How to Tell Apart Lori Wall Beds from Ordinary Wall Beds

How to Tell Apart Lori Wall Beds from Ordinary Wall Beds


Common wall beds and Lori wall beds serve as cabinets and beds which allows homeowners to save space in their homes. However, not a lot of people understand the difference between these two. This article will tackle the similarities and differences between an ordinary wall bed and Lori wall beds so that homeowners can confidently determine which one is best for them.


Despite the similar functionalities, a common wall bed comes in fewer pieces. It also takes less amount of time to install than a Lori wall bed. Lori wall beds come in multiple pieces, making them easier to move. Lori wall beds have locking leg mechanisms and also require less space. Also, ordinary wall beds have the capacity for larger weight.


Read further below to learn more about ordinary wall beds, Lori wall beds, and their differences.



Differences between Lori Wall Beds and Ordinary Wall Beds


Lori wall beds are a type of wall bed, but not all wall beds are Lori wall beds. Lori wall beds are Murphy beds. Let’s explore the components of each to determine their differences. One should keep in mind that wall beds are those with gas pistons while Lori wall beds as Murphy beds with spring sets.





When wall beds are first ordered, buyers may find that it arrives almost assembled. Homeowners that live in tight apartment buildings may find it hard and a struggle to get the large package inside. However, the common wall beds take less time to install because of their convenient packaging.


Typical wall beds make use of locking legs that hold the bed upright. The bed legs are secure and less likely to pry open. This mechanism of the locking legs indicates where the bed lowers, thus it will always be placed in the right position.


The pressurized gas pistons move the wall bed between the 2 positions. When the gas pistons are opened, they offer a lift to ease the process. As the wall bed is closed, the pressurized gas pistons will dampen the movement.


The gas pistons of the common wall beds do not require floor mounting as they have few moving parts. Typical wall beds are durable, reliable, and appealing esthetically as the visible components stay inside the cabinets. Because these pistons are durable they resist material damage such as breakage, failure, and furniture fatigue. A quality common wall bed has a fast installation process. They can also be easily replaced.


Typical wall beds have smaller cabinets thus homeowners may save more space. They offer less storage on the other hand. Common wall beds are shorter than Lori wall beds thus giving more space in the room.


Both beds usually do not go beyond the maximum weight capacity, typical wall beds can carry 4,000 pounds. This characteristic may be owed to the strong metal components that it has.





Going to Lori wall beds this time, upon its arrival a Lori wall bed usually come in multiple small parts. The Lori wall bed parts can easily be moved through tight spaces, making Lori wall beds ideal for rooms in upstairs locations or with small doors. It may take a longer time to install a Lori wall bed, however. One should follow the instructions from the manufacturers carefully. Otherwise, one may experience a malfunctioning bed.


Unlike common wall beds with gas pistons, Lori wall beds utilize metal spring mechanisms. These metal springs hold Lori wall beds closed when upright. The original Lori wall beds or Murphy beds have made use of heavy spring mechanisms which have been reengineered and perfected over the years.


Modern Murphy beds or Lori wall beds have bulkier cabinets with bi-foldable doors rather than a panel as that of common wall beds, and they do not stay in the cupboard always.


One places the springs under tension after installing the bed. When the bed is lifted, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy in the springs. As the bed is moved, the Lori wall bed springs release the stored energy and produce an extra force that works with the assembler to displace the Lori wall bed.


Several tools and gloves are needed to install the spring system of Lori wall beds. For homeowners who are not handy, the hired help of professionals in installing or replacing the springs may be necessary. The Lori wall bed needs to be mounted to the floor.


Through time, the metal will waken because of the weight that has been applied to the bed and so replacing the springs could be necessary. The springs may elongate and fatigue resulting in a bed that may not correctly fit in the cabinet.


Lori wall beds owing to their heavy frame may leave holes in the floor. Homeowners may want to get a decorative rug to conceal the damage when the bed is locked up.


Murphy beds or Lori wall beds can carry around 2,000 pounds of weight. The capacity may be less than that of common wall beds but it can be unlikely to reach this value.



Similarities of Lori Wall Beds and Ordinary Wall Beds


Remember that the comfort of an ordinary wall bed and Lori wall beds depend on the mattress that one chooses. Mattresses for both beds can be one up to 12 inches thick. Owing to the use of a regular sleeping mattress, one may find that both the typical wall bed and Lori wall beds are far more comfortable to use compared to futons and standard beds.


Lori wall beds or even just a typical wall bed can be ideal to be installed in a guest room. Installing them to convert a child’s old room into an office is also widely done, with the option of giving them a bed when they visit the home.


A lot of homeowners utilize Lori wall beds for second guest rooms to normally use the space for other functions like an office, fitness center, living room, or even an art studio. There may be times when homeowners have too many people over will be the time when Lori wall beds come into use. They will just have to unfold the bed and let them spend the night over.


A degree of risk can be associated with Lori wall beds and typical wall beds from them not being secured properly and falling on a person. Some cases involve cabinet portions collapsing on individuals that are sleeping and even trapping them inside. Homeowners just have to keep in mind that only a very few deaths have occurred from Lori wall beds, and are safe overall.

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