NJ artists

I discovered the Jersey Collective Instagram page during Covid. It’s ironic to me now that in a period of deep loneliness and isolation that I would encounter a whole community

Though New Jersey is not immediately the first place people think of when it comes to art, it has served as an inspiration and home to many American artists. The

New Jersey pop singer, Sofia Khorosh (preferably Sof) has finally released her long-awaited EP after three (almost four) years in the making. Its release is a weight off her shoulders,

Imagine an urban, mythical figure by the name of J Hacha De Zola traveling from New Jersey to Los Angeles where he locks himself in a hotel room to ponder

In a little pre-revolutionary war town in New Jersey, a young singer with an old soul used quarantine to craft a blues-ballad dream of a country-pop rock album. Grace Kerlin

Hoboken artist Jamie Pomeranz is the creative power behind Devils May Care fluid art, formerly the high-end T-shirt brand that shared the same name. In the past few years, Jamie