KidGooRoo: Extracurriculars made Easy

KidGooRoo Kids

KidGooRoo: Extracurriculars made Easy

Kelly Edgeworth

The goal of every parent for their children is to aid in the cultivation of their talents and interests while helping them become happy and successful members of society. It takes a few rounds of DJ lessons, hip-hop dance classes, and horseback riding to truly discover your 7-year-old’s calling, but the big question is how do the programs in your area size up? You don’t want to blindly throw your little future equestrian into that horse riding school with the new unbroken foals. This is where KidGooRoo comes to the rescue.

KidGooRoo LogoThe dynamic of KidGooRoo is give-and-take. Parents can go on to the website to find programs for their children and in turn, write reviews on the ones they have been a part of. Be it leisure activities, sports, arts, classes or camps, KidGooRoo gives power to the parents. After launching in the fall of 2016, there are already reviews for programs in CT, NY, MD and even TX. But no worries NJ parents, KidGooRoo also houses 2,500 extracurricular programs in NJ alone. Just enter your desired program in the search bar on the homepage as well as the city, state or zip code closest to you and you’re on your way to thousands of parent-reviewed businesses.  

KidGooRoo is also business-friendly. Running a business is complicated and time-consuming in itself without having to constantly run after new customers to keep your program afloat. By registering your business on the KidGooRoo interface you can let the word of satisfied customer testimonials boost your reach for you. Much like other review websites, KidGooRoo allows customization of business pages including logos, business descriptions, and branding. The many easy to use tools can help business owners interact with parents as well, such as KalendaRoo, Updates, and Q&A. These tools serve to bridge the gap between families and businesses and create an ideal scenario for parents to stay informed about upcoming changes to their child’s program.

Finding the best program that helps your child excel in their personal endeavours is difficult but not impossible. No one cares for a child’s well-being as much as a parent so why not seek help from other parents like you to find the perfect program that fits your child’s needs. KidGooRoo offers advice through reviews and ratings you can trust to be reliable. The parents and businesses of KidGooRoo are there to help and you can see for yourself on their website

Kelly Edgeworth has just recently dived into the world of professional online journalism with great enthusiasm. She has fresh takes on commonplace ideas and enjoys looking at topics on a person to person level.