How many times have you seen someone walking down the street like a zombie, completely blind to the world around them because they’re hunched over staring at their smartphone screen texting a novel to someone? Even though this is such a common occurrence, it may actually be one of the signs of a texting addiction. Here are more signs that you or your loved one may be in dire need to unplug:
Speaking in text message language.
Verbally saying “OMG” “WTF” or “JK” is not only painfully obnoxious, but it could be a sign of addiction as well. Consistently typing abbreviations can negatively affect your ability to write sentences with proper spelling and grammar, especially in teens.
Ruining relationships.
This video is a good example of how cell phones can destroy otherwise healthy relationships. If your significant other is a “textaholic” here’s some red flags:
-Your conversations tend to be one-sided and it is difficult to maintain your partner’s attention.
-They bring their phone to bed at night and still text or check their device before they go to sleep and as soon as they wake up. They may also sleep-text in the middle of the night without realizing it.
Do not consider your phone as a piece of your anatomy. Anyone who feels anxious or lost without their phone is on their way to having an addiction. Cell phones are not as vital as an arm or a leg, so we should all have no problem shutting them off at appropriate times.
Physical impairments.
Probably one of the more serious warning signs involves physical changes. Neck deformation is a result of lowering your head to view your phone’s screen for extended periods of time. Finger calluses or sore muscles in your hand and wrist are also sure signs you need to take a break.
Combative behavior.
Do you exhibit aggressive behavior against your loved ones when they ask you to put your phone away? Like any other addiction, getting defensive and argumentative when you have to separate from your phone is a telltale sign you are too attached.
Luckily, there are a couple simple ways to fight texting addiction:
-Force yourself to designate a time during the day when you do not look at your phone. Start out by picking the busiest time of your day, like at work or when you’re running errands so you can ease into eventually being able to put your device down when you’re just hanging out with others.
-Determine if the majority of your texting is a solution to boredom. If so, make a conscious effort to find a substitute activity to replace texting during those times.
-Set a limit on your phone for the number of texts you can send each month and stick to it.
Lauren is a writer and blogger for The Digest. A lifelong Sussex County resident, Lauren has adventured out of the sticks of northwest New Jersey to join The Digest team. When she is not commuting in rush hour traffic, she is typically frolicking outdoors or cheering on the Yankees.
- Lauren Scrudato
- Lauren Scrudato
- Lauren Scrudato
- Lauren Scrudato