Moving in together? Helpful tips to know before signing the lease.
Moving in together with your significant other is an eye-opening experience. You’ll learn things about your partner that only their college roommate and mother have seen, but how do you know if you’re ready for that? Here are 10 things to know before moving in together:
We’re only human.
One of the first milestones you have to conquer before moving in together is feeling comfortable enough to fart, burp or do any other dating-related taboo around each other with no shame.
You’re not just playing house.
Have a discussion about each other’s household pet peeves like dirty dishes left in the sink or hair in the shower. If you can accommodate each other’s needs without feeling like you have to severely alter your lifestyle, then you’ll prevent a lot of nagging and bickering.
Good morning, beautiful.
If you still quickly sneak out of bed in the morning, run to the bathroom, brush your teeth, put a little makeup on, and run back to bed pretending you woke up looking that fresh, you may be in trouble. No one wakes up looking like sunshine and rainbows the second you wake up in the morning, so don’t bother pretending. If they’re a keeper, they’ll love you regardless.
The honeymoon stage is over, honey.
Listen to everyone who tells you that there’s a strong possibility that moving in together may actually result in less of a desire to have sexytime.
Date night = sweatpants and Netflix.
Spending time together isn’t as fleeting and precious after moving in together. You’ll both soon become content with doing absolutely nothing but vegging out on the couch a few times a week.
“When are you gonna put a ring on it?”
Can you handle getting grilled by your future in-laws about your intentions? My extended family asks my boyfriend when they should expect an engagement announcement every time they see him. Be prepared for overbearing aunts and grandmas who have wedding fever and have an answer ready so you don’t stumble over your words.
Put the boxing gloves on and ring the bell.
If you’ve had a handful of serious fights but were able to work them out without throwing plates or a hair dryer at one another, you’re ready to move in. You’re bound to have more disagreements after moving in, but you’re forced to work them out because it’s not like you can just shut your phone off and ignore them for a few hours now.
Share your guilty pleasures.
Everyone has some quirky things they do in the privacy of their own home that no one else knows about. You’re being allowed access to that mystery world. Accept these things, such as their guilty pleasure TV shows, without making fun of them too much.
“Wanna go to girls night out with me?”
Now that you’re cohabitating, you’re basically considered one person to your friends and family. You no longer get invited to parties and events without the automatic assumption that your partner will be joining you. Girls/Guys nights will seem like a wonderful gift, but the majority of the conversation will still probably revolve around your relationship.
Puppies, kittens and Pinterest.
Theoretically you should spend less money after moving in together since you’re splitting all expenses. But moving in is a slippery slope – shortly after you’ll be looking to buy a puppy or kitten to complete your little family while simultaneously creating Pinterest wedding boards. It’s the beginning of the end, my friend.
Lauren is a writer and blogger for The Digest. A lifelong Sussex County resident, Lauren has adventured out of the sticks of northwest New Jersey to join The Digest team. When she is not commuting in rush hour traffic, she is typically frolicking outdoors or cheering on the Yankees.
- Lauren Scrudato
- Lauren Scrudato
- Lauren Scrudato
- Lauren Scrudato