4 Basic Tech Skills Every Employee Should Master  

4 Basic Tech Skills Every Employee Should Master  


In today’s era, technology is ever-changing and advancing rapidly. That means the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace are constantly evolving. And as a team member, you may face a constant need to keep up with the latest tech trends and acquire knowledge to adapt, adjust, and expand your ability.

Some companies may outsource their tech needs and hire a team of professionals, like Netsurit’s IT service in Johannesburg, to manage everything, including their IT infrastructure, software solutions, and more. But for most businesses, it’s still their in-house team members who take the lead. That’s why it’s best to equip yourself with the fundamental prowess to excel at work.

With these things in mind, consider these four basic tech skills every team member like you should master:

  • Computer Troubleshooting  

Every workplace has a computer, and it’s likely to require troubleshooting at any given time. It might not be running optimally, or there could be errors that may affect employees’ productivity.

If you’re an early adaptor when it comes to technology, consider yourself lucky to have mastered computer problems already. But if you’re not, the best course of action is to learn how to troubleshoot, so you can handle or manage any technical issues that may come your way. Think of it as an investment to build your career.

There are plenty of online tutorials and courses available to provide you with all sorts of computer troubleshooting techniques. This skill might seem basic, but it’s highly valuable. You never know what issue may come up, but all future computer problems will likely no longer seem difficult with this skill in hand. Plus, it may be an easy way to earn respect and even form deeper connections with your employer.

  • Proper Utilization Of Social Media Platforms 

Most marketers are always on social media because of its effective marketing potential. After all, it’s one of the best places where prospects spend their time online, looking for products or services. That’s why for many companies, investment in social media means revenue. Social media offers endless opportunities, such as generating leads, enhancing brand awareness, and engaging customers.

As a part of the organization, it’s crucial to know how to leverage social media for its marketing needs. It would help to specialize in how online platforms work, market them, and even understand their algorithms. Doing so will help you reach the target audience and become a higher source of valued input in marketing campaigns.

Having a thorough knowledge of utilizing social media platforms as the company’s marketing strategy can be a determining factor in your career. Hence, it’ll help you build a rapport with the marketing department and even provide better service to customers.

  • Spreadsheet Skills 

Spreadsheets can be a helpful tool in any workplace but only if the employees know how to use them. It’s no surprise that spreadsheet expertise is some of the most sought-after skills by employers on career websites.

Whether you’re a marketer, a sales executive, or a regular office worker who’s in charge of data management and business reporting, basic spreadsheet abilities for your day-to-day tasks will make everything easier. Such components include sorting, filtering, auto-fill, form controls like checkboxes and radio buttons, and, more importantly, the formulas. These components will help you anticipate and avoid errors when you’re inputting data, leading to efficient work in the long run.

Although spreadsheets may seem pretty challenging at first, it’s a straightforward process that you can learn with a bit of effort and patience. Becoming adept at spreadsheets will play a significant role in your ability to succeed at work. Thus, you’ll be able to impress your boss and even market yourself as a valuable asset to the company.

  • Website Design 

Companies build their reputations online since the web has become a significant part of today’s lives. This is where website design comes in. Web design serves as a company’s virtual face to the public, highlighting its services and products.

As a team member, the ability to create a functional and visually appealing site could be your best asset. Generally, web designers are always in demand because the industry is constantly changing, thanks to an influx of new technologies, platforms, and even concepts.

Becoming proficient at website design is one of the best ways to show your employer that you’re prepared for the challenges of working in this field. With dedication and training, you can improve your skills even more without having prior experience, granting you better opportunities to discover your passions and become an expert in what you do.


Being tech-savvy is an asset in your sphere. Even though these abilities can be time-consuming to learn, improving yourself will pay dividends in the long run. Not only that, this approach might be your golden ticket to professional development and fulfillment of your career goals.


The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.