When you’re older or if you have a disability, you become more vulnerable to illness and more susceptible to injury during the winter months. Hence it is essential to stay safe, warm, take good care of your health. Here are some aspects to keep in mind when the colder months set in:
Stay warm, Stay indoors:
Wherever possible, arrange for help for your shopping and avoid being outdoors for long periods of time. It is also vital to ensure your boiler is serviced to ensure it doesn’t breakdown during the cold months. It is also worth setting the heating to a timer, so your home is warm in the morning. To keep yourself warm at night, it is worth investing on multiple warm accessories.
Prepare your home:
Is your furniture comfortable? Making sure you have comfortable furniture is essential to staying content during months we spend most time indoors. For instance, rise and recline chairs are ideal as they keep feet elevated, improving circulation and help sooth aches and pains.
Moreover additions such as a hand rail or ramp to the front door can provide added stability and confidence, and an automatic outside light can help with visibility when outdoors at night preventing slips and falls.
Wear Appropriate footwear:
Studies show that the wrong type of shoe can have far-reaching health consequences. Ill-fitting or unsuitable shoes could cause a lower quality of life in areas related to pain, foot function, general health and physical activity.
The wrong footwear can also lead to slips and falls, which can lead to major injuries. Hence when it comes to protecting your feet and your health, you need to ensure you own comfortable and supported footwear and make regular visits to a podiatrist to pre-empt any potential problems.
Care for your physical and mental health:
We all tend to indulge during winter months and although there is nothing wrong with treating yourself, it is vital to maintain a balance. A balanced diet is key to keeping your body working in an optimum condition; it helps preventing illness and maintaining good energy levels. Be mindful of your sugar, fats and alcohol consumption and stay hydrated!
Especially in recent years, there has been a major focus on mental health. Winter months can be particularly taxing on our mental health, so it is important to set things in place to help you cope. Make the most of natural light, avoid stress and connect with people.
Main image: Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash
The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.
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