6 Highest-Paying Jobs in New Jersey (With Salaries)

6 Highest-Paying Jobs in New Jersey (With Salaries)


If you are looking to find the highest paying jobs in nj, you are in the best possible place. Have you ever wondered who makes the most money? If you intend to get some of these, then it would be useful to create an attractive CV first. In case you don’t know much about it, there are dozens of professional services for resume writers in New Jersey that will gladly assist you with it. Experts are always willing to help as they understand the importance of having a great summary of your qualifications. There are many prolific opportunities you can take with it. But without further ado, let’s see which ones are among the most profitable ones.

  • Information Sales Representative

A place that is undoubtedly among the highest paying jobs in New Jersey is information sales representative. There are many companies willing to provide you the option to work remotely (from home) if you’re in the Pacific or Mountain Standard Time zones, as long as you’re up to the task. You shouldn’t hesitate to join one of the healthcare industry’s most dynamic organizations and inject new life into your professional life. If you get such a chance, of course. You want to work for a prestigious organization, one in which your efforts will be recognized and rewarded, and where you can use your talents to make a positive difference in the world. We hope one day to be able to make this a reality for you.


Thanks to the astounding expansion of many companies that need this position, it’s not just a pipe dream. For instance, UnitedHealth Group is always looking for innovative methods to run business service centers, enhance service levels, and assist individuals to live healthier lives. Having the chance to make a contribution is what drives these businesses. These representatives’ salary usually comes between $21-24 per hour, but it depends on the company’s offer.

  • Nursing

Finding the best jobs in New Jersey is not an easy task for anyone, but if you focus your field of interest on nursing, you are blessed! They are highly trained medical specialists who may be found providing care in a variety of settings, including clinics, hospitals, and residential care homes. They are filled with fundamental responsibilities, such as checking a patient’s blood pressure, describing problems, teaching customers, and providing medicine, to get an understanding of their health requirements. It is the responsibility of nurses to interact with physicians and any other members of the medical community who may be able to aid them with their clients. The average yearly salary for this position is about $92,500.

  • Deputy Director Of Security

The security procedures that an organization or site may adhere to are often decided upon by the heads of protection or the supervisors of security. They could oversee a team who are responsible for patrolling the facilities, verifying identity, managing personnel records, and doing a variety of other jobs that contribute to the safety of a facility. It all depends on the magnitude of their business. It’s possible that they work for companies that are contracted to provide services in places like hospitals, airlines, and office towers too. Salaries are mostly around $114k annually.

  • Lawyer

It’s a common thing that attorneys have a high level of income, not just in New Jersey. This task can be broken down into several categories. Supplying professional counsel to state and federal departments and protecting the state in civil cases are some of them. It also covers bringing lawsuits against persons, conglomerates, and other organizations that break the law and cause damage to New Jersey and its inhabitants. The great value that customers place on attorneys is the primary factor that contributes to the high salaries that these professionals command. If your case is successful, you could be able to avoid jail time or perhaps the death penalty, as well as save or make a significant amount of money. The salary depends on the number of clients and length of the cases, but some median price is about $220k and above.

  • Nephrologist

If you are interested in the medical department, particularly, the position of a nephrologist is indeed highly profitable in New Jersey. The typical annual salary reaches sums around $238k. They are medical specialists who diagnose and treat conditions affecting the kidneys. These healthcare experts also concentrate on internal medical diseases that create anomalies in a participant’s water and nutrient balance. These illnesses might include kidney and liver disease, and gastrointestinal disorders.


They make use of sophisticated technology to analyze the condition of this pair of organs of their clients and come up with treatment regimens. It could include medication, dialysis, or surgery. Nephrologists also assist patients diagnosed with diabetes and other illnesses in preventing damage to their kidneys.

  • Bank Managers

With the range of yearly salary that goes between $125k and $409k, the position of a bank manager is another one to consider in this city. Would you prefer to become a part of one of the most well-respected banking firms in the Tri-State region that focuses on serving the local community? For example, Provident Bank is a tall firm with annual revenue of $14 billion with offices in New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and New York that is still in the process of expanding. The fact that they have been in business for such a long time is evidence that they have been true to their promise to always put the needs of their workers.


You can send in your application right away and find out more about the efforts of such firms to improve the experiences of both employees and customers. A bank manager’s job is one of the most important ones in this industry.  Since they are in control of tens of billions of dollars worth of cash and assets, in addition to all of the hazards that come along with those responsibilities.



If you are situated in New Jersey or want to move there, finding a suitable job will be challenging. That’s why we tried to present to you a small portion of positions that will surely be profitable. Even though it depends on multiple factors such as your education, interests, etc, our suggestions will give you a closer insight into jobs you might consider.

The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.