Smart Roulette Strategies for Every Player

Smart Roulette Strategies for Every Player


Roulette is one of the most popular and timeless casino games, offering players excitement with every spin. But beyond luck, strategic approaches can help you manage your bets and maximise potential winnings. This guide explores various roulette strategies, from the Fibonacci sequence to the famous James Bond system, and offers clear instructions and ratings for each. These strategies can bring structure and discipline to your game and help you navigate the unpredictability of Roulette with confidence, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player. To try these strategies yourself, use Richard casino bonus codes and put your skills to the test in a secure and entertaining environment.


This roulette strategy is based on the Fibonacci sequence, a fixed numerical sequence that progressively determines the bet size. Depending on the loss or win of a coup, the player moves forward or backward within the sequence. When you get back to the beginning, you have made a basic bet as a profit.


  • Write down the Fibonacci sequence and set a basic bet of 1% to 2% of your budget.
  • Bet on a simple chance. The stake is determined by the current position in the sequence: the current number is multiplied by the basic stake. If you lose, move up one place in the sequence; if you win, move back two places.
  • A round is completed with a profit of one basic stake when you get back to the first position.

Fibonacci strategy at a glance

  • Negative progression based on the Fibonacci sequence
  • Increase the stake when you lose and decrease it when you win
  • When the progression ends, the player returns to the beginning


The system is similar to the Martingale strategy, but is much less risky because the stakes do not increase as quickly. However, a losing streak can also be a problem here. The strict specification of the stake size can be an advantage for all players looking for discipline.


Shotwell is a newer roulette strategy specifically for American roulette. Instead of a progression, the bet is always five units. This effectively covers every fourth number in the wheel to achieve a theoretical probability of winning of 25%. This is possible in seven different ways. The player combines a double street with four single bets, each on one number.


  • Select a suitable basic stake. To protect yourself against losing streaks, you should opt for 1% to 2% of your budget.
  • In each coup, select one of the following combinations:
    • Six numbers 1 to 6 and individual numbers 8, 10, 20, 26
    • Six numbers 4 to 9 and individual numbers 10, 13, 14, 15
    • Six numbers 10 to 15 and individual numbers 16, 17, 18, 28
    • Six numbers 13 to 18 and individual numbers 11, 12, 27, 28
    • Six numbers 19 to 24 and individual numbers 1, 2, 4, 26
    • Six numbers 28 to 33 and individual numbers 00, 22, 24, 35
    • Six numbers 31 to 36 and individual numbers 0, 00, 29, 30
  • With a hit on the double street, you get your bet back because the payout is 5: 1. The individual bets result in a payout of 36: 1.

Shotwell strategy at a glance

  • Strategy for American Roulette with even bets per round
  • Coverage of one quarter of all numbers in the wheel
  • If you win, you get paid 5: 1 or 36: 1


Shotwell is only practical for American Roulette due to the arrangement of the numbers in the wheel. An adaptation for European Roulette requires more than five units as a basic bet per round. The Shotwell strategy is very interesting and gives you a free choice within the seven combinations. However, you must bear in mind that covering a quarter of all numbers also means that you will lose around 75% of all coups.

Red/Black system

With this roulette strategy, the player covers 26 numbers with a small bet on each spin. The principle: the third column on the table contains two more red numbers. With a bet on this column and the colour black, you have a 70% chance of success. Conversely, the roulette system is possible with the second column and the colour red.


  • Set your basic stake at 1% to 2% of your budget.
  • In each round, you bet a total of 3 units. The Red strategy requires one of these on the third column and the other two on the colour black. If you play the Black strategy, bet one unit on the middle column and two on red.
  • The payouts are 2:1 for the columns, but only 1:1 for the colours, which is why it is important to bet correspondingly more. If you are only right about the colour, you will make a profit of 1 unit. If both bets are successful, you will make a profit of 4 units.

The Red Strategy at a glance

  • You bet on a colour and a column per coup
  • Coverage of 26 numbers in the wheel
  • Constant stakes without progression


The strategy is only unsuccessful in just over 30% of all coups. However, each completely lost round costs you three units, while you only win one unit if you win with the colour. The probability of winning a double hit is around 10%. However sophisticated the system is, you always need a little luck.

Tiers et Tout

‘Tiers et Tout’ is French for “a third and then everything”. This already contains the essence of this roulette strategy, with which the well-known player Thomas Garcia is said to have won millions. The player bets a third of his capital on a simple chance, namely on the opposite of what was last called. If the player loses, he immediately bets the rest on the same chance.


  • The player divides his capital into one-third and two-thirds and observes which simple chance has fallen last, for example black or odd.
  • The player bets one-third on the opposite, such as red.
  • If the player wins, the round of betting is over; if he loses, he bets two-thirds again on the same chance.

Overview of the Tiers et Tout strategy

  • Bet on a simple chance
  • A round lasts a maximum of two coups
  • Chance of quickly increasing or losing all capital


The Tiers et Tout strategy for roulette assumes that the simple chances will change frequently. If luck is on your side, the player quickly increases his capital by a third. However, if the same colour comes up three times in a row, the entire stake is lost. If the player wins, they get back double the current stake. Even if the first win only comes in the second round, there is still a profit. Nevertheless, the system carries a high risk due to the distribution of the entire capital on just two coups.

James Bond

This roulette strategy is named after the famous British secret agent 007. The principle of the James Bond system is to cover a large number of numbers, including zero, in three bets totalling 20 units. The strategy can therefore only be played with French or European roulette. The player bets on the numbers 19-36, 13-18 and zero.


  • For the first bet, the player places 14 units on ‘high’, i.e. the numbers 19-36.
  • For the second bet, the player places five units on the transversal 13-18.
  • In the third bet, the player places the last unit on zero.

James Bond strategy at a glance

  • The player needs 20 units for a full game round.
  • These are spread across a large number of numbers in three coups.
  • A late win cannot compensate for previous losses.


A win on the number group 19-36 means a payout of eight units. If, on the other hand, the ball lands on the numbers 13 to 18, the player wins ten units. Zero yields a win of 16 units. If the numbers 1-12 come up, all 20 units are lost. This happens in about a third of all coups. After just two lost coups, the player is already 40 units in the red. Even in the best case, winning the third coup cannot even make up for half of the loss. The risk of losing all of the capital is high.

Kavouras bet

The Kavouras roulette strategy uses eight units covering 20 different numbers. The approach tries to cover a large area of the wheel or tableau. To do this, the player uses the carré, the transversale and the cheval bets. The idea is to map chance by spreading the numbers and keeping the bets per round low.


  • The player places one unit on the first four numbers as a square, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3.
  • The player places one unit on the street 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.
  • The player places one unit each on the pairs 8+11, 13+14, 15+18, 17+20 and 27+30.

Kavouras strategy at a glance

  • Each round, eight units are placed on fixed numbers.
  • The player combines one square, one straight and five pairs.
  • Possible winnings: one unit, four units or ten units per


After three consecutive losses, Kavouras’ strategy is no longer able to compensate for the previous losses, even with the best possible win. The overall expectation of winning is negative. The strategy is only flexible when it comes to the size of the stakes.

Oscar’s Grind

The Oscar’s Grind strategy is played on even money or on one or even two dozen. A cycle begins with a basic bet and, if you win, you increase the bet by one unit. Oscar’s Grind is best suited for long series but works less well when results alternate.


  • Set your basic bet as 1% to 5% of your budget.
  • Bet on the even-money chances or, alternatively, on one or two dozen. If you win, increase the stake by one unit; if you lose, leave the stake as it is.
  • Keep track of your total profit and you can get out of the round if you have won a basic stake.

Oscar’s Grind strategy at a glance

  • Progression with bets on even-money chances
  • Increase in profit, otherwise the stake remains the same
  • One unit profit per cycle


A winning streak can offset previous losses with the Oscar’s Grind system, but a fragmented streak is a major weakness of the strategy. If you choose a low base bet, you will hardly have any problems with the betting limit. However, the profit is only one base bet per cycle. If you observe long streaks at a roulette wheel, you should follow this roulette winning system.

Nugget System

The Nugget Roulette strategy combines the three simple chances. The player decides on one option at a time and bets a power of two units, for example four or eight. Subsequently, the player only changes the bet amount depending on the win or loss.


  • The player decides on one of the three simple chances at a time, i.e. between red and black, even and odd, high and low.
  • The bet for each chance is a multiple of two, for example eight.
  • The stake of a losing chance is halved, even down to one unit.

The Nugget Strategy at a glance

  • Only simple chances and all three at the same time.
  • The bet is a multiple of two.
  • Depending on whether you win or lose, all bets are doubled or split.


The Nugget Strategy assumes that the chances in roulette change frequently. In this case, winnings are possible and halving the stakes should limit losses. The system works best with a fixed profit target. If the player hits a streak without change, high profits are possible. However, it is a fallacy that future outcomes can be predicted based on previous results.

Watching the wheel

‘Kesselgucken’ is a roulette strategy that attempts to predict the exact winning number. To do this, the player observes the wheel and the croupier and only bets once the ball is already in motion. With practice, the player is able to narrow down the possible fields and bet on the corresponding numbers based on experience, the speed of the wheel and the ball, and the croupier’s technique. Lucrative winnings are possible due to the high payout.


  • The player watches the wheel and the croupier carefully and learns details about the throwing technique and speeds.
  • In a coup, where in the wheel the ball starts, how fast the ball runs and how fast the wheel rotates, counts. Based on experience, the player calculates how many rotations the ball will complete, which results in a zone for the landing.
  • The player quickly bets on the possible winning numbers within the determined zone. In European roulette, these pay out 35:1.

Croupier strategy at a glance

  • Physical system instead of betting strategy
  • Observation of the croupier and wheel
  • Predicting where the ball will land


Even if you can possibly identify certain tendencies by watching the wheel for years, it is hardly possible to practice in a casino, as the operator can ban you from entering if you use aids. High speeds and computer-controlled wheels further complicate the system. In the live casino, you often have very little time to place bets after the ball has rolled. Nowadays, watching the wheel is hardly possible.

Summary of roulette strategies

Is there a surefire roulette system?

Depending on your preferences, your budget and your preferred roulette variant, you can choose from a variety of roulette strategies. Never forget that roulette is still a game of chance where you cannot avoid the house advantage and even with a roulette winning system, not every coup can be successful. You can only minimise the risk, but not eliminate it completely.

Before you wager real money at the virtual roulette table, we recommend testing your strategy for free. In the online casino, you can use play money to not only get to know roulette in all its variations, but also to try out how well your roulette tactics work without risk and with no strings attached. When you switch to real-money roulette, be sure to use free credits for your bets. With the right welcome bonus, you can double your first deposit!

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