Strategies for Success in Writing Argumentative Essays

Strategies for Success in Writing Argumentative Essays


The whole point of writing an argumentative essay is to persuade the target audience to agree with an opinion shared in such an essay, even when such an opinion is controversial. Therefore, achieving success in writing an argumentative essay means presenting a compelling argument supported by evidence and proper reasoning. Below, you will find the most effective strategies for success in writing a convincing argumentative essay. 

1. Select an arguable topic that you also find compelling, puzzling, or appealing

Think about an issue or a topic that might be interesting, controversial, or cause heated public discussions. Keep in mind that it shouldn’t be too broad or too limited, either. Before you get to writing, think about the goal of the paper. What idea or view do you wish to prove? What purpose are you trying to achieve with this paper? These are the aspects you need to consider if you’ve decided to write it yourself instead of choosing to buy argumentative essay. In other words, try to articulate the purpose of writing such a paper before you begin writing. It will help figure out which approach to use to convince the reader. 

2. Form an arguable thesis statement

 A thesis statement is the basis of the whole paper. To ensure the reader keeps reading your essay until the end, the thesis statement has to be catchy and memorable. Based on the topic in question, decide whether you will assert or deny the statement about your topic. Thesis statements combine observations and opinions, and that’s what you should be aiming at when writing one. Spend more time writing a compelling thesis statement if you think the existing one sounds weak. If you experience problems writing your thesis statement, try freewriting. Jot down everything that comes to mind.  It will help you formulate an arguable thesis statement later on. Don’t forget that the thesis statement encapsulates the whole paper, which is why it has to express your stance on the issue in question and highlight the key points you plan to address in your essay. 

3. Present convincing evidence

Credible evidence is the best way to prove why your point of view deserves to exist and convince the reader to agree with you. You need to introduce the evidence you are going to discuss in the paper and explain its significance regarding the argument in question. The evidence you’ve gathered won’t speak for itself. A key element of a successful writing strategy is to demonstrate how each piece of the facts and data you present supports or elucidates your argument. Use it strategically to prove your point and convince the reader. Keep in mind that a reflective writer is one who can anticipate the readers’ counterarguments. Your goal is to address them in the paper and either accommodate those arguments or refute them. 

4. Use Effective Transitions

To make sure the target audience doesn’t stop reading your essay halfway through, you need to craft it in a clear and easy-to-understand way. Moreover, use different transitions to guide your readers through the paper and ensure that you highlight the evidence-based arguments that you use to prove your point. One of the most useful strategies for successful writing is establishing a logical flow of your arguments. The paper should be appealing or thought-provoking if you want the reader to react to it in some type of way. 

5. Maintain a formal tone

If you want the reader to believe you, avoid oversharing, using emotional language, or presenting evidence as your own opinion. Such a formal tone will be another convincing factor in proving your point and persuading the target audience that your opinion regarding the issue in question is the one they should agree with. Both what you say in your paper and how you say it matters. Therefore, think about the essay structure, the writing approach, and the style you are going to use in your essay to sound more convincing. This strategy often proves to be effective and influences the reader to believe that the argument you are trying to prove actually makes a lot of sense.

6. Edit and revise

This is a critical aspect of argumentative essay writing because it helps you determine whether all the arguments you’ve listed are convincing. Moreover, you’ll go over your evidence one more time to ensure you haven’t forgotten anything. Here are some of the techniques you can use to make sure that your writing is clear and concise:

  • Take a short break. Taking a break before editing helps you unwind and come back to your writing refreshed. You will get a different perspective, allowing you to rewrite a few paragraphs to sound even more convincing. 
  • Eliminate irrelevant information. Reread your essay a few times and delete any information that does not help you illustrate your point or bring something new to the discussion. Such information can distract the reader, which is why eliminating it is vital. 
  • Check for consistency. Make sure that you have used correct terminology in your essay and supported each argument with proper evidence. Double-check that the arguments highlighted in the paper are consistent with the thesis statement. 
  • Ask for feedback. If possible, ask a friend or a classmate to review your argumentative essay and highlight all the aspects they think need improvement. It’s a perfect opportunity to get a fresh perspective on the issue and make changes to your paper. 


Writing an impressive argumentative essay calls for a combination of effective strategies, motivation, and a compelling argument that causes a serious discussion. The strategies for success mentioned above are a perfect guide to adhere to when you want to persuade the reader of your argumentative essay and convince them to agree with you, no matter how controversial your argument is. With practice and commitment, you will master the skill of writing a compelling argumentative essay and persuade others to see your point of view. Achieving success in argumentative essay writing is easier than you think. You just need a plan to adhere to.

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