Benefits of Yoga: Kid Friendly, Parent Approved

Benefits of Yoga: Kid Friendly, Parent Approved

Abby Montanez

If the change of season has you slowing down, just remember your little ones aren’t! Keeping them entertained is a job in itself, and aside from getting some fresh air, enrolling your kids in activities can help them develop positive self-esteem and increase creativity. Yoga, for example, not only benefits adults, but it can actually help kids when it comes to emotional, physical, or social challenges. Practicing correct breathing techniques and following behavioral guidelines are just some of what helps to maintain our chakra‘s, resulting in a more balanced physical and emotional state. These exercises can be completed wherever you find stress to be a main component, whether that be at school or work. Striking a pose can happen anywhere, anytime, free of cost and there is no equipment necessary, just some more added benefits of yoga. 

If you’re interested in embracing your inner child’s pose, The Brunswick School in Jersey City is offering free family yoga classes, this Saturday, February 27th. A way for not only you, but your entire family to unwind. Children must be between the ages of 2 ½ and 5 years old, and it’s being held from 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. For any questions, additional information, or to RSVP (by February 24th), email [email protected].

Not free this weekend? Check out where else in Hudson County you can experience the benefits of yoga:
Devotion Yoga & Wellness – Hoboken
MiMi Yoga – Hoboken
Yoga in the Heights – Jersey City
SunMoon Hot Yoga – Jersey City
Ojas Yoga Center – Edgewater, North Bergen
Divine Yoga & Wellness – Secaucus


benefits of yoga

Abby is The Digest's Managing Editor. She spends her time looking at dogs on Instagram and eating her way around Jersey City.