With all that’s going on worldwide, every day feels like a slog continuously draining our energy. Even those stuck inside their homes because of the pandemic feel more restless because of the humdrum routine. It doesn’t have to be that way, however. Feeling energized and well-rested is possible, especially in these trying times.
According to one of the recent studies, 60 percent of American adults feel more tired than ever. Of course, they’re blaming the lifestyle changes caused by the pandemic for this exhaustion. If you are a part of the majority and hope to keep your body’s well-being on track once again, then look no further. Here are a few tips to shake up your lifestyle and feel more energized.
1. Live on A Better and More Exciting Morning Schedule
This may sound contradicting, but yes, you should try to live on a schedule – at least during the morning. By creating an exciting morning schedule, you’ll have something to look forward to at the start of the day. It could be something as simple as breakfast with the family or an hour or two or morning cartoons.
These small routine changes will help you start the day on the right foot. Moreover, if you’re on a schedule in the morning, you’ll also be able to have a healthier body clock. These morning activities don’t have to be extravagant. However, they have to be something you enjoy or something to get your mind off of things.
2. Caffeinate!
A lot of people tend to overlook the benefits of caffeine on the body. The good news is that many others drink coffee as well. According to statistics, Americans consume about 400 million cups of coffee a day. This means that Americans drink more coffee than any other people out there, and that’s a good thing!
Coffee helps you start your day energized and prepared for what lies ahead. Understandably, not many people enjoy the taste of coffee, but this simple dilemma can be easily solved by exploring your options. There are many great delicious coffee brands out there and trust us, there’s sure to be one brand that suits your taste perfectly. But if you are a coffee guru, searching for new flavors, you can always look for product guides and recommendations and based upon them, choose the one you will like most.
A cup of coffee has more benefits than you’d initially think. Aside from kickstarting your day on those slow mornings, it can also improve your physical performance and protect your body via the antioxidants it has. Moreover, coffee is also believed to lessen the risks of cancer, stroke, and even Type II diabetes.
3. Get Physical
As odd as this sounds, getting physical helps you stay energetic throughout the day. Before going through rigorous exercise routines, we always do warm-ups, right? This is the same principle when it comes to keeping your body up and running. You should regularly keep your body active so that it doesn’t feel heavy.
No, we don’t mean suddenly getting up and running around. Simple exercises such as walking back and forth, squeezing a stress ball, or even doing a few squats regularly will help keep the blood actively circulating your body. Keeping active also helps you get a good night’s rest, so be sure to move about during the day.
4. Relax, Meditate, Learn
There will be times when you’ll have to shut everything off around you. Relaxing and meditating helps you clear your mind of the negativity around you. This is more important than ever as the current global situation is indeed stressful. Give yourself some time off and meditate inside your room. Put on some soothing music, aromatic oils, and you’re good to go.
5. Reward Yourself Regularly
You may feel the need to work and work until you can’t anymore, but that is a bad practice that will tire you out. It’s recommended to step away from the computer or your work for a few minutes every hour. This helps lessen the strain on your eyes and mind, which will help you work more effectively eventually.
You should also consider rewarding yourself with treats every once in a while. These rewards come in various forms. It could be something as simple as a cookie or something entertaining like an episode of that series you’ve been planning to watch. These small rewards give you something to look forward to and something to keep you energized.
6. Spend Quality Time With Friends and Family
If you are working from home during this pandemic, you may have things a bit easier knowing that your family is always there to keep you company. Use this as an opportunity to spend more time with them.
Keeping your body energized isn’t always about doing physical activity or feeding yourself with treats. It is also about surrounding yourself with people that help keep you happy and comfortable. You don’t have to do something grand with them. Even something as simple as eating together will go a long way.
7. Sleep!
This should be a given by now but trust us, you aren’t going to live a day fully energized if you don’t have the proper amount of sleep backing you up. Ideally, you’d want to have at least eight hours of sleep nightly. This will be more than enough to take out that sluggish feeling you get throughout the day.
It’s not just enough to get a full night of sleep. You also need to have a regular sleeping schedule. Keeping your body clock unstable will only lead to more sluggishness. It will also put you at risk of becoming sleepy at some parts of the day. If you sleep on a schedule, your body will always know when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to work.
You see, keeping your body energized is as simple as following these small tips we have. Each person has his own keeping peppy, and it’s all about understanding what you want, really. Perhaps the best tip we can give you is to know your body inside and out. The more you familiarize yourself with it, the easier it will be to stay energized and comfortable.
Photo by Magic Mind on Unsplash
The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.
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