Lauren Bull and I are really excited for Mad Men Season Seven. It’s the final installment of this groundbreaking series which will be leaving behind quite the legacy. The magic of this show is that nothing is particularly obvious, so as Mad Men approaches its end, there are so many questions about the direction of the show, not to mention, plenty of nostalgia. So instead of burdening you with long analysis and speculation, here is a list of our various thoughts about Season Seven and Mad Men in general:
-I still miss Sal.
-I like Season 6 so much more on the second viewing. Back-to-back helps.
-Peggy is the best character, but Roger gets the best lines.
-Oh, Bert Cooper. You have given us so many miraculous moments of quirk, but your eulogy of Miss Blankenship, Don’s elderly secretary who died at her desk in Season 4, is still one of my favorite bits of writing on the show: “She was born in 1898 in a barn. She died on the 37th floor of a skyscraper. She was an astronaut.” Only you could have said that. I hope you end up curating art shows and writing weird poetry for the remainder of your days.
-The recent Varietypiece with Matthew Weiner on the end of the show is worth the read.
-Is there any possible way that Sally won’t be a totally screwed up adult? Isn’t she kind of already a screwed up adult?
-I’m not crazy about Season 7 being split in two parts, not that anyone asked my opinion.
-Joan and Roger. Why on earth do I still root for this situation?
-Bob Benson…what are you up to this season, boo?
-Will Peggy and the ever interesting Duck get back between the sheets? (will his dog ever find its way home?)
-Ready for some west coast weirdness.
-Sterling Cooper & Partners vs. Don (will he start a new firm?) I wanna see some corporate sabotage.
-The strange pubescent journey of Sally and Glen.
-I miss fat Betty.
-Looking forward to creepy flashbacks and drug hallucinations.
-Will Ken Cosgrove once again showcase his tap dancing? Will he become the novelist he dreams to be?
-Will Harry Crane ever be redeemable again?
-Where will Don’s journey end? Cirrhosis or smothered by a pile of women?
Writer/Blogger at The Digest. Lifelong New Jersey resident. Actually likes this place.