Milk and Cream Bar Jersey City is Here to Win Summer

milk and cream jersey city

Milk and Cream Bar Jersey City is Here to Win Summer

Abby Montanez

As kids, we thought we cracked the code on cereal. Not only were we chomping down on crunchy-sugary goodness for breakfast, but by the time we made it to the bottom of the bowl yet another sweet treat awaited us. The milk. It’s a literal taste of childhood that restaurants and eateries are using today as a secret weapon in their desserts.

Milk Bar’s Christina Tosi was one of the first people to put cereal infusions on her menu, including ice cream with a base that’s been steeped in Cornflakes. KITH also followed suit when they opened up New York’s first sneaker shop and cereal bar. What those two businesses have in common, unfortunately, is that neither of them have locations in New Jersey. However just last week, the phenomenon crossed the river when Milk and Cream Bar Jersey City finally opened its doors. And just in time for summer.

The New York-based ice cream shop brought their famous cereal infusions to 175 Newark Avenue with a ribbon cutting on May 28 featuring Mayor Steven Fulop. He noted in a post on his Instagram page that it was the city’s first ceremony in two and a half months. Emma’s—a sister restaurant to Latham House—is amongst few other restaurants to have recently opened amid mass closures.

Not only did Milk and Cream Bar Jersey City make one heck of a splash on social media upon its opening, it also proved that Instagrammable foods can be tasty too. Let’s break down how it all works.

Guests have two options when it comes to ordering: one of their signature combos or a choose-your-own-adventure type of dessert. The ice cream base, either vanilla or cookie dough, is first blended with almost any breakfast cereal you could think of ranging from Apple Jacks and Froot Loops to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Resse’s Puffs, Rice Krispies and more. Toppings are where the Instagrammable factor comes into play. You can go with standard fruit and nut offerings or more indulgent cookies and candies. A finishing drizzle is also a must. 

The choice of vessel is also left up to customers. A classic cup or cone, milkshake, to-go pint, or you can just order a straight up bowl of cereal with whole milk and toppings. On the Milk and Cream Bar website, they describe their shop as, “a modern spin on a timeless favorite; a place where the old connects with the new to bring back your fondest memories and to help create new ones…We serve nostalgia in every bite with an endless combination of your favorite cereals!”

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Currently at Milk and Cream Bar Jersey City they are taking the proper precautions to maintain the safety of staff and customers, as well as to adhere to local guidelines. This means orders are available for online pick-up or takeout only and goers must stay 6 feet apart and wear a mask. For the time being, they aren’t selling pints or offering cones.

To keep up with Milk and Cream Bar Jersey City, visit their website. Below you can check out a behind the scenes video from when Insider visited their New York City location, and a few words from co-founder Cory Ng. 


Main image by @milkandcreambar

Abby is The Digest's Managing Editor. She spends her time looking at dogs on Instagram and eating her way around Jersey City.