At Fit Lab in Hoboken, You’re Not Just Another Number

At Fit Lab in Hoboken, You’re Not Just Another Number

Michael Scivoli

“I’ve been working out six days a week for months, so why am I not seeing results?” In the health and fitness industry, questions like this get lost in translation. The reason for this is because these most gyms, especially the big ones, don’t know much out their members. That’s where the “Globo Gyms” of the world drop the ball, and that’s where Fit Lab in Hoboken picks up the slack.


When I think of the fitness industry today, I imagine a whirlwind of new member sales pitches and “JOIN NOW” billboards. At Fit Lab, they’re not concerned with gimmicks, but rather focus on the progress of their clients. When I talked to Greg about his members, he knew their history, their goals, what they had for lunch that afternoon. “I’m invested in everyone who walks through my door,”  Greg said. “I want to know what’s going on in their lives outside of the gym — I want to help them build a better lifestyle.”  Less business, more results. Think of Fit Lab as that comfortable Mom & Pop restaurant that remembers your name and always serves amazing food.


It seems like every week there’s a new niche gym popping up somewhere in town that’s slashing prices, and claiming that they’ve got the this new insane workout. But as owner Greg Morrone and company at Fit Lab so eloquently put it, “Workouts aren’t a one-size-fits-all proposition.” It’s true that you need a good routine, but everybody is at a different point in their fitness journey. The staff at Fit Lab has successfully created individualized programs for advanced athletes and post-surgery patients alike. “The idea is to tailor the workout to the individual,” Greg told me — and he’s right. What gives you a great, healthy workout might give another person serious back issues down the road.


A good training program can make all the difference when you’re trying to reach your weight loss goals, but it’s hardly possible without good nutrition. “I want to see my clients succeed in and out of the gym,” Greg said. “And that means focusing on what they’re eating everyday.” When you walk into Fit Lab, you’re not just another number swiping the gym I.D. on your keychain. You’re unique — and so is your diet. That’s why the Fit Lab staff never stops learning. Greg and the boys continue to get new certifications for nutrition, training, and even safety. They want to make you a program that will become a habit, not just some weekly fad.


With all the riff-raff in the fitness world, it’s easy to forget that the goal is to live a better, healthier life. If taking care of your mind and body is something you don’t want to leave to a low-cost, cookie-cutter membership and routine, check out Fit Lab in Hoboken. You can be the focus of every workout, not just another number.

Michael is the Editor-in-Chief of New Jersey Digest, COO of X Factor Media, and an avid fiction writer. A Bergen County native, he discovered his passion for words during a long stretch of Friday detentions. Michael loves kayaking, a fat glass of Nebbiolo, and over-editing.