Things to Consider When Hiring a Surgeon for Your Spine Surgery in NJ

Things to Consider When Hiring a Surgeon for Your Spine Surgery in NJ


Hiring a medical practitioner is always an uncertain task. You should do as much research online as you can before you agree to meet a surgeon in person. Do not just accept the assigned surgeon; you have a choice. Choose someone who has an impeccable reputation and a low rate of malpractice suits. This article explains how you can weed out bad spine surgeons from among New Jersey clinics and get yourself the best chance at spine surgery success.

What Questions Should You Ask a Potential New Jersey Spine Surgeon?

Ask your surgeon key questions to determine if they are the right medical practitioner for you. Consider these questions to start you off:

  • How many operations (e.g., spinal fusions) have you performed?

Before you hire a surgeon to perform your spinal fusion in NJ, consider asking them about their experience to determine their skill level. One surgeon may not have performed many spinal fusion surgeries but might have performed several diskectomy procedures instead. Finding the one who has performed most operations like yours gives you a better chance of a successful operation.

  • What will happen if you don’t get the surgery?

Your spine specialist (that’s the doctor you see before you get the referral for surgery) will advise you on other courses of treatment. Spine surgery will be the last resort action for them. If they think that your quality of life will be better without the surgery, they will advise you of this. There are few conditions where the minimal risks of spine surgery do not outweigh the pain, discomfort, and impairment of movement that spine problems bring. Your doctor will only make the recommendation if they think it will improve your life.

  • What can I do to prepare for spine surgery?

Your spine surgeon can advise you on how to prepare medically for your surgery. They may mention things like eating healthily, avoiding nicotine products, and doing gentle exercises. However, a great surgeon will also remind you that you should not stretch, reach, or move too much after your operation. As such, you should make your meals and freeze them in advance, bring everyday items into closer reach, adjust your bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom to make getting around easier, and tell your family that you will need extra support.

Other Things to Consider When Hiring a New Jersey Spinal Surgeon

There are other things you can look for to help you choose a great spinal surgeon from the vast choice of medical professionals throughout NJ. Here are some hints at what to think about before you hire them.

– Online reviews

What are other customers saying about their service online? Try to find their Trustpilot rating if they have one. If not, look at their testimonials and past case studies, and browse their news pages for company updates.

– Detailed techniques

Ask the surgeon about your surgery. Specifically, ask them what it will involve, including risks and risk factors in recovery. Discuss whether there is more than one way to perform the surgery and if the other options might be better. The surgeon should talk you through why they are choosing the procedure they would choose for you.

– Risk Factors

There will be risk factors for all spine surgeries, but not all are specific to you. The surgeon should account for things like your height and weight, your age, your likelihood to heal without surgery, your general health, and anything else in your medical history which might impact the outcome of the operation.

Ready for Surgery?

Once you decide, you will be in the best possible care for your surgery.

The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.