The Danger of Distracted Driving: A Major Cause of Crashes

The Danger of Distracted Driving: A Major Cause of Crashes


We live in a very fast-paced world, where people constantly want to stay connected. Even when they’re driving…

Whether it’s reading a text, scrolling through social media, or messing with the GPS, it’s all too easy to get distracted while driving. 

Unfortunately, distractions and driving go together about as well as oil and water. The result of being distracted while driving is thousands of crashes, injuries, and tragedies every year. Just because someone couldn’t wait to check a text. 

What Exactly Counts as Distracted Driving?

So, what would fall under distracted driving? 

Basically, any activity that takes a driver’s attention away from the road. This could be texting, eating, adjusting the radio, or even just chatting to passengers. 

Almost every driver is guilty of doing those things, because it can sometimes seem harmless. But even a just a few seconds of lost focus can have devastating consequences on the road. 

The Three Types of Distractions

Experts have categorized distractions into three main types:


This means taking your eyes off the road. Whether it’s to quickly glance at your phone, check directions on a GPS, or even get caught up in a flashy billboard. 

When your eyes aren’t on the road, you’re essentially driving blind, which means you might miss a sudden stop, a pedestrian crossing, or another driver swerving into your lane. 


Taking your hands off the wheel, even for a moment, is a recipe for trouble. Manual distractions are things like grabbing a snack, fiddling with the radio, or trying to get something that fell on the floor. 

When your hands aren’t on the wheel, you’re not fully in control of the car. One-handed driving might look cool in movies, but in real life, it means slower reaction times and a higher chance of losing control. 


When your mind drifts away from driving, so does your focus on the road. Daydreaming, getting caught up in a conversation, or even stressing over something means your brain isn’t fully tuned in to driving. 

Texting while driving is the most dangerous because it combines all three types of distractions. 

If you or a loved one has been affected by a distracted driving accident, seeking legal advice can help protect your rights. You can get assistance from a car accident lawyer to explore your options.

Remember that it only takes a split second for a normal drive to turn into a dangerous situation. 

The Impact of Distracted Driving

You would be shocked at how many accidents a year are caused by distracted driving. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), thousands of people lose their lives because of distracted driving every year. 

Many people are left with serious injuries from those accidents, leading to high medical costs, loss of income, and, of course, emotional distress.

It’s no surprise that young drivers are of specific concern in this matter. Studies show that teenagers and young adults are more likely to use their phone while they’re driving, highering their chances of being involved in an accident. 

But! Drivers of all ages can be guilty of taking their attention off the road.

How to Prevent Distracted Driving

The good news is that everything we’ve discussed can be completely avoided. 

Here are some simple ways to be a responsible driver and stay focused behind the wheel: 

  • Put Your Phone Away!

    Keep your phone out of sight and out of mind when you’re driving. Put it in the glove department, your bag, or somewhere else you won’t be tempted to check it. 

Even better, turn on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode so calls and notifications won’t distract you. If you need to use your phone for directions or something, then set everything up before you start driving or use hands-free features.

A text or call can always wait! Your safety can’t.

  • Set Your GPS Before You Start Driving.

    We touched on this a bit. Before you even start the car, take a moment to set your GPS. Enter your destination, check the route, and make any necessary adjustments while you’re still parked.

    That way, you won’t be tempted to fiddle with it while driving. If you need to make changes mid-trip, pull over safely or ask a passenger to help.

    A few extra seconds of preparation can save your life
  • Avoid Eating While Driving.

    You may be in a rush to work and think that eating while driving will save you time, but it’s a big distraction. Snacking or finishing your coffee splits your focus between your food and the road.

    Instead, finish your meal before you start driving, or if you’re really in a rush, pull over to safely eat.

    Enjoy your food! But don’t put your life and others’ lives at risk to do so.
  • Limit Passenger Distractions.

    Passengers can make a drive more fun, but too much chit-chat can be a huge distraction. If you’re driving, kindly ask your passengers to keep the conversation light and avoid distracting behaviors like loud music.

    If you have kids in the backseat, make sure they’re settled and safe so you can stay focused.
  • Stay Mentally Present.

    If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or distracted, it’s important to clear your mind before hitting the road and starting your journey.

    Driving requires your full attention, physically and mentally, and if your mind is on something else, it makes it difficult to stay focused.

    Take a deep breath, listen to calming music, or even pull over for a few minutes. Refocusing will put you in a better headspace to drive safely. 

Stay Focused, Stay Safe

Distracted driving is one of the biggest dangers on the road today. A split-second decision to glance at a phone or reach for an item can lead to consequences that can completely change your life.

If you’ve been involved in a distracted driving accident and need legal assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Team Justice for guidance.

Stay focused and make safe choices so you can help reduce accidents and keep roads safer for everyone. 

Remember, when you’re behind the wheel, your main responsibility is to drive. Everything else can wait!

The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.