Happy Headlines To Cheer Up Your Friday

Happy Headlines To Cheer Up Your Friday

Lauren Scrudato

The cold, rainy weather may have you feeling down in the dumps despite the excitement of it being Friday. So here are some heartwarming headlines from this past week to cheer you up.

Alabama: 11-Year-Old Girl Protects Younger Students From Gunfire

J’Nay Bailey of Huntsville, Alabama instinctively saved two of her younger classmates from gunfire while walking home from school. She had the two girls, one in kindergarten, the other a first grader, drop to the ground as she covered the three of them with her jacket until the gunfight was over. No one was injured, and she was recognized for her efforts at the school’s board meeting on Thursday.
Read the full story here

South Carolina Man Spotted Mowing Lincoln Memorial Lawn During Shutdown

Noble citizen Chris Cox said he felt obligated to continue the upkeep of the lawn and surrounding areas of the Lincoln Memorial during the government shutdown. He wanted to make sure the capitol looked presentable for veterans who will be arriving this weekend for the Million Vet March.
Read the full story here

Michigan Man Paying It Forward With Free Coffee

Dan Dewey, 67, has been delivering coffee to three cancer centers in Oakland every Wednesday and Thursday for seven years. He spends nearly $200 to deliver over 90 coffees a week. Dewey’s act of generosity sparked when he had to drive his father to chemotherapy appointments each week. While his dad was going through the treatment, he would run out to get coffee and eventually asked if any other patients wanted any. Now he still makes the coffee runs even though his father is no longer a patient. People who have heard that he has recently run out of funds have offered donations.
Check out the website to donate

TaterTot The Dog Saves New Owner’s Son

This story has a double dose of heartwarming elements. Tatertot the pit bull was saved by Christi Smith just hours before he was to be euthanized. Smith only intended on fostering the pup until she could find him a permanent home, but when Tatertot saved her four-year-old son a few days later, she knew she had to keep him.
Tatertot began to bark and whine in the middle of the night as he ran back and forth between Smith and her son, Peyton. Smith knew something must be wrong and when she checked on her child, she realized he was barely breathing. Peyton’s blood sugar was dangerously low, but after receiving treatment at the hospital, everyone went home happy and healthy.
Read the full story here

High School Athlete Trades In Brand New Car To Provide Teammate With Car

Chandler Lacefield, 17, gave up her graduation gift — a brand new Jeep — to buy two smaller cars so both she and her best friend MacKenzie Sterner could experience the freedom of a driver’s license. Sterner’s mother couldn’t afford to buy her daughter a car, so she was always relying on others to bring her to work and around town. After getting permission from her parents and Sterner’s mother, Lacefield traded in her Jeep to purchase a 2002 Acura MDX for her friend and a 2011 BMW 328 for herself. (Her parents had to take an additional loan to cover her own car.)
Read the full story here

Lauren is a writer and blogger for The Digest. A lifelong Sussex County resident, Lauren has adventured out of the sticks of northwest New Jersey to join The Digest team. When she is not commuting in rush hour traffic, she is typically frolicking outdoors or cheering on the Yankees.