If you’re running a law firm, you probably have many challenges with which you must contend. For instance, you need to attract new clients. You need to bolster your online reputation. You might need to hire additional lawyers if you’re trying to expand.
You’ll need to consider the various kinds of law firm marketing that exist and select the strategies that you feel will work best for you. If you’re not an expert in this area, you will probably need to hire one.
You might reach out to a single marketing specialist or hire an agency. Either way, they will probably point to a few specific elements that might help your law firm’s website attract new visitors and potential customers.
We’ll talk about a few of the elements that should appear on your site right now.
Clean, Well-Written Copy
No matter what kind of website you run, if you want to make new arrivals feel welcome, you should feature clean, well-written copy. That probably means hiring a copywriter who knows the English language very well.
Some individuals who run websites hire freelancers from overseas to write their copy. They may also turn to AI programs. Both strategies can often backfire.
If you hire individuals from overseas who don’t speak English as a first language, then they might write copy for you that’s full of typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors. They might write in an unnatural fashion or use incorrect terminology.
As for AI programs, they have their uses, but seldom can you find one advanced enough to write copy for your website that features all the keywords you need. The copy might also sound very stilted or robotic.
You usually need a native English speaker to write excellent copy for a law website, and you need someone who knows the legal profession at least a bit as well. That combination should yield the results you want.
Professional-Quality Photos and Videos
You should also feature some professional-quality photos on your website. As a lawyer, you might want imagines of you standing on the courthouse steps, meeting with clients, going into the courtroom, etc.
These images will show your clients who they are hiring. You don’t want stock images. These always send the message that you’re not a first-class law firm.
You should feature some videos on your site as well. Ideally, they should introduce you and show you in action. You should dress in your best outfit and have a professional photographer or videographer shoot the videos.
People like visual elements on websites. Without those, you might have nothing but long blocks of text. Nobody likes engaging with those, and images and videos break up a site’s monotony.
Social Media Buttons
Your law firm’s website should also feature some social media buttons on the landing page, ideally above the fold. The term “above the fold” on websites means on the landing page before a visitor starts scrolling down.
Social media buttons, when a site visitor clicks on them, allow them to start following your law firm’s social media accounts. If you don’t have social media accounts set up yet, then you definitely need those.
You might set up a profile for your law firm on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, LinkedIn, and others. If you’re not sure about which social media platforms to use, talk to a social media expert.
Usually, you want to only focus on the platforms that will get you conversions and generate the most brand interest. Tying your social media accounts to your law firm’s website should help you get conversions, though. It’s a way of demonstrating that your firm embraces the modern world and its most popular forms of technology.
An Explanation of Your Services
You should also describe what services your law firm does and doesn’t offer on your website. As you’re no doubt aware, the legal niche features dozens of categories and subcategories. You probably handle certain cases, but not others.
If you handle personal injury lawsuits, you might mention that you take dog bite cases, premises liability cases, medical malpractice cases, car accident cases, etc. If you handle business law or environmental law, you might talk about that. If you do criminal defense, then you should feature information about that.
Part of having a website that will impress the most potential customers means plainly stating what services you provide. You need clarity regarding your practice. Anyone visiting will appreciate that, as they can quickly ascertain whether you’re the right law firm to handle their legal needs.
A Company Blog
You may also get more conversions if you add a company blog. Not all companies feature one on their website, but almost all of them should add one.
You can write your company’s blog if you have the writing ability and can find the time. If you’re an expert in a certain area of the law, you can demonstrate that when you talk about your cases. You may also discuss anything else happening in the legal niche that you feel will interest your potential clients.
You can have guest writers on your blog if you feel that will add to its prestige. You can poll your followers on social media and see what topics they would like you to write about.
A blog can get the conversation going. Those lively interactions with your potential clients may get you some more conversions. If you write some blogs from your standpoint as an expert, you can show that you have a keen legal mind.
All these elements can help you to attract more site visitors and get more conversions. Your site should also load quickly and not feature any pop-ups or similar distracting elements.
If you are not sure about any element of your blog, try visiting it with fresh eyes. Imagine you are a potential customer and try to see if you notice anything lacking. An SEO company can help you with that as well.
The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.