New Jersey may be known for its scenic landscapes and bustling cities, but it’s also home to some exceptional cigar lounges that cater to both aficionados and cigar novices alike.From the elegant to the cozy, here’s a roundup of the best cigar lounges in NJ.
Barrister Cigars – Union, NJ
Tucked away in Union, Barrister Cigars offers a refined and welcoming atmosphere for cigar enthusiasts. With a vast selection of premium cigars, well-appointed leather seating, and a knowledgeable staff, Barrister is a haven for those looking to enjoy their cigars in style. The lounge is ideal for both seasoned vets and newcomers. The owner, Dave, provides a personal touch when assisting his clients with choosing the best cigar.
Casa De Montecristo – Paramus, NJ
Casa De Montecristo in Paramus is a name synonymous with quality and luxury. This exquisite cigar spot provides a premium experience, featuring a spacious and elegant lounge, top-notch service, and an extensive selection of cigars—including a wide range of Montecristo cigars. The lounge’s ambiance exudes class and sophistication. This is a great place for meetings if you like to mix cigars with business… We sure do.
Cigar Emporium – Lyndhurst, NJ
Nestled in Lyndhurst, NJ, the Cigar Emporium is a hidden gem for cigar connoisseurs. This cozy lounge boasts a warm and welcoming atmosphere, making it perfect for relaxing with friends or meeting fellow enthusiasts. Their well-curated cigar selection and friendly, knowledgeable staff ensure an enjoyable cigar experience. This is a great lounge for the late night crowd—Cigar Emporium features extended hours, setting them apart from other cigar lounges in NJ.
High End Cigar – Scotch Plains, NJ
High End Cigar in Scotch Plains lives up to its name with a dedication to providing premium cigars to its customers in a luxurious atmosphere. The lounge features a well-stocked humidor and a spacious seating area where patrons can unwind with a cigar and a drink. The staff’s expertise and the lounge’s overall ambiance are why it’s one of our favorites. The newer kid on the block, but Tony is the proud owner who knows how to run a premier lounge. Dress to impress, grab a nice stick and enjoy a football game on one of High End Cigar’s televisions.
Jamie’s Cigar Bar – Clifton, NJ
Jamie’s Cigar Bar in Clifton, NJ combines the love of cigars with a cozy, neighborhood feel. This lounge offers a fantastic selection of cigars, craft beers, and cocktails. With a friendly and laid-back atmosphere, Jamie’s is perfect for both experienced enthusiasts and those new to the cigar world. The food is also exceptional, as one of the only places in the area where you can grab a nice steak and cap the meal off with a premium cigar.
The Best Cigar Lounges in New Jersey
New Jersey’s cigar lounges offer a diverse range of experiences for those who appreciate the art of cigar smoking. Whether you’re seeking a high-end, luxurious setting or a comfortable, neighborhood spot, these top cigar lounges in New Jersey cater to various tastes and preferences. Regardless of your choice, you’re sure to find a welcoming spot where you can enjoy the finest cigars and create lasting memories with fellow enthusiasts. So, the next time you’re in New Jersey, make sure to visit one of these esteemed cigar lounges and savor the pleasures of a premium cigar.
Tom is a lifelong New Jersey resident, Rutgers and FDU alumni and the publisher of The Digest.