies, stick to almonds and cashews.
3. Fish
The healthiest and easiest fish to give your kids is salmon. It’s full of omega-3 fatty acids that will help them maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Kids love pizza, mac-n-cheese and burgers, but salmon will help level out those bad fats with good fats. Although fish is a little harder to disguise for kids who are picky eaters, try making yourself a salmon salad or a homemade variation of fish tacos. Fun-looking meals will entice them to try it. If they still don’t enjoy the salmon, try tuna fish sandwiches.
4. Kale
Although this is not the best-tasting plant, kale is jam-packed with vitamin A, vitamin K and 15 percent of the suggested daily intake of calcium. Even though it’s one of the best kid-approved superfoods to feed your young ones, it is not recommended to serve it to them raw. The best way to ensure your kids fully consume this superfood is by adding it into a smoothie. The sweetness of vanilla extract and delicious fruit will make kale’s strong taste non-existent.
5. Chia Seeds
These seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, iron and calcium which contribute to healthy oxygen transport in the body. In addition, almost all the carbs in chia seeds are fiber, and they are loaded with antioxidants used to fight the production of free radicals. Turn them into a delicious treat by using them to make a chia seed pudding—topped with banana slices and sweetened with honey means your child won’t be able to resist!
6. Eggs
This humble food has kept humanity fed and healthy for millennia. Full of healthy fats and protein, eggs are one of the kid-approved superfoods that will give your child energy and alertness they need. Serve them scrambled, boiled or with vegetables or meats as an omelet. One or two eggs for breakfast will energize your child until lunchtime and keep them strong in the long run.
7. Oatmeal
Steel-cut oats are the most natural and healthy of all the oatmeals. It contains the least amount, if any, of processed sugars. Oatmeal is packed with vitamin B and has been proven to reduce blood glucose levels, prevent heart disease and improve your mood. Replace cereal with oatmeal to cut out tons of carbs and sugars. Serve hot with honey and topped with fruit to elevate its health benefits. When in a time crunch, a jar of overnight oats is your friend.
The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.
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