Break Up with Work! 8 Tips To Unwind and Enjoy Your Vacation

Break Up with Work! 8 Tips To Unwind and Enjoy Your Vacation


There’s no doubt that work is an important part of your life. From earning a living to attaining a feeling of accomplishment, doing a job or running a business is necessary for survival. That being said, working continuously without a break can take a toll on your productivity and morale. 

Whether you’re feeling overworked or experiencing lower productivity, it’s time to step back and indulge in a much-needed vacation. Taking time off not only does wonders for your professional performance and overall well-being, but it also helps prevent burnout. 

For some people, taking a vacation isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sure, you can book the tickets and explore gems like the towns on the Outer Banks. But it can be a struggle to turn off your work brain and actually enjoy your vacation. 

Want to make the most of your vacation to unwind and revitalize? Here’s everything you need to do to completely unplug.

Cross Off Important Tasks ASAP

If you are planning to take a vacation soon, start by creating a list of everything you need to get done in order of priority. Try to complete the most important things first. This will ensure that you are not stressed about work when you are lounging on a beautiful beach.

Inform Managers & Clients About Your Plans

Nothing is more distressing than receiving a work call on vacation. And not to mention, your spouse, family, or friends will likely find it just as annoying. While you probably have informed your manager and team about your vacation plans, it’s also a good idea to let your clients know.

Set Up Automatic Email Responder

Even after informing various people in your organization, there will be some people that wouldn’t be aware of your vacation plans. And things can turn sour if you don’t respond to their emails. To eliminate any confusion, we suggest setting up an ‘out of office’ autoresponder. 

Plan Several Activities

You’ll probably end up stressing about work if you are sitting in your hotel room all day. That’s why it’s imperative to plan plenty of activities that will fill up your day. From exploring local sites to taking a fun class, make sure you plan a well-rounded itinerary.

But Don’t Go Overboard

A vacation can quickly start feeling like work if you go overboard with planning. So don’t lose your marbles over planning your itinerary to the T. Have a rough idea of what all you want to do on vacation but leave some room for unexpected adventures. Go with the flow!

Focus on Family & Friends

A demanding work schedule can make it difficult to spend quality time with your family and friends. This vacation is an excellent opportunity to pay attention to your loved ones.

Go Offline

With a smartphone and internet access, you’ll be tempted to check your work email. How about going off the grid? Spending a few days offline can help you connect with nature and be present in the moment. 

Consider a Transition Period

Getting into relaxation mode is hard, but getting out of it can be challenging as well. No one wants to sip tropical cocktails one day and then wake up to an overwhelming number of emails. Rather than going right back to work, you should set aside a day to catch up on everything. This transition period will help you get back on track.

Final Words

In today’s hustle culture, even thinking about taking a vacation can be guilt-inducing. But try to remind yourself that not only do you deserve this time off, but you have worked hard to earn it!

Main Photo by Artem Beliaikin.

The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.