Healthy Hoboken Girl: Simple Ways to Add in More Real Food

healthy hoboken girl

Healthy Hoboken Girl: Simple Ways to Add in More Real Food

healthy hoboken girl


Adding more real food into your diet, the healthy hoboken girl way

Looking for an easy way to dial up your health and happiness? No matter which diet you’re following, it’s always great to add in more real food into your life. Here are a few easy ways to remember your health each day and nourish your body and soul.

  1. Carry it with you.
    Packing a few healthy snacks and meals will not only save your waistline, but will help you save money as well. Knowing you have healthy food at your fingertips is an easy way to manage your hunger levels and honor your health.
  2. Prepare a few meals at a time.
    Lately I’ve been making two meals at once. So when I’m making my breakfast, I’m also packing my lunch. That way I’m saving time in the kitchen preparing for a few meals. And washing all my produce right after my shopping, so my greens and salads take only minutes to prepare. When in doubt and not sure what to make? Start cooking a grain like quinoa or brown rice and figure out the rest while that cooks. It’s always smart to have a pre-cooked grain on hand during a busy work week.
  3. Leave the processed food at the store. Keep it out of your home.
    We’ve all had those weak moments when junk food makes its way home. And what happens? That’s right, we eat it! We’re all the same. Try to limit your processed junk food at home. That way, you won’t be tempted late at night to cheat and have that sugary bowl of cereal.
  4. Leave reminders for yourself. Post-it notes, phone alarms, whatever it takes.
    Leaving yourself notes and alarms on your phone can really help you stay on track. I know it sounds silly, but I use it and I suggest it to my clients and many of them have found it helpful. It’s easy to slip back into our old habits, so leaving notes to remember is a really simple way to stay tuned in and connected to your commitment.
  5. Buy a pretty fruit bowl or basket, fill it up and eat it. Keep it at a place you pass by each day.
    My fruit bowl takes center stage on my kitchen table. I’m always rotating the fruit, eating what’s ripe and reminding myself to snack on hydrating fruits and veggies. If you don’t have a bowl, pick one up and use it. Fill it up with healthy snacks and make your home a more colorful, healthy place.

Wishing you all the best summer season.  Enjoy these beautiful days and keep making healthy choices.  To learn more about my services, events, ecookbook, recipes and more check out my website

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Passionate Nutrition Counselor and Holistic Health Coach, Healthy real-food Chef, aspiring vegan and writer and founder of the blog Healthy Hoboken Girl. Serving my community to eat more plants. move their body and live their best life.