New Jersey

As a kid, there’s nothing better than receiving the message that school is cancelled, unless, of course, your principal sings it to you. That’s exactly what a principal and teacher

I know it's so much easier to grab that Kind Bar and never look back, but I'm here today to encourage you (and me) to dial up your health and put

The minute you get off the plane in Russia, your electronic devices are pretty much guaranteed to get hacked during your stay for the Sochi Olympics, according to a report

A few weeks after professional snowboarder Shaun White bowed out of the Winter X-Games Halfpipe competition to focus solely on the Olympics, he has now opted out of the Olympic’s

The Catholic Community of Saints Peter and Paul will sponsor a mixer next Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 6-9 p.m. at Hotel Victor Bar & Grill in Hoboken. For a $10

Don’t get in trouble with your better half because you waited until the last minute to reserve a table on Valentine’s Day. Check out what some of the local hot

Aesthetics With a Side of Zen at Face Forward in Jersey City   With warmer weather just months away, there is no better time to rejuvenate your face and skin.

Do you drink more than two or three 8-ounce cups of coffee per day? New research says you may want to start cutting back. Many of us joke about how

Most of the media’s attention regarding this year’s Super Bowl focuses on the commercials, the pre-game celebrations in New York and New Jersey, Metlife Stadium, and the potential issues with

Downtown Yogurt, a frozen yogurt shop in Jersey City is hosting its grand opening ceremony this Friday, Jan. 31, from 4:30-6 p.m. at 126 Newark Ave, conveniently located near Grove