Earlier this year, Emma Thompson revealed that it was a psychic prediction that led her husband Greg Wise to marry her. Before Greg Wise began shooting for his first big movie “Sense and Sensibility” in 1995, he went to meet a psychic friend, who predicted that he would meet his future wife on the sets of the movie. Although the prophecy proved to be correct, it did not go as the actor had expected initially. When the movie began shooting, Emma Thompson was married to actor Kenneth Branagh. In fact, the only unmarried actor on the set was Kate Winslet, so Wise asked her out. They went to the Glastonbury festival together, but Wise realized that it was a wrong call.
Emma Thompson and Branagh got divorced the same year that “Sense and Sensibility” came to the theatres. It was Kate Winslet who suggested Emma Thompson to Wise and pointed out that they would be perfect for each other. Greg admits the outcome was the way his psychic friend Helen had prophesied. Had he not received the prediction, he would have never asked Kate Winslet on a date, nor Winslet would have suggested Emma Thompson to him.
Thompson further added that her marriage to Greg Wise helped her recover from the pain she went through with Branagh. She had realized that Branagh and Helen Bonham Carter were having an affair, which caused her great distress. But dating Greg Wise helped her get over her pain. Wise and Thompson dated for eight years before they got married in 2003. And it all began with a bit of psychic intervention and help from Kate Winslet.
Psychics help many people all over the world solve their relationship problems and meet their future partners. Most of these people go through relationship troubles and are scared to get into a new one or go on a date. Although they are often urged by their friends and family members to move on and find someone new, they find it difficult to trust someone. Psychic readings can help them be sure that there is a future in dating, and they are bound to meet their future partner. Often they are torn between their intuition and the advice they receive from their well-wishers and their friends. Psychics can help them choose between the two or find a third new path to meet their soulmate.
Some people prefer to meet a psychic in person, while others prefer an online reading. Although many people don’t feel confident about online psychic readings, they are better in many ways. The best advantage is that one can choose a psychic based on their reviews. Some online sources, like Mysticmag, publish comprehensive surveys on different psychic websites. For example, their detailed review on California psychic services can tell a user everything he or she needs to know before getting a psychic reading from their website. California psychics have been providing readings since 1995 to people all over the world. Their team of expert psychic advisors answers questions on various topics, such as relationships, marriages, careers, and many other matters.
Psychics often tune in with their energy and seek help from spirit guides or angels. They establish a connection between their spirit guides and conduct the reading according to the information they get from the spiritual world. People are often confused about whether they should follow conventional means of dating, or they should choose online dating apps. Psychic readings can guide people in choosing the path where they will meet success. The readings can also tell the person what qualities the person would possess or what is the profession of the person they are going to meet.
Some of these factors can be great icebreakers for two people and help them converse actively. Knowing such information can enable people to be prepared for such conservations. Everyone who meets a psychic regarding their relationship does not necessarily get the answer they had hoped for. But more than often, they are the answers that would help them. For example, a psychic might tell them that now is not the right time for relationships, and they should focus on their career or education at the moment. Some psychics also advise if there is a connection between their personal life and work life. Many people might be looking at the wrong avenues to find their future partner, and a psychic can guide them accordingly.
Psychic readings don’t always work the way we want them to. Take the example of Emma Thompson and Greg Wise. But psychics can tell us what our destiny is, and if we trust the path that they suggest, we will meet success eventually.
The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.