The City of Hoboken is currently accepting applications for their Green Infrastructure Workforce as a part of the Summer Youth Employment Program. Applicants should be Hoboken residents who possess an interest in the improvement of our parks, streets, and public spaces.
Green infrastructure is a system of water management that utilizes trees and plants to absorb rainfall, effectively reducing flooding, and improving overall water quality and public health. As an economical and environmentally conscious alternative to costly, water treatment plants, green infrastructure is truly the future of water management.
Trainees will receive 10 hours of training in the installation and maintenance of green infrastructure before becoming part-time, city employees who provide seasonal assistance to the Department of Environmental Services. This program will instill valuable knowledge and skills in its employees that will prepare them for future employment in the burgeoning green market.
Interested persons are invited to submit applications at either of the following recruitment workshops:
Wednesday, June 14, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Hoboken Housing Authority
221 Jackson Street
Monroe Gardens Community Room
Thursday, June 15, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Hoboken City Hall
94 Washington Street
Ground Floor Conference Room