The Most Popular Valentine’s Candy in New Jersey Revealed

valentine's candy new jersey

The Most Popular Valentine’s Candy in New Jersey Revealed

valentine's candy new jersey

Helen Navas Carrera

Valentine’s Day. You either love it or hate it. Some people shower their S.O. with chocolate, and others take advantage of those discounted treats once Feb. 14 is over. Whatever the case is, everyone has their favorite Valentine’s candy. Yes, even those who believe Valentine’s Day is a made up holiday can’t resist the heart-shaped goodness. Interested in finding out which confection reigns supreme? A study from CandyStore recently revealed the most popular Valentine’s candy in New Jersey, and every state across the nation.

2021’s Candy Dilemma and 2022’s Comeback

CandyStore compiled 14 years of sales data from their online bulk candy store and industry partners to put together an interactive map of each state’s favorite Valentine’s Day candy. 

Valentine’s Day spending was at an all-time high in 2020, just before the pandemic. One year later, COVID-19 struck the holiday hard. Spending was down more than 20 percent.

Now, CandyStore says the number of Valentine’s Day candy buyers is expected to hit a new record high. Candy sales in 2022 are expected to make a comeback and trail only slightly behind 2020’s record-breaking numbers. With the days of social-distancing seemingly behind us, lovers across the nation are expected to ramp up the romance and candy-gifting this year.

The Results

valentine's candy new jersey
Image by CandyStore

Despite a whirlwind couple of years, Sweethearts conversation hearts candy is enjoying a revival. The candy was not available at all in 2019 and hit several snags over the past years due to brand and manufacturing issues. (Fun fact: the peak selling period for conversation hearts is six weeks long. It takes manufacturers 11 months to produce enough product for those 6 weeks.) Making a resurgence in 2021, the candy took the No. 1 spot in 12 states.

Conversation hearts and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates battle it out for top Valentine’s candy each year. However, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate reigned supreme this year, taking the top spot in 17 states.

Everyone knows candy corn is the strongest contender for worst Halloween candy. As it turns out, it may not be the worst Valentine’s candy. Candy corn’s pink sister, cupid corn, is the most popular Valentine’s candy in two states: Nebraska and West Virginia.

Another unlikely winner? Chocolate roses. They topped Kentucky and Wyoming’s most popular choices.

The Most Popular Valentine’s Candy in New Jersey

And the results are in! Drum roll please… The most popular Valentine’s candy in New Jersey is M&M’s! M&M’s are steadily gaining traction in the Valentine’s candy world. The introduction of Cupid’s Message M&M’s have definitely helped their sales. These chocolates are practically a combination of the nation’s top contenders. 

Essentially a conversation hearts and chocolate hybrid, it’s no surprise New Jersey chose the best of both worlds and went for the M&Ms.

Were you surprised by the results of the most popular Valentine’s candy in New Jersey? Want to make the case for your favorite candy? Let us know in the comments below.

Helen is an editorial intern at The Digest. A senior at Drew University, she enjoys cooking and listening to music. When she's not working in the kitchen, she's typically catching up on pop culture news.