Learn from the Best at International TaeKwon-Do Academy

Learn from the Best at International TaeKwon-Do Academy

Sebastian Krawiec

International Taekwon-Do Academy II in Jersey City is devoted to promoting health and fitness in its community. Providing a family friendly and constructive environment, the Academy also offers Combat High Intensity Training, All Women’s Self Defense Classes, Group Fitness Classes, as well as Zumba for those who want to pursue fitness or self defense outside of a traditional martial art.


International Taekwon-Do Academy’s head instructor Victor Teran has made a very successful career for himself centered around combat and martial arts. He has studied Taekwon-Do since the age of 5 and at the age 13, earned his black belt under Sahyunnim Rodolfo Carrera. At age 15, Mr. Teran won first place in sparring and second place overall at the Tri-State Championship in Virginia. In 1992 he also earned a silver medal at the All-American Grand National Championship in New Jersey. His success and hard work granted him the opportunity to travel to Seoul, Korea to train with the Korean Olympic Committee and an invitation to go to Colorado Springs for the U.S Olympic Team trials.


At 18, Mr. Teran joined the Marine Corps where he continued Taekwon-Do studies with the Taekwon-Do club, soon becoming their Chief Instructor of the Marine Corps Taekwon-Do Team, which competed in the 1999 Pan American Games. In addition to TaeKwon-Do, he was the Marine Corps close combat instructor. In 2003, he was deployed to Iraq and in 2004 left the Marines after 8 years in the military to join the State Department as a Private Security Contractor in Iraq, conducting high threat protection for high level dignitaries. In 2011 he trained the Iraqi Olympic Committee as Chief Instructor of the Baghdad Taekwon-Do club before going to D.C. to become a Security Protective Specialist (Agent-In-Charge), once again assigned to Iraq.


No, this is not a character from a Tom Clancy novel. This is indeed the instructor of the International Taekwon-Do Academy II. Mr. Teran is so passionate about Taekwon-Do that he decided to resign from his career to pursue instruction full time. He strives to instill in burgeoning martial artists the virtues of confidence, respect, leadership and teamwork he had learned from his years practicing Taekwon-Do and serving in the Marine Corps.


If you would like to give The International Taekwon-Do Academy a try, the school is offering a one week trial offer of $9.99. This is a great opportunity for self improvement and fun for people of all ages.

Writer/Blogger at The Digest. Lifelong New Jersey resident. Actually likes this place.
