February 2021 Horoscopes: Saturn Square Uranus and New Horizons

by Kaitlyn De Leonardis
saturn square uranus 2021

Aquarius season is in full swing, especially when Venus enters this stimulating air sign on February 1. Can you find the beauty and love in humanity? Unfortunately, Mercury Retrograde is just getting started and connecting with others might be extra difficult. When Uranus came direct last month, it created quite a stir with aspects to Mars and Jupiter. The chaos continues throughout February, as Saturn will be square to Uranus until next month. The structure of our lives needs to be more progressive. The process of change is never easy, but it has to happen.

Mercury comes direct on February 20 and while this may lighten the mood a bit, the planet will remain in a post-retrograde shadow until March 13. Meaning, we may have to go back and revise whatever happened during the retrograde period.

Important Dates: Saturn Square Uranus

Venus enters Aquarius, February 1: How can you spread love to your fellow man?

Saturn Square Uranus, February 7-March 2: Saturn square Uranus occurs every 22 years. This planetary aspect represents the dominance of Saturn qualities and the impression of Uranus qualities, making us feel as though we are restricted to some pattern of life. This square drums up inner tension, but that’s not always a bad thing. In 2021, Saturn square Uranus may cause us to experience abrupt changes to the structure and responsibilities in our lives. But, this is also a period where we can break through any limitations we’re facing.

New Moon in Aquarius, February 11: A good day to reinvent our individuality and emotionally connect to the collective.

Mercury Direct 2021 in Aquarius, February 20: When Mercury is stationed direct, it will need several days to adjust its orbit. In other words, Mercury ends its retrograde and begins its post-shadow period. As the planet of the mind makes up for lost time, we may revisit something that occurred during its retrograde. As with Mercury retrograde, you may notice issues with transportation or communication. This is a do-over and a chance to make things right or tie-up loose ends.

Venus enters Pisces, February 25: A great time to connect with the beauty all around us. Tap into love at the source.

Full Moon Virgo, February 27: Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Take a break from work and follow your eccentric side.   

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Happy Birthday, Aquarius! Venus enters your sign on the first, and “treat yo’self” should be your motto over the next couple of weeks. The first three days of the month you might find yourself in an emotional state as the Sun antagonizes Mars. With Mercury currently retrograde in your sign, expressing yourself may seem impossible. On February 7, both Venus and Saturn will be at a harsh angle to your ruler Uranus. This may give rise to some unexpected feelings that are difficult to deal with. Saturn square Uranus will remain in this aspect for the rest of the month, and while it may be unpleasant at first you might have a breakthrough, which will leave you feeling free from the burdens of the past.

The new moon in your sign on January 11 is a chance to reconnect to yourself. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all meeting up this weekend, you’ll be a luck magnet. Taking a calculated risk could pay off tenfold, especially with Mars sextiling Neptune until February 15. The Sun brings a close to your season when he enters Pisces on February 18 and the focus turns to your income. In what ways can you make your money work for you?

On February 19 Venus conflicts with Mars and this is a recipe for hurt feelings. As a true individual, you normally do things your own way and rarely concern yourself with the perceptions of others, but someone close to you might hit a sensitive spot. Mercury turns direct on February 20, but will still be in shadow over the next couple of weeks. Use that time to lick your wounds and get back to that free-thinking mentality.

On February 23, Mars starts a transformative aspect to Pluto, which will help you find the root of any emotional hang-ups. When Venus moves into Pisces on February 25, an exciting new work opportunity could arise. With the Sun in a supportive aspect to Uranus this could come out of the blue, so be alert over the next two days. The full moon in Virgo on February 27 is a good time to pay off a debt or take a relationship to a new level. This full moon brings a feeling of completion. Whatever takes place on this day will likely add some stability to your life in these unprecedented times.

mercury direct 2021

Mercury Direct 2021: In February, Mercury will station itself direct entering its post-shadow period and may revisit issues that occurred during its retrograde.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

On February 1 Venus enters Aquarius, over the next few weeks you may find yourself daydreaming more than usual. Get lost in your imagination. The first three days have a frustrating vibe. With Mercury currently in retrograde and the Sun squaring Mars, communicating might prove difficult. Others will simply not understand where you’re coming from. Your daydreaming may be interrupted during the first weekend of the month. Venus meets up with Saturn and both find themselves at a challenging angle to Uranus. Reality will rear its ugly head and you might have some daunting tasks to deal with. With Saturn and Uranus in this harsh aspect all month, responsibilities may feel overwhelming.

The new moon in Aquarius on February 11 will be enlightening. It’s very possible that you will learn something new about yourself. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter meeting up this weekend you’ll feel empowered by the unlimited possibilities of life. Your ruler Neptune will also be in a wonderful aspect to Mars. Get out of the house, as exciting things are happening all around you. Tune into that.

Your season kicks off when the Sun enters your sign on February 18. Over the next few weeks pay extra attention to your needs, wants and desires. The following day, Venus and Mars end up in a conflicting aspect. Pay attention to how you communicate with others and try your hardest to control your anger. Any outburst could place strain on an important relationship. Mercury stations direct on February 20, but remains in shadow over the next couple of weeks. Do your best to work through any lingering mental fog you may be experiencing.

Mars starts a trine to Pluto on February 23. Over the next four days participate in any activities you feel passionate about. Connecting with like-minded people will expand your network. Meeting new people will be a breeze when Venus enters your sign on February 25. Everyone wants to get to know the real you. When the Sun sextiles Uranus on the same day, socializing will feel invigorating. The next two days are an excellent time to hit the town, either solo with or a friend, and a thrilling opportunity may arise. The month draws to a close with the full moon in Virgo on February 27. A romantic or business partnership could reach a milestone and a celebration is in order.

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

On February 1 Venus enters Aquarius, and you feel love for all living creatures. You might even want to get involved in a charity or volunteer organization. With the Sun squaring Mars for the next couple of days be aware of the tendency to donate more than you should, especially regarding both time and money. The Venus-Saturn conjunction on February 5 might bring someone into your life who has something very important to teach you. Listen with an open heart.

On February 7, Saturn and Uranus form a square for the remainder of the month. With this energy, there will likely be some sort of divide between yourself and a social circle. Perhaps you are relying on these people for validation or you’re being undervalued. You’ll just have to sit tight in this uncomfortable space. On February 10 Mercury makes a conflicting angle to Mars. You might find out that someone has been spreading nasty rumors about you, but with Mercury still in retrograde you should refrain from confronting your number one suspect, you could blow up on the wrong person. The weekend vibes look promising. Venus conjuncts Jupiter and the people you can count on show up for support. As Mars sextiles Neptune all weekend, do things that take your mind off this drama. A good Netflix binge might be the ticket.

As Pisces season gets underway on February 18, you’re in the mood to uncover some deep and dark truths. The following day Venus and Mars are at a conflicting angle and you might feel out of place in the world, but when Mercury comes direct on February 20 you’ll find it much easier to connect with the people around you. Keep in mind that Mercury is still in its shadow period, so you might need to find alternative ways to converse over the next few weeks.

When Mars lines up with Pluto on February 23, you can actively make some moves to improve your reputation at work this week. As Venus moves into Pisces on February 25, the Sun forms an angle to Uranus; the next two days are a great time to reach out to your extended network. Send some random “thank you” notes or friendly emails to simply inquire how everyone is doing. New opportunities can come from your connections.

saturn square uranus 2021

On February 7, 2021, Saturn will square Uranus and you may find it difficult to traverse through typical problems using the same old attitudes. However, this is a great time to break through what has been limiting you. Photo by Neha Rustagi

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20)

Your ruler Venus moves into Aquarius on February 1 and casts a spotlight upon you. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll attract a lot of attention. Be sure to put your best foot forward and don your favorite designer shoes! The first three days of the month, your ego may be over-inflated. Feeding into it will only attract the type of attention you don’t want as the Sun ignites Mars. On February 5, Venus conjuncts Saturn and you’re at peace with any limitations you’re currently facing.

The peace doesn’t last for long though. As both Venus and Saturn are met with the wrath of Uranus on January 7. As Saturn squares Uranus for the remainder of  February 2021, you might find that unexpected things are popping up left and right. All of these sudden developments will force you to confront yourself and the life you’re working hard to maintain. Does something need to change? When Venus meets up with Jupiter on February 11 you could receive some sort of honor or award. Enjoy the moment. Mars is in a fabulous alignment with Neptune all weekend. Hang out with the people who make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Valentine’s day is the perfect atmosphere to express your desires for the future with someone special.

On February 18 the Sun moves into Pisces and the social butterfly in you comes out. Plan lots of friend dates. The following day, and remainder of the weekend, could send you on a downward shame spiral as Venus squares Mars. Perhaps you’re embarrassed about how you acted and reacted to certain events in the past. With Mercury going direct on February 20, someone might publicly call you out on it. This will likely haunt you through the rest of Mercury’s shadow period over the next few weeks, as you work towards making amends.

Mars aligns with Pluto during the last week of the month, and you feel the urge to have a deep, transformative experience. On February 25 your ruler (Venus) moves into Pisces. You’re thankful for everyone you can lean on during hard times. With the Sun sextiling Uranus the same day, a friend might have an exciting surprise for you. You’ll realize the greatest transformation happens in both the positive and negative everyday experiences.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

The month gets started with Venus’s move into Aquarius. For the next few weeks, get lost in the beauty of the unknown. Explore every possibility. During the first three days of February, the Sun is in a harsh angle to Mars and you may come across some discouraging information. It might be hard to wrap your head around with Mercury retrograde and all. This weekend is a tough one. Venus meets up with Saturn and by February 7, both are in conflict with Uranus. Something important to you, like a job or relationship, could come to an abrupt end.

Saturn square Uranus will be in this alignment for the rest of February 2021. The loss you experience will have you re-evaluating your beliefs. More importantly, have faith in the notion that good things fall apart, so better things can come together. Things really start to look up around Valentine’s Day weekend. Your ruler hooks up with Venus, the planet of love, and Jupiter, the planet of luck. Can you feel it? With Mars and Neptune in the mix too, this weekend is filled with raw passion and dreamy vibes. Go wherever they take you.

On February 18 the Sun moves into Pisces and it’s time to rebrand yourself. A new wardrobe or social media aesthetic could feel like a powerful change. This weekend may have a melancholy feel, as Venus and Mars are in an uncomfortable alignment. Feeling the pain of old wounds may be necessary, and when Mercury goes direct on February 20 you’ll want to start the healing process. Be patient with yourself. During your ruler’s shadow period you may encounter emotions you’ve neglected. Acknowledge them and move on.

When Venus moves into Pisces on February 25, it’s all eyes on you. Everyone wants to grab your attention. The special few who attain it might have some divine guidance to offer. With the Sun sextiling Uranus, listen and look carefully for messages sent from the great beyond. Mars trines Pluto too, so you should have no problem tapping into the subtle energetic currents around you. Believe that all is possible.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

In February the focus is on intimacy and shared resources. On the first Venus moves into Aquarius, and you’ll be able to express your inner self. The words may not be as graceful as you’d like with Mercury currently retrograde, but it’s the feeling that counts. Even if that feeling is frustration, get it out in the open. When Venus meets up with Saturn on February 5, you’re feeling accomplished for releasing some pent up emotions.

By February 7 that feeling of conquest fades. Throughout 2021, you’ll deal with issues around how much you share with others, and the boundaries that keep you secure. When the Saturn square Uranus planetary aspect lines up for the rest of the month, others will turn to you for help and this is a test. Answer a call from someone close on February 8, the Sun is conjunct Mercury and your words are the light this person needs right now. The new moon in Aquarius on February 11 is a good time to set some boundaries, while opening yourself up in ways you haven’t before.

Valentine’s weekend brings some good vibes. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all in cahoots it’s the perfect atmosphere for one of your favorite pastimes, sharing your feelings. However, your declarations of love shouldn’t be reserved for a special someone. As Mars also aligns with Neptune, this is a good weekend to connect with friends. Let all your friends know you love them.  On February 18 the Sun enters Pisces and you may feel called to focus more on your spiritual or religious practices.

The weekend of February 19 will be quite turbulent. As Venus squares Mars you have to enforce some of those boundaries you built. An emotional vampire might pop up and demand your attention. On the following day, Mercury goes direct. You’ll have no qualms about turning this person down. Over the next few weeks, during the shadow period, focus on preserving your energy, you’ll be extra sensitive. On February 25 Venus moves into Pisces and it’s a good time to pick up a new skill with the company of a loved one. An art or cooking class could spark some passion as Mar aligns with Pluto. These experiences will set the stage for an important conversation that needs to take place under the full moon in Virgo on February 27.

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Love on the brain? It’s impossible not to think about it, when Venus shows up to a jam-packed 7th House of Relationships. On February 1 the planet of love transits Aquarius. Single Leos should fill their calendar with dates, and coupled Leos should shower their partners with affection. However, it may be best to avoid any dates during the first three days of the month.  Your ruler, the Sun, is in a tense angle to Mars, and work matters may have you feeling irritated. You’ll get it together by February 5, when Venus meets up with Saturn, and you’ll want to go for relationship gold.

But by February 7, you’ll feel directionless and confused when it comes to love and what you think it should look like. Uranus squares Saturn and asks the hard questions, like does your vision of the future match up with the others? This is a month-long aspect and requires time to explore. The new moon in Aquarius on January 11, points to a fresh start in partnerships, both business and romantic. But with Mercury still in retrograde, it’s best to put off signing any contracts. Valentine’s weekend has amorous vibes, with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all meeting up. Celebrate all the love you give and receive in life.

The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, and you’re thinking of others a little more than you typically do. On the following day, Venus squares Mars and you might find that someone you thought was on the same page was just trying to appease you. When Mercury comes directly on February 20, the facade will fade. You’ll likely continue to question who you trust, as Mercury goes through its shadow over the next two weeks.

On February 25, Venus moves into Pisces and you’ll only have time for the people who have shown they can be trusted. As the Sun sextiles Uranus the same day, expect someone to have a surprise in store for you. Finally, the full moon in Virgo on February 27 is a great day to focus on all the ways you currently feel valued.

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Venus brings vitality to everyday routines when she enters Aquarius on February 1. Over the next couple of weeks, what little things can you incorporate in your daily life to practice self-love?  As Venus meets up with Saturn on February 5, you’ll find some solid rituals. But just when you feel like you’ve got your footing, Uranus swoops in to ruin the day.

Starting on February 7, the Saturn square Uranus planetary alignment forms a challenging aspect that lasts for the rest of the month. Your daily routine will be filled with unexpected twists, and each one has a lesson you can learn. Be patient. February 10 may be a particularly frustrating day–nothing will go right as Mercury clashes with Mars. The new moon in Aquarius on the following day gives you a chance to start over, and the ability to cross quite a bit of your to-do list. Make time for all the people you love on the weekend of Valentine’s Day. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all meeting up and love is in the air. Mars also aligns with Neptune, and one special relationship, in particular, could have you seeing stars.

As the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 you’re feeling social, but it might be best to spend some time alone, as Venus squares Mars all weekend. Something feels off, but it’s hard to put your finger on it. When Mercury goes direct on February 20, you’re ready to take charge of everyday affairs. With your ruler still in shadow for the next couple of weeks, remember to move slowly.

Venus moves into Pisces on February 25 and it’s time to let the good times roll. As the Sun sextiles Uranus on the same day, someone close to you has some life-altering advice, listen closely. The full moon in your sign on February 27 has you feeling complete and full of gratitude for every blessing in your life.

mercury direct february 2021

In February 2021, Mercury will station direct and enter its post-shadow period following its retrograde. During this time, you may notice changes in commerce, transportation, and communication.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

On the first of the month your ruler Venus moves into Aquarius. Over the next couple of weeks, focus on your passions and romance. Take some time for yourself during the first three days of the month—with a Sun square Mars aspect, you’re not in the mood to share anything. On February 5, Venus links up with Saturn, and this is a good weekend for hobbies.

February 7 has a different vibe as Venus and Saturn are met with the wrath of Uranus. While you’re ready and willing to put your all into a passion project or a budding relationship, things could unexpectedly come to a halt. Saturn square Uranus will put the two planets at a harsh angle for the rest of the month. Unexpected roadblocks pop-up. You have no choice but to take a detour. By the new moon in Aquarius on February 11, things are looking up. There is a fresh start in the air, and as Venus forms a conjunction with Jupiter, you’re feeling optimistic.

Valentine’s Day weekend has some lovely vibes, as Mercury meets up with Venus and Jupiter. You’ll be able to really express yourself. Mars is also in a stellar alignment to Neptune, and you could connect with a work crush or start a new venture with a business partner. Whatever it is, it’s exciting stuff. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, and your focus turns to work. On the following day, Venus and Mars butt heads and there may be some sort of disagreement between you and someone else. But as Mercury stations direct on February 20, you’ll find power in being true to yourself. Mercury will be in its post-retrograde shadow for the next couple of weeks and you’ll still have to work things out.

On February 25, Venus moves into Pisces and now is a good time to add some extra TLC to your daily routines. The Sun influences Uranus the same day, and there is a surprise related to work, perhaps a bonus or promotion. As Venus moves through Pisces you can make great strides at work. The full moon in Virgo on February 27 is asking you to take a moment to be grateful for all the abundance that has shown up in your life since this time last year.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

When Venus moves into Aquarius on February 1, home really is where your heart is. You’ll enjoy spending time in your quarters and with your family. During the first three days of the month, there may be drama with a close friend. Perhaps they just don’t understand your need for solitude.

Things at home aren’t all rosy though. As Uranus squares both Saturn and Venus on February 7, it’s no longer the beautiful utopia it was a few days ago. Roommates or family members may have some volatile fights and the aggression may even be directed towards you. Saturn and Uranus are in this harsh angle for the rest of the month. This will be an ongoing uncomfortable energy, that may require more responsibility on your part. The new moon in Aquarius on February 11 will help you find some peaceful moments at home. The chaos will pause on Valentine’s Day weekend, with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all meeting up. Everyone at home should get along swimmingly. Problems still persist in the background, but these alignments make for some great bonding moments.

On February 18, the Sun moves into Pisces and you should focus on the pleasures in life. That might be hard on the following day though; as Venus and Mars form a challenging alignment, you could get into a huge fight with a significant other or get stood-up if you’re single. These icky vibes continue all weekend, but on February 20, Mercury comes direct and you suddenly want to fix your fragile emotional state. Remember that Mercury will be in shadow for the next several weeks, and these things take time.

Venus moves into Pisces on February 25, and now you’re really ready for a good time. The Sun sextiles Uranus on the same day, and someone you love may have a fantastic surprise in store. By the full moon in Virgo on February 27, you’re feeling extra grateful for all the wonderful souls you keep around you.

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Thanks to Venus entering Aquarius on the first, your words will have an extra flair to them over the next couple of weeks. But in the first three days of the month, the Sun’s frustrating aspect to Mars will make you feel like cursing everyone out at work. Don’t give in. January 7 is the start of a month-long square between Saturn and Uranus. Unexpected circumstances at work will arise that may require a great amount of your focus and attention. Don’t drop the ball.

The new moon in Aquarius on January 11 will help soothe this hectic vibe. As both Venus and Mercury will meet up with your ruler Jupiter over the next few days, you may come up with a concrete plan of action. As for Valentine’s Day? If coupled, plan a fun date close to home. If single, spend the day on the town–you could meet an intriguing stranger and end up on an impromptu date. How Sag of you!

On February 18, the Sun moves into Pisces and you’ll be thinking about your family more than usual. The following day may be stressful. As Venus squares Mars, someone could undermine all your hard work. You’ll be feeling bummed about it all weekend, but when Mercury goes direct on February 20, you’ve got some plotting and scheming to do. With Mercury in shadow for the next couple of weeks, try not to become all consumed with revenge. Think strategically.

Mars trines Pluto on February 23, and you have the power to expand your finances over the next couple of days. Venus enters Pisces two days later, bringing some loving vibes to your home and family. With the Sun sextile Uranus on the same day, a relative may offer you some sound advice about how to deal with the chaos at work, or possibly connect you with a better opportunity. The full moon in Virgo on February 27 calls for a celebration. Commemorate all that you’ve accomplished in life thus far. It will help you move forward with confidence.

saturn square uranus 2021

February 2021begins with Saturn square Uranus and rounds out with a Full Moon in Virgo. Photo by Neha Rustagi

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Venus moves into Aquarius on February 1 and the urge to splurge cannot be ignored. Is it so wrong that you like to have nice things? Hold off for the first three days though. With the Sun square Mars, you’ll have the tendency to go overboard. When Venus meets up with your ruler Saturn on February 5, you’re feeling accomplished and really seeing the value in yourself.

That tune changes around February 7, when both Venus and Saturn find themselves at harsh angles to Uranus. You may receive some unsolicited advice in the form of criticism. In fact, Saturn square Uranus will form this intense aspect for the rest of the month, and you might feel like you’re being criticized at every corner. The mood will lift with the new moon in Aquarius on February 11, 2021. You’re finding new ways to value your opinion of yourself, rather than the opinions of others. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will all meet up over the next few days–treat yourself extra nicely this Valentine’s Day weekend. As Mars sextiles Neptune, sharing your passion and dreams with someone close will have a powerful effect.

The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 and you may be seeing your neighborhood in a whole new light. Go out for a walk. You’re going to need to clear your mind when Venus aligns with Mars the next day, as more frustration over finances will arise. Mercury comes direct on February 20, and it’s time to stop correlating your self-worth with the money in your bank account. During Mercury’s shadow period, look for new ways to define worth in your life.

On February 25, Venus enters Pisces. Over the next few weeks you’ll be able to communicate with grace and ease. As the Sun aligns with Uranus on the same day, conversations that take place now can lead to a profound change within yourself. The full moon in Virgo on February 27 is a great time to reflect on some of your personal philosophies about life. How can you integrate them into your everyday life?

About the Author/s

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A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.

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