Raising the Bar One Releve’ at a Time

bar method of hoboken

Raising the Bar One Releve’ at a Time

Caroline Burns

The Bar Method of Hoboken, NJ

Recently I had pleasure of taking my first Bar Method class at their new location on 86 River Street in Hoboken and while I was expecting a more adult version of my 1st grade ballet class, what I got was something so much more.  Conveniently located downtown near the path, this chic spa like studio offers women not only an intense total body workout but an opportunity to challenge themselves and their bodies in ways they haven’t before all while in a beautiful setting.

The Methodology:

Owner Melissa Opsahl orchestrates the class with high intensity fun music for the 8 series workout regime which is the Bar Method consisting of the below workouts:

1.  Arm Work – Starting class off with low weights (2-3lbs).

a. Vertical & lateral arm raises (2lb weights)


b. One weight lifts (3lb weights).  One leg bent in front of you while the other leg is straight back.  Hand on hip and weight in other hand while your are moving your arm back in a pulse motion.

c. Push-ups

d.  Reserve push-ups.   Sit with feet flat on the ground and hands behind.  Then raise yourself off the ground going up and down.

2. Thigh Work

a. Heading on over to the bar for a full releve’, staying on your toes while doing interval squats and then   placing a ball in between thigh and squatting in a pulse motion for 20 reps at a time in the releve’ position as well.

b. Keeping one leg on the bar and one leg on the floor while leaning over in an arabesque position and then switching and then staying in the position for a long stretch.

3. Seat Work – One leg in front and one leg behind both bent while arms are on the bar while stretching in one direction.

4. Round Back – Placing a floor mat up against the wall underneath the bar while your back is at a 45 degree angle sitting upright.  Doing vertical leg raises while holding the bar stabilizes the core!

5. Flat Back – Placing back flat up against wall while holding the bar while lifting legs in the air while knees are bent and holding it for 15 seconds.  Great core workout!

6. Curl – This was my fav!  Sitting down on the mat with feet flat and knees bent with a ball on your lower back and leaning back to do abdominal work while stretching your back.


7. Back Dancing – Think bridges with a ball between your legs but way more fun!


8. Final Stretch – Using a black band and placing both hands on each side with it wrapped around one leg,  this device easily stretches all the lower muscles needed!

If you’re looking for a different weekend workout routine I high recommend trying the The Bar Method of Hoboken as you won’t be disappointed.  Please visit me at Carolineburnsbeauty.com.


The Bar Method of Hoboken
86 River Street, 2nd Floor
Hoboken, NJ 07030



Caroline Burns is a freelance makeup artist and beauty blogger servicing the Hoboken/NYC area since 2012. She works with all photographers, models and hair stylists for shoots as well as brides for their weddings, moms to-be and local salons. Caroline found her perfect blend of artistry and being business savvy that gave her the tools she needed to become the makeup artist she is today.