Spring Cleaning Essentials: Clean Up From The Inside Out
It’s officially spring, so brush off that last bit of snow and prepare yourself for some warm weather. One thing everyone should agree on is that spring is the time to get rid of the last bit of the winter blues, from your home and your life. The Digest spoke to some local home organizers and life coaches who know the tips and tricks on spring cleaning essentials and how to clean up from the inside out.
From time to time, people get stuck in a rut with the way they organize everything in their lives. Patricia Diesel, Certified Professional Life Coach, Personal Organizer and founder of Keep It Simple Now, believes that this happens when people become too overwhelmed by their problems and put them on the backburner. Diesel says that whether you are spring cleaning internally or externally, it is all based on a plan.
The key factors are to “be realistic with yourself and know your limitations. Once you start something, following through is vital. No matter what, complete your task until the end.” When it comes to balancing work, home life, and health, Diesel says, “I think balance comes from understanding what your priorities are. How one views what is important in their life and what they truly value. When you come from this place of understanding, it makes it easier to say ‘NO’ at times and stay committed to your word, schedule, etc., in order to keep yourself in balance.”
You can clean your home from top to bottom, but sometimes, cleaning comes from the inside too. Katie Corritori, a Holistic Health Coach and Certified Professional Organizer, says that spring cleaning for the mind, body and home all have to do with mindset and creating healthy habits. “We so often think of ‘bad habits’ when we talk about habits. But habits are great! We have so many things to think about and decide throughout the course of the day. When you create a healthy habit, you free up time and energy and take the guesswork out.”
As both a health coach and organizer, Corritori makes her clients do an “inventory” of their life, from their closets and lifestyle to the food they are eating. In her own life, she is constantly “editing” things, from what she does with her time, to what she has in her home, and believes that if someone has a clear vision in mind, it will make their lives much easier. “Biochemically, we are all unique and no one diet or lifestyle will work the same way for two people. So it’s good to have a clear picture of what something looks like in order to begin the process of making adjustments and changes.”
Perhaps you have gone to the gym all year, eaten well, and have your work organized and in on time. On the inside, you are feeling great. But when you get home, your drawers are overflowing and nothing in your closet is visible. Hoboken’s own Dorian Cattani, Your Wardrobe Stylish from TCR, created The Closet Rescue to help people with these very problems.
Whether giving a complete wardrobe makeover or doing a quick cleanup, Cattani says to attack visible clutter first, whether it be that chair in your room or an over the door hook. Next, sort, purge, and donate (to charitable organizations or friends,) which will make you feel better about giving your old clothes new homes. If you’re on the fence about something, wear it, if you feel good about it, keep it, if not, it can go. With the clothes you are keeping, assign all of them a home, dedicate a shelf or rack or draw and organize them, from work out clothes to office outfits. “When everything has a home and fits in its home, you will start seeing items that are not “worthy” of a home and you will purge it. Put away out of season clothes (you will appreciate your clothes if you don’t see them for awhile and either be excited to see them (keep) or not (donate). This will also deter you from making bad impulse purchases every season.”
Home can be a happy place, but it is often the last thought after family, health, work, and children. Many people develop the ‘I’ll get to it later’ attitude, and before they know it, there is clutter everywhere. Hudson County based professional organizer Jessica McKiverkin, founder of J Mac Organizing, specializes in getting local residents homes back in order. To keep things simple for clients spring cleaning essentials, McKiverkin uses clear plastic bins and containers for all her organizing needs, perfect for the transition from winter to spring clothes.
If space is limited in the home, she uses shelving, and over the door and under the bed storage. After she is done with projects, McKiverkin leaves clients with tips to keeping everything organized. “Tidying up is key, which should be done often and everyday to continue with keeping items categorized. Everything has a place and should be put back in the same place so items are easily found. It’s a routine and you should follow your routine like anything else you do. This becomes a habit after a while and then before you know it, your home is always in tip top shape!”
Wannabe Carrie Bradshaw and lover of all things that involve ice cream, cats, naps, hippies, and sarcasm.
- Victoria Keenanhttps://thedigestonline.com/author/vkeenan/
- Victoria Keenanhttps://thedigestonline.com/author/vkeenan/
- Victoria Keenanhttps://thedigestonline.com/author/vkeenan/
- Victoria Keenanhttps://thedigestonline.com/author/vkeenan/