Debunking Some of the Most Common Home Selling Myths That Exist Today

home buying myths debunked

Debunking Some of the Most Common Home Selling Myths That Exist Today

home buying myths debunked


In 2020, people sold 5.64 million homes.

If you’re interested in selling your home, you might be wondering what tips can help you sell your house faster. Unfortunately, there are some myths and stereotypes out there about home selling.

So keep reading to find out what myths can be debunked so you can either sell your home quickly or be a smart homeowner.

Price Is Set by Seller

Many people think that the price is set by the seller, but that’s not always true. Yes, the home seller will be the one who has the final say in if they want to sell their house for a certain amount. But they don’t set the original price.

The price of the home will actually be dependent on the condition of the housing market, the location of the property, and the size and condition of the home. The homeowner is normally too emotionally attached or biased about their property, so they wouldn’t be able to prove it accurately anyways.

Even if a homeowner does try and sell their home for more than what it’s worth, if a buyer has to get a mortgage, the bank will only pay what the appraisal is worth. It’s then up to the home buyer to come up with the difference between listed and appraisal price on their own.

You Can Leave Your House Decorated As Is

If you’re trying to sell your home, some people think that they can leave all their pictures, decorations, and even clutter out during an open house.

However, you want people to be able to visualize their own home in the house. And it can be hard to do that when you see pictures of another family or see their artwork and clutter.

If you’re selling the house, keep in mind that people aren’t looking at your house to buy your stuff. Instead, they want to buy the walls that the things are hanging on.

It’s Just Like Reality TV Shows

Some people go into the homeownership journey thinking it’ll be just like the popular TV shows on HGTV. There are plenty of them out there, and while they’re fun to watch, they’re meant to be for entertainment and not a true representation of how it works.

It’s actually more complicated than what is portrayed. For example, it’s very rare that someone will buy a home after only looking at three homes. And depending on the market, your house won’t sell at your first open house.

There’s No Competition

Some people think that it’s really easy to buy a home, but currently, with the market, it’s been more difficult to actually have someone accept your offer.

So even if you’re selling your house, you’ll still have a lot of people who are competing to buy your home.

If you’re trying to buy a home in a competitive market, it may take you a little bit longer to get a loan. That’s because there are so many people trying to get a loan right now that it’s slowing down the closing time.

So if you want to buy a house soon, make sure you schedule in some flexibility. In fact, you should already get a loan before you start shopping for a home.

If you are selling your house but don’t want to deal with finding a lender, you can click for more info here about selling your house for cash.

The Longer It’s on the Market the More Offers You’ll Get

If you’re listing your house, you might plan on leaving it out there for a few weeks, maybe even months. Some people do that thinking that they’ll get better offers.

But in fact, the longer you leave the property on the market, you’ll get even lower offers. People who are interested in buying your home will see how many days it’s been listed and then start wondering what’s wrong with the house and why no one has bought it yet.

You Need an Open House

Even if your realtor really promotes having an open house, you don’t necessarily need one in order to sell your home. This is especially true in a competitive market when people are trying to be the first ones to grab a house.

Plus, having an open house can be a hassle for you. Most real estate agents promote having it so that they can meet other people who might be potential clients at the open house.

After all, people who shop at an open house still have to sell their own home first. That means that a realtor might be able to pick them up as a client.

Instead, skip all of the open houses and only show the house by certain appointments for seriously interested parties. That way you only show the house to seriously interested parties, reduce the chance of someone stealing something from your home, and reduce the probability that it will be damaged while you’re showing it.

Photo by Rowan Heuvel

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