There is a lot going on this month. Mars is still in retrograde, and we’re all feeling a bit stuck in a particular area of our lives. This month is a full moon sandwich, with one occurring on October 1 in Aries, and the other occurring in Taurus on October 31. Yes, things are about to get a bit crazy with your October 2020 horoscopes (click here for November 2020 horoscopes).
Luckily, Venus moves into practical Virgo on October 3 and makes nothing but extraordinary aspects to the majority of the other planets this month. That being said, we’ll also have the aid of a nicely situated angle between Jupiter and Neptune from October 2 to 19. We’ve got all the benefits (the good guys) working for us. These energies will no doubt soften the blow of events like Pluto stationing direct on October 5 and Mercury retrograde on October 14. Pluto is the last planet in Capricorn to station direct. For the last five months, it feels as if time has stood still. With Pluto direct, the clock is about to start moving again, and fast.
Before You Read Your October 2020 Horoscopes
The new moon in Libra on October 16 is a beacon of hope. As time starts to move, we’re ready to forge forward into the great unknown. Or the future, as some call it. Scorpio season kicks off on October 22, and this will put us all in the mood for spooky season activities. When the Sun meets up with Mercury on October 25 let that fall freak flag fly, in any way that you see fit. Both Mercury and Venus move into Libra on October 28, we are now being called to find a balance between our minds and our hearts.
The second full moon of the month happens on October 31, and I’ll be releasing a Full Moon in Taurus podcast. Check back the last week of October for more information on this rare occurrence and what it means for your sign! (If you’re looking for full autumn 2020 horoscopes, please click here.)
October 2020 Horoscopes Important Dates
- Full Moon in Aries: October 1
- Venus Transits Virgo: October 3
- Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: October 14
- New Moon in Libra: October 16
- Sun Transits Scorpio: October 22
- Mercury Retrograde and Venus Transits Libra: October 28
- Full Moon in Taurus: October 31
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Happy Birthday, Libra! This is your season, and this full moon in Aries is happening in your relationship house. And if someone isn’t going, they’re coming. Whether you find yourself newly single or taken, ask yourself one question, is/was it really emotionally and physically fulfilling? As a Libra, you need both are non-negotiable when it comes to romance. With Mars still in retrograde and coming off a harsh aspect to Saturn, you’ll have to ask the hard questions. When your ruler Venus transits into Virgo on October 3, you’re ready to be honest with yourself. Becoming aware of your basic needs and how you operate in your daily life, you’ll be able to truly decide who aligns with your vibe and who doesn’t. With Jupiter and Neptune in a supportive alignment for most of the month, your gut feelings are spot on. Lean into them.
Something major will happen on October 5 when Pluto stations direct—an emotional plot twist is likely. It could come from home or your romantic life, with Mars squaring Pluto the next day. Whatever the situation is, it feels out of left field, as Mercury will be opposing Uranus at the same time. You may have a hard time finding the value in an intimate relationship. When the Sun makes a harsh angle to Jupiter on October 10, you could be asking yourself if you’re truly worthy of love. Venus aligns with Uranus on this day too, and it’s clear you have some inner homework to do.
When Mercury aspects Venus on October 12 you’re ready to integrate changes for the sake of your love life. But not so fast. Mercury will go retrograde on October 14, and there are still some personal subjects up for review. The new moon in your sign on October 16 will help you understand how you show up in the world, and this is a powerful time to reinvent yourself. As Mars faces off with Jupiter the following day, you’re feeling plain unlucky in the love department. And just when all hope is lost, Venus saves the day when she joins the equation on October 18. Her energy will help you see the bright side of the situation.
On October 22, the Sun moves into Scorpio and your mind moves on to money. What can you do to increase your bottom line? The Sun joins Mercury in a conjunction on October 25. This gets the gears are turning and you’ve got a few ideas. On October 28, both Mercury and Venus move into your sign. With your ruler at home, and mental Mercury there too, what will you do with this magic? You create your reality, do so wisely.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The full moon in Aries on October 1 will bring a much-needed change to your daily routine. At this time, you could feel a greater need to attend to your health and well being. With Jupiter in an amazing aspect to Neptune most of the month, you can have fun anywhere. Tap into this energy. Venus moves into Virgo and you are feeling the love from friends, go out and have some seasonal and socially distant fun.
Your ruler Pluto stations direct on October 5, and it’s all systems go. Until it’s met with some combative energy from Mars on the following day. If you’re feeling drained, slow down. You don’t want to risk getting yourself sick at this time. Your mental health in particular might catch your attention on the same day. A personal relationship could feel strained, and you’re feeling the need to be alone with Mercury currently opposing Uranus. When Venus starts influencing Uranus on October 10, you’ll be feeling up to engaging with others again. Oh, you Scorpios and your moods! As the Sun makes a tense alignment to Jupiter, something is pestering you beneath the surface. Try not to pay that feeling any mind and enjoy the company you’re in.
Mercury hooks up with Venus on October 12, and you’re feeling truly connected to your tribe. Show your gratitude before Mercury goes retrograde in your sign two days later. *Cue mental fog. During this period it could feel like you can’t get your thoughts straight. The new moon in Libra on October 16 will help you center yourself. For the next two days, you might have some vivid dreams.
When Mars squares Jupiter on October 17, the Sunday scaries show up a day early. You might find yourself stressing about work this weekend. When Venus joins the party on the following day, plan an outing to get your mind off of it. On October 19, Mercury retrograde opposes Uranus again. Business relations could feel intense at this time. The good news is your season starts on October 22, and festivities are called for. When the Sun meets up with Mercury in your sign, you’ll feel the mental fog lift. A few days later on October 28, both Mercury and Venus enter Libra. Get lost in your imagination, it’s the source of your inspiration.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The full moon in Aries on October 1, has you recalling all the fun you’ve had during the last six months. As your ruler, Jupiter forms a nice alignment to Neptune for the majority of the month, you’re feeling grateful for also those friends you consider family. When Venus enters Virgo on October 3, you become conscious of the way you portray yourself to the world, and upgrade your look.
But be sure to set a budget on that shopping spree or salon splurge. When Pluto stations direct on October 5 and is promptly squared by Mars the following day, you may be tempted to spend more than necessary for the sake of transformation. Set a budget and thank me later. The Mercury and Uranus opposition, happening at the same time, is like a one-way ticket to La-la land. Everyday choices could send your head spinning this week. On October 10 the Sun forms a harsh angle to Jupiter, and this illuminates fears you have in regard to being able to sustain your lifestyle. As Venus forms a helpful aspect to Uranus on the same day, focus on everything you adore about your life.
Mercury creates a superb alignment with Venus and when you count all your blessings, they quickly add up. And just like that Mercury goes retrograde, during this three-week period the flood gate in your subconscious opens up. Twelfth house retrogrades are never easy, but your brave sign is always up for an adventure (even the ones that take place in your own head). Before you get lost in the depths of your own mind, the new moon in Libra snaps you back to reality, and you are particularly in the mood to socialize.
Socializing equals spending, and some of the places your friends pick could have you hot and bothered over the bill, with Mars confronting Jupiter on October 17. When Venus gets involved the next day, your mindset quickly changes, and you find the value in treating yourself. That being said, don’t go hog wild with your paycheck. Mercury forms a second opposition to Uranus on October 19, and this could cause some erratic behavior. You may just need a clean break from the day to day. If this is the case, take a personal day or two.
The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, and meets up with Mercury. This weekend is a great time to really do some unearthing in your subconscious. A weekend spent journaling and mediating alone might help you really figure yourself out. Don’t waste this alignment. On October 28, your presence is requested on the social scene. With both Mercury and Venus transiting into Libra, that’s exactly where you’ll want to be. Just in time for Halloween!
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

While most people are raring to hit the town under a full moon, this particular one in Aries, on October 1, you’ll be most comfortable at home. Bask in everything you love about your living situation, and throw up some decorations to get festive. With Jupiter and Neptune in a supportive alignment for most of the month, stop to witness all the magic that surrounds you. Get lost in the majesty of the fall season. It will help keep you grounded. Venus moves into Virgo on October 3, and there is so much pleasure in exercising your higher mind.
On October 5, Pluto stations direct in your sign. For the last five months, you may have felt like you were undergoing a complete transformation, both inside and out. With this energy, you feel ready to embody the new you. As Mars gets involved with Pluto the next day, it’s likely you’ll face some resistance or criticism from your family or close loved ones. This will be especially hard to get over with Mercury opposing Uranus at the same time.
All you want is to be accepted for your fun and creative side. Yes, your sign has a reputation of being all business, but you’re deeper than that. When the Sun makes a trying alignment with Jupiter, you might feel ashamed for showing the artistic side of yourself. But with Venus in a stellar aspect to Uranus at the same, don’t let your fear of judgment get in the way of this burst of inspiration you’re feeling.
Mercury and Venus form a wonderful aspect on October 12, be sure to express your gratitude to those who show up to support you. When Mercury goes retrograde on October 14, you might start to feel distant from your friends. And that fear of judgment might just be the root cause of that. You’ve changed a lot this year (with planets like Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your sign, how could you not?) This new moon in Libra on October 16, will be the public “coming out” of the new you. The behind the scenes work is done, and you’re ready for a debut. With Mars in a challenging aspect to Jupiter, it’s normal to feel some anxiety over how you’ll be perceived. When Venus steps in to help out Jupiter on October 18, you find comfort in being your new authentic self, and those who matter don’t mind.
When the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, you’re ready to put more energy into socializing again. A few days later, on October 25, the Sun will meet up with Mercury and you’re feeling connected to others once again. Both Mercury and Venus will transit into Libra on October 28, you’ve got big aspirations for the future. And Capricorn 2.0 is well on the way to achieving them.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

This full moon in Aries on October 1 will have you pondering the way you communicate with those around you. What techniques get results? Do more of that. When Jupiter forms a brilliant aspect to Neptune most of the month, you’ll find all sorts of treasures in your imagination. Venus moves into Virgo on October 3, and you’re content with drifting to the dark corners of your mind. It’s peaceful there, and no one bothers you.
On October 5, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn and forms a harsh alignment with Mars and tension with a sibling or neighbor could arise. Perhaps they’ve been bubbling beneath the surface for the last five months. This week things could come to a head, but it’s up to you how to react. With Mercury and your ruler Uranus in opposition to one another, you might start to wonder how your long-term goals fit in with your family’s plan, or a plan to start your own. This week will be hard, and you’ll have to have tough conversations with yourself and those around you. Around October 10, those talks might get a bit easier with Venus graciously aspecting Uranus. Remove the skeletons in your closet, it will feel extremely liberating.
By October 12, you’re feeling like you’re ready to realign yourself with your highest aspirations. You can thank Mercury and Venus for that. However, doing so won’t be that easy, as Mercury goes retrograde on October 14. During this three-week period, you might start to pick up on all the habits that hold you back from this. The new moon in Libra on October 16 is the perfect time to start something new. Enroll yourself in a course to pick up a skill you’ve always wanted to master.
Mars squares Jupiter on October 17, you might feel mentally blocked. Luckily, Venus joins in to assist Jupiter, and you can escape into that vivid imagination. Don’t get too lost in your dream world, because reality demands your attention as Mercury and Uranus form a second opposition this month. Again, you’ll feel the pull of career vs. family. When the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, your career will certainly be on your mind. When the brightest star in our solar system meets up with Mercury on October 25, you’ll have a clear insight into just what you want to bring into this world, and how it will enhance the lives of others. Oh Aquarius, you always have the collective in mind! After all, Venus and Mercury move into Libra on October 28 and you’re ready to make a real contribution to the world.
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

The full moon in Aries on October 1, might bring in some more cash flow. While this could mean more work for you, you’ll likely still find the time to see friends, with Jupiter in a beautiful alignment to your ruler Neptune for most of the month. Venus moves into Virgo on October 3, and you’ll feel a strong desire to spend time with those you love.
Pluto stations direct on October 5, and finds himself in a harsh aspect with Mars for the rest of the week, it is clear that you don’t have time for every social circle you run in. This is a tough one, because with Mercury opposing Uranus, it’s not that you don’t value those friendships. It’s just you find comfort in coming home to your hub at the end of a long day. This week is a push and pull of your personal desires and the want to please everyone around you. On October 10, there might be some drama, but with Venus aspecting Uranus on the same day, you’ll be able to hash it out.
A few days before Mercury goes retrograde, on October 12, the planet of the mind forms a harmonious aspect with Venus. This is a great time to communicate just why you value their friendship. Hold onto those reasons, as Mercury stations retrograde on October 14, you’ll be reviewing your deep-rooted belief system. The new moon in Libra on October 16, might just introduce you to a part of yourself you haven’t explored much. For the next six months you’ll be working on overcoming your fears
On October 17, Mars and Jupiter are in a harsh angle and the pursuit of the dollar might get in the way of your social calendar. Venus sends aid to Jupiter on the next day and you’re reminded that you can in fact have both. Mercury will oppose Uranus for the second time on October 19, and instead of gushing, just feel. Water signs love to express their emotions, but sometimes it can be a bit much for others.
When the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22 and conjuncts with Mercury a few days later, you’re really feeling blessed because your values are being met. Although the world around you may seem chaotic, when both Mercury and Venus move into Libra on October 28 you realize that the feeling of lack has no place in your current world.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

This is your full moon Aries, and it’s time to take a step back and celebrate yourself (I don’t have to tell you that twice). With the full moon sitting right next to Mars in your first house, you’ve got complete control of your emotions, for once. The next two days your instincts are on point, so follow them. It will feel as if a large weight has been taken off your chest, as Saturn is finishing his grueling aspect to Mars. The first weekend of October is smooth sailing. Venus blesses your day to day life with her move into Virgo on October 3. Coincidently, Jupiter starts an almost month-long aspect to Neptune, bringing the feeling that things are really going to work out for you. Hold on to that.
The following week on October 5, Pluto stations direct and immediately squares Mars. Keep in mind Mars is still in retrograde. Translation: This week it will feel like outside sources and circumstances are really trying to kill your vibe. Literally nothing feels like it’s going right. With Mercury directly opposing Uranus too, it’s possible that an expected bill will arrive. It could be car trouble or taxes, and Mercury’s not even in retrograde! (That’s next week.) Whatever it is, it’s a blow. By October 10, you’re ready to work out a plan of action, as Venus makes a helpful aspect to Uranus. You’re laser-focused on forging ahead, and this might get in the way of your personal relationships. Multi-tasking has never been your thing, but be sure to drop a text to let them know you’re alive.
On October 13, the Sun will be directly across from Mars, it might feel like you’re not getting along with anyone. With Mercury and Venus in a harmonious aspect, just focus on you and don’t let others interfere with your routine, because it is working for you. And just like that, on the following day, Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio, making this a swell time to dive deep into your subconscious. The new moon in Libra on October 16 brings a new start and this is a good day to hash out any personal relationship issues.
With Mars enticing Jupiter and the Sun creating a jarring aspect to Saturn, you might just see things from the other side and notice how your sometimes brash behavior comes off to others. With Venus and Neptune working in the background, you’ll find ways to tone it down. On October 18, Mercury retrograde swings back to oppose Uranus again, if you’ve been ignoring that pesky financial problem, now is the time to take care of it. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, and meets up with Mercury on October 25, you’ll be more comfortable with confronting yourself. Both Venus and Mercury will transit into Libra on October 28, and if romance has been the last thing on your mind, that changes today.
Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20)

The full moon in Aries is an end of a cycle for you Taurus. What has been holding you back from the life you wish you could live? As Mars is coming off his challenging aspect to Saturn, what have you learned about yourself and the values or beliefs you cling to? With Jupiter and Neptune on the case too, you’ll find your answers by connecting to those around you. The aspect between these two will last for most of the month, and this is a great time to expand your views by truly listening to others. Venus moves into Virgo on September 3, and it’s time to enjoy the party.
Something or someone you once valued is no longer cutting it, as Pluto stations direct on October 5 and gets bombarded by Mars the next day. With Mars still in retrograde, It’s likely you’ll want to go back and “fix it.” But with Pluto now direct, it might be best to let it go and start the healing process. To top it off, Mercury opposes Uranus, and communications with a partner or friends will be difficult this week. If you do engage you might say some very unexpected or confusing things. However, on October 10, your ruler Venus sends aid to Uranus calling you to channel your energy into what you like to do for fun. With the Sun in a tense alignment to Jupiter, try not to focus on what isn’t going right.
On October 12, just two days before Mercury stations retrograde, it will form a wonderful aspect to Venus, and you can communicate in a light-hearted way. Use this short window to say whatever you have to say, because dear old Mercury is officially retrograde starting October 14. While Mercury is doing a backspin through Scorpio, it’s a good time to review your dialect with others and adjust accordingly. The new moon in Libra will bring a fresh start in your day to day life.
As Mars squares Jupiter on October 17, you could be frustrated with your luck lately. But remember, Neptune is influencing Jupiter too and Venus chimes in on October 18. Simply shifting your focus onto things you are grateful for, like romance, hobbies and your social circle will banish those negative thought patterns. It’s important to note that Mercury will form another aspect to Uranus starting September 19 and conversations could get dicey again. It’s a good thing that the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, and your relationships become the focal point. On the same day Venus trines Pluto, and you’re okay with whatever went down in the weeks prior. As both Venus and Mercury retrograde transit into Libra on October 28, you find solace in throwing yourself into the daily grind
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

The full moon in Aries on October 1 is a social occasion. It’s possible that a new group of friends is becoming a huge part of your life. With Jupiter harmonizing with Neptune for most of the month, it’s very likely that you might find a potential business partner in this new group, which will help you further along in your lofty goals. On October 3, Venus moves into Virgo and it’s time to show the fam some love.
When Pluto stations direct on October 5, it’s possible you’ll reveal a deeper side of yourself. And just a day later, the planet of dismantling is met with the wrath of Mars, which might cause some tension in your social circle. While it might be uncomfortable, with Mars still in retrograde, don’t feel like you have to change your personality to fit in. Those who can’t handle your larger than life persona can’t hang. For the remainder of the week you might find it difficult to focus on the job, as your ruler Mercury will be opposing Uranus. Try your best to stay on track and forgive yourself. The Sun makes a tense aspect to Jupiter on October 10. You should put your energy into something creative, which will give you a much-needed dose of inspiration.
The week of October 12 starts off on a good note. With Venus playing nice with Mercury, the next two days make time to see or talk to family. As Mercury stations retrograde on October 14 your work life can become a bit hectic. With the new moon in Libra on October 16, you might find that creative projects are the perfect form of stress relief. When Mars forms a tense alignment with Jupiter the following day, it’s best to spend the weekend alone, as other people are likely to drain your energy.
Mercury turns up the heat on October 19, and the stress might have you on the verge of a breakdown. Luckily, the Sun moves into Scorpio a couple days later on October 22, and meets up with Mercury on October 25. This will bring the stamina needed to get through the rest of the month. Both Venus and Mercury move into Libra on October 28, and that creative project you started mid-month will bring you back to life.
Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The full moon in Aries is a huge career turning point for you Cancer, but with Mars still in retrograde, things could still feel stagnant. It’s best to focus on how far you’ve come. Don’t be too preoccupied with where you still want to go. Jupiter and Neptune form an alliance for the majority of October, and there is a particular person in your life that helps you see things from a new perspective. Spend a generous amount of time with that person this month, they can teach you a lot about yourself. Venus moves into Virgo on October 3, and your words will have an extra flair to them. Use it wisely.
On October 5, Pluto stations direct. It’s possible that a relationship you’re in will undergo a transformation of some sort. It could be related to business or romance. When Mars gets involved on the following day, it’s possible you saw this person being a part of the bigger picture. While it’s difficult for your emotional water sign to let go (crabs are clingers, you can’t deny that), have you ever considered it might be for the best? After all, with Mercury opposing Uranus you can chalk it up to creative differences. Did this person ever truly inspire you? As the Sun makes a tense alignment to Jupiter on October 10, you might feel ashamed for getting emotionally involved. Hang out with your friends to get your mind off of it.
On October 12, Mercury and Venus are in a wonderful aspect and the creative juices are flowing. Whatever your craft, the next two days are a great time to submit your work. Because on October 14, Mercury will go retrograde and those juices might dry up. During this three-week period, you could feel creatively blocked. Don’t stop what you’re doing, just slow down and don’t place any expectations on your projects.
The new moon in Libra on October 16 could bring some exciting news at home. The next day Mars squares off with Jupiter, and you feel torn between your professional and personal life. While you may be under the impression that your job requires your attention 24/7, Jupiter is asking you to set some clear boundaries. On October 18, Venus reinforces Jupiter and you can balance both. If any sign needs their relationships to thrive, it’s you, Cancer. So pay attention to these other October 2020 horoscopes, too.
On October 22, the Sun moves into Scorpio shining light on your imagination, which has felt unattainable since Mercury went retrograde. You might feel the rush again, when the Sun meets up with Mercury and forms a conjunction on October 25. Venus and Mercury will move into Libra on October 28, and you’re feeling extra grateful for the beautiful home you’ve built. You know what they say, Happy Cancer. Happy Home.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The wanderlust hits hard with the full moon in Aries on October 1. You might be nostalgically scrolling through clips of vacations past, or mourning a canceled trip. Go ahead, get it out of your system. The next day your life might become a bit more thrilling, as Jupiter lines up with Neptune for most of the month. This might take the form of getting to oversee an exciting project, or a new crush. Whatever it is, it’s lights, camera, action when Venus steps into Virgo on September 3. An increase in income is also very possible at this time.
Take a step off the pedestal on October 5, because glory requires hard work. Especially with Pluto stationing direct and facing off with Mars on the following day. It’s not going to be easy, but if there’s one person for the job, it’s you. Mercury opposing Uranus at the same time doesn’t help, because you realize that this opportunity might bring you to the next level. It could feel overwhelming to have that at stake. Remember that you’re a natural-born leader. You got this.
The Sun makes a tense angle to Jupiter on October 10. This means thinking about work is likely to stress you out. Refrain from doing so, and with Venus influencing Uranus this weekend, you have cosmic permission to get lost in your visions of the future. They’ll help motivate you. October 12, you’ll be feeling the familial love, with Mercury and Venus in a supporting aspect. Starting October 14, Mercury stations retrograde and your home might go haywire on you. Some repairs could be required, although inconvenient, it’s minor on a grand scale. The new moon in Libra on October 16 is an opportunity to revamp the way you communicate.
On October 17, Mars starts up with Jupiter, reminding you to pay attention to your well being. If you’re not in the right mental space, your performance could dip. The next day Venus gets involved to back-up Jupiter. You will clearly see what a valuable assist you health is. A bit of exercise could put you in the right mindset.
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22, and you’re aware that the issues you face at home are moving along. By the time the Sun meets up with Mercury on October 25 a resolution appears. Both Venus and Mercury move into Libra on October 28, and your words become your most powerful tool. What will you speak into existence for the following month?
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Are you ready to embrace your dark side? The full moon in Aries on October 1 will certainly put you in the mood for spooky season. Haunted attractions anyone? With Jupiter forming a magnificent aspect to Neptune for most of this month, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to go out and enjoy life with your best friends. When Venus moves into your sign on October 3, your phone won’t stop buzzing. Everyone wants some Virgo in their life.
A creative breakthrough is possible on October 5, when Pluto finally stations directly. Transformative processes are never easy, especially when Mars gets involved on the following day. You may feel the need to take a step back and change your perceptions. With your ruler Mercury opposing Uranus at the same time, you might find that your immediate environment doesn’t match your ideals. Your Virgo instinct is to formulate a plan to change that. But the Sun at a difficult angle to Jupiter on October 10, says otherwise. Your income doesn’t support the move you want to make, but with Venus in a supportive alignment with Uranus, you’ll find a roundabout way.
While your mind is on your money, Venus and Mercury form an alliance on October 12, and you’re focused on making the small changes that will help increase your savings. When Mercury goes retrograde on October 14, it’s a great time to find ways to cut corners in your local environment. Do you really need that $6 latte every day? Is there a cheaper grocery store nearby? Making small changes will have you feeling like you’re on the right track. By the new moon in Libra on October 16, you’re starting to look at your money in a different light. As Mars squares Jupiter the following day, you might feel guilty for spending on frivolous activities. Venus shows up on the scene on October 18 to remind you that you still need quality of life to survive.
In true retrograde fashion, your ruler Mercury forms another opposition to Uranus on October 19. And you guessed it, you’re yearning for greener grass on the other side. The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22 and will form a conjunction with Mercury a few days later. It’s like a light switch turned on in your mind. By the time Mercury and Venus transit into Libra on October 28, you’ll see some of your efforts start to pay off.
If you’ve enjoyed the October 2020 Horoscopes, stay tuned for November!
A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit
- Kaitlyn De Leonardis
- Kaitlyn De Leonardis
- Kaitlyn De Leonardis
- Kaitlyn De Leonardis