July 2022 Horoscopes: Jupiter Retrograde in Aries

july 2022 horoscopes

July 2022 Horoscopes: Jupiter Retrograde in Aries

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

Things heat up in our sky as July gets underway. We are officially coming into the opposition portion of the year, which causes tension. Now that we are in the throes of Cancer season the Sun and Mercury are the first to step up to the plate, and they’ll be crossing paths with Pluto. This does not happen until July 18, while we’ll experience some profound transformation this week (or be forced into it) there are some prior movements. On July 5 Mercury moves into Cancer, and Mars moves into Taurus. While our awareness of our emotional needs increases, so does our desire to make progress. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place, Mars in Taurus can cause us to feel sluggish and weighed down.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 13 is an excellent time to boost morale and use your goals as motivation. Venus moves into sweet Cancer a few days later increasing our yearning for true and unconditional love. At this time we will certainly be heart-centered as Leo Season arrives on July 22. We must be brave under the Leo new moon on July 28, as we receive an uplifting new beginning. However, Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries on the same day so progress or growth may feel stunted for the next four months.

July 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates:

Mercury Transits Cancer, July 5: When Mercury splashes around in this sensitive water sign we all benefit from some emotional intelligence. At this time we can use logic to navigate our feelings.

Mars Transits Taurus, July 5: Mars enters the sign of its detriment, and this transit is great for steady movement. Pushing too hard is not the move right now. Mars is go, go, go while Taurus moves slowly, so there is a need to find the right balance in our pace.

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 13: This lunation allows us to reflect on what we have accomplished and come to a deep understanding of what it will take to reach the next goal.

Venus Transits Cancer, July 17: Venus and Cancer are all about love, and we’ll be feeling it with ease. This transit also brings us the opportunity to express our emotions with grace.

Mercury Transits Leo, July 19: When Mercury enters this theatrical fire sign we are hit with a stream of creative energy.

The Sun Enters Leo, July 22: The lion is let out of the cage. When the Sun is at home we all have the courage to open our hearts. Be bold, be brave, be yourself.

New Moon in Leo & Jupiter Retrograde in Aries, July 28: New moons always signify a fresh start and we will be feeling that fierce fire energy— but when Jupiter goes retrograde things tend to feel restricted. It’s important to remember that progress can still happen at a slower rate. The planet of expansion will begin its retrograde in Aries, and dip back into its home sign of Pisces on October 28. The overall theme in this is diving deeper into both our terrestrial and spiritual identity. This can be a time of great internal growth that spurts when Jupiter goes direct on November 23.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Happy Birthday! July starts with an emphasis on self-care. As your ruler, the Moon is involved in a T-square to Mars and Pluto, focusing on anyone but yourself will lead to major burnout. For the next couple of days, you’ll feel pulled in many directions and it’s best to call in for backup. It’s your turn to be supported by others, ‘tis your season after all! On July 4 Mercury amps up Mars and you feel free to chase your desires again. The planet of the mind enters your sign on the following day, and this means one thing: it’s time to fully express yourself. Mars also moves into Taurus and adds some fire to your season. You’re the big shot of the zodiac right now, step into your power.

Say yes to any spontaneous or last-minute invitations around July 9, as the Sun sextiles Uranus. As Mercury agitates Jupiter, you may feel like you should be working towards your latest mile-marker on the road to success. Just remember that networking is also a productive use of your time and energy. By the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, you’ll feel a wonderful peace within your close relationships. However, you’ll be concerned about reaching a goal. As Venus and Saturn align this is a lesson in patience, and trust in divine timing.

The cosmic spotlight shines on you as Mercury and the Sun form a conjunction in your sign on July 16. Others will be attracted to your essence, as Neptune receives their energy. Your words have a sweet air of wisdom that leaves everyone hanging on. Venus blesses you with her grace and moves into your sign on the following day. Open that big and beautiful heart. In the coming days, (the Sun and Mercury) will oppose Pluto and there is a need for boundaries when it comes to yourself and others. By July 19, Mercury moves into Leo and your focus shifts to monetary matters. When the Sun finally comes home to this ferocious fire sign on July 22, you’ll realize your true value comes from being yourself. Money is just a consolation prize.

When July 25 rolls around you may start to question your place and value in the bigger picture. This is the influence of squares made by Mercury and Venus, which will quickly pass. Under the Leo new moon on July 28, you have the chance to step up and own your worth. On the same day, Jupiter goes retrograde, the next couple of months are ideal for discovering who you want to be in this world. Take time to understand the core truth of your goal. The Sun will be in a harmonious aspect to Jupiter on July 31, lean into that abundance of the can-do attitude you’ll have by the end of the month.

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You’ll be feeling out of touch as July gets underway. Mercury and Mars are drumming up some trouble, you don’t know who you can trust, and that doesn’t sit right with you. Talk through your suspicions with a proven trusted confidant as Mercury trines Saturn. By July 4 the planet of the mind initiates a helpful angle to Mars and your disposition becomes a bit more optimistic. On the following day, Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars enters Taurus. While you’ll benefit from increased drive and ambition, make sure you rest. Not doing so could lead to extreme fatigue over the next couple of weeks.

Take some time for yourself around July 9. The stars indicate that you’ve got some soul searching to do. As the Sun lends a helping hand to Uranus, you may receive some insightful guidance on your next big move. Take a moment to be still. The full moon in Capricorn on July 13 calls your attention to exactly what you need to live a more fulfilling life. Implementing new practices will help ground your energy. As Venus aligns with Saturn and Neptune others may need your bright and shining presence. Just know when you’ve had enough interaction and head home to get some rejuvenation.

Mercury and the Sun meet up on July 16 and you’ll find yourself in a rather reflective and sedative state, but Venus moves into Cancer on the following day and lightens the mood. As Neptune aligns with the Sun and Mercury, you’ll decondition yourself from some bad habits. In the coming days, this duo will face an opposition to Pluto, and you’ll have to make a real commitment to improving your overall health. Mental energy and focus should pick up as Mercury moves into your sign on July 19. Just a few days later, your ruler the Sun comes home on July 22 and you’ll shine with infamous confidence.

On July 25, Venus clashes with Jupiter and sends you into an existential crisis. As Mercury squares Mars this largely has to do with your place in the world, sort through your strengths and weaknesses— by the new moon in your sign on July 28 you’ll come to understand yourself on a much deeper level. It’s also important to note that Jupiter goes retrograde on the same day. This marks the start of a four-month journey through your core beliefs; examine, explore and question them. The Sun in trine to Jupiter on July 31 is blessing you with the inner wisdom to make the right next move.

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Mercury and Mars are bringing the drama as July rolls in, you may find yourself at odds with a romantic partner or close friend. It’s probably best to do the Virgo thing; put your head down and focus on work under the influence of Mercury and Saturn. You’ll reach a resolution with this person when Mercury aligns with Mars on July 4, On the following day Mercury moves into Cancer as Mars enters Taurus. The next couple of weeks is an ideal time to meet new people who are on your wavelength.

Getting together with a new crew is exactly what’s on the agenda for the weekend of July 9. As the Sun sextiles Uranus, you’ll likely make some fast friends. Do keep your guard up as Mercury squares Jupiter being too open will be your downfall. If anyone can keep it light and surface level, it’s you. You’ll allow yourself the freedom of creativity and expression under the full moon in Capricorn on July 13. As Venus aligns with Saturn you have the ability to bring an idea to fruition, as long as you’re committed to the goal.

Expect an eventful weekend around July 16 when Mercury and the Sun meet up for a cazimi, there will be lots of socializing on the agenda. As Venus moves into Cancer on the following day, engaging with others feels light-hearted and fun. In the coming days Mercury and the Sun duo will oppose Pluto as you take a look at how you show up to fun and leisure activities. Your approach may be all wrong. Mercury moves into Leo on July 19 and broadens your perspective. As the Sun moves into Leo just a few days later on July 22 you can let your imagination run wild.

It’s likely someone will betray your trust or overstep a boundary as Venus squares Jupiter on July 25. While this may send you into a tidsey as Mercury gets combative with Mars you’re not sure where to place this anger. The climate settles down by the new moon in Leo on July 28. On this day personal restoration should be the top priority, yes it is in fact time to pamper yourself. Jupiter goes retrograde too, marking the start of a several-month journey. For you, this is all about a breakthrough in your miserly tendencies, a cosmic call to release your need for control. The month ends with Mercury in opposition to Saturn, and you’ll finally come to understand how to balance productivity and rest. This awakening may feel rude but will benefit you in a multitude of ways.

aries horoscope july 2022
Photo by Miriam Espacio

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The internal affairs of your home and family unit will prove to be a great distraction as Mercury and Mars stir up some trouble, you’ll feel like you’re drowning in chores. Ultimately, you don’t want to let others down, but all that is required right now is to show up with good intentions. As Mercury sextiles Mars on July 4, you can easily step into the role of the way-shower. Share your wisdom, so that others don’t have to rely on you so heavily.  Mercury moves into Cancer while Mars enters Taurus on the following day, so you’ll be focused on the bigger picture from here on out. But it’s time to set some boundaries with the energy vampires.

Follow your innate urges as the Sun sextiles Uranus on July 9. By giving into your deepest desires you open up the possibility of turning them into reality. Someone close to you doesn’t see your big picture just yet as Mercury squares Jupiter. Don’t let them bring down your vibe. By the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, you may be feeling extra secure in the status quo, perhaps you’ll reach a personal goal. Venus trine Saturn reminds you to approach life with the wonderment of a child. Getting too caught up in the grind won’t allow your talents to flourish. You need some fun to keep you stimulated.

You’ve got some big ideas as Mercury and the Sun get together on July 16, as these two trine Neptune on the following day you can put them to practical use. At this time your ruler Venus moves into Cancer and graces your house of public image. Right now you’re being seen and are being recognized. While you’ll be feeling glorious, Mercury and the Sun are moving into opposition with Pluto,  in the coming days you’ll be balancing home and professional life. Relief comes as Mercury moves into Leo on July 19 and you can once again focus on the grand vision. By the time the Sun moves into Leo on July 22 you’ll feel the call to be seen, heard and recognized right now.

Your time and attention towards your hustle may cause some strife in an important relationship. This is life, and it’s likely the other party is blowing this matter out of portion. Mercury squares Mars on July 26, causing a headache with having to uphold your obligations. Just power through. By the new moon in Leo on July 28 you’ll be glad you did because this is when a new opportunity arrives at your door. Jupiter goes retrograde on the same day, and over the next couple of months, you’ll be working through some heavy relationship issues. The month ends as Jupiter receives a nice trine from the Sun which makes you amicable and willing to work things out.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The world around you may feel chaotic and restricted, as Mars and Mercury cause some trouble you’ll feel somewhat causetophopic. In the middle of this commotion, you can find your emotional center as Mercury aligns nicely with Saturn. By July 4, this mental planet will sextile Mars and you’ll be back to your smooth operator self. On the following day they shift signs, as Mercury transits Cancer and Mars moves into Taurus. This can stir up some much-needed passion within a particular relationship, as you’ll find yourself discussing deeper topics. If single, the next couple of weeks is ideal for making soul-level connections.

Although a loved one might sound crazy, listen to what they have to say as the Sun sextiles Uranus on July 9. You’ll receive divine wisdom from others this weekend. As Mercury squares Jupiter you may feel compelled to make an abrupt change, but this is not the answer. It’s important to remember with the South Node in your sign, you are slowly shedding old parts of yourself. It’s a process. By the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 you’ll step into a new awareness of both yourself and the current atmosphere. With Venus trine Saturn it’s best to only surround yourself with people you can trust at this time.

As the Sun conjuncts Mercury the weekend of July 16 making you susceptible to mind-opening experiences. In these moments we gain wisdom, as these two trine Neptune on the following day you feel free to follow your curiosity. This is water energy at its finest, and as Venus moves into Cancer at the same time you’ll easily find the value in what you learn this weekend. As a new week starts Mercury and the Sun come into opposition with Pluto, and this might inspire you to approach expression from a new angle. Mercury transits Leo on July 19 and suddenly your greatest concern is making it all happen. The Sun backs up your bravado and moves into Leo on July 22. Magnetism is your greatest power. Use it wisely.

A roadblock or problem at work might get you down as Venus squares Jupiter on July 25. As Mercury squares Mars in the following days it’s likely that this will be a collaborative effort, and the environment may be combative. You’ll achieve some peace by the new moon in Leo on July 28, when you can focus on your own personal goals. On the same day, Jupiter stations retrograde in Aries and it’s clear you may need to do less in your day-to-day work, this frees up time and space to focus on more important matters. Mars conjuncts Uranus on July 31. Spend this day with a lover or friend and see where your wild ride takes you.

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

As the month begins, you may feel let down about a particular relationship that didn’t meet your expectations—you should let go of it. As Mercury trines, Saturn is influencing you to let go of control. Once you do you’ll be in a natural state and connection or romance is bound to thrive as Mercury sextiles Mars on July 4. Both planets make a move on the following day, Mercury enters Cancer as Mars transits Taurus. You can expect your days to be filled with passion and connections to take a deeper turn with these transits. Your love and romantic life will get a cosmic boost.

Around July 9, you’ll tap into some underlying energy and determination to tackle your chores as the Sun sextiles Uranus. With Mercury square Jupiter, you will be tempted to ditch responsibilities in the name of fun. It’s best to turn down the invitations and ride this wave of productivity, as you’ll be feeling much better when the work is done. Under the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, you may receive some sort of raise or bonus for your efforts. Gather the squad to celebrate.

Get down to the nitty-gritty when it comes to what’s bugging you in a close relationship. Mercury and Sun meet up in your sector of emotions on July 16 and you’ll be able to express yourself without holding back. Neptune’s influence on the following day could hit you with a flood of feelings— let them wash over you. Venus moves into sensitive Cancer on July 17 and your bond with the person will drastically improve. By July 19, Mercury moves into Leo and allows you complete access to your higher mind. The Sun backs up this energy as it comes home to Leo on July 22. All this fire energy is exactly what your mind needs right now to get the gears turning.

As Venus squares Jupiter on July 25, the cosmos may bring your emotional blocks to the surface. Perhaps you’ve been holding onto a childhood experience for far too long. As Mercury squares Mars, letting go will improve your overall attitude even if it’s hard at first. The Leo new moon on July 28 will open you up to a new way of thinking and being. As your ruling planet Jupiter stations retrograde in Aries on the same day, it’s clear that you could use some lightening up. Get back to cultivating joy into your life and watch your wisdom increase.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

As July starts, you may find yourself plagued with self-doubt thanks to Mercury and Mars creating some cosmic trouble. Mercury aligns with your ruling planet Saturn and reminds you that you are the GOAT. By July 4, as Mercury sextiles Mars, you’ll feel that unwavering self confidence once again. These two planets will move on the following day. As Mercury transits Cancer, Mars ingresses into Taurus and it will be time to focus on your personal relationships. Whether they’re romantic or platonic, they will be your greatest source of pleasure over the coming weeks.

On July 9, Mercury squares Jupiter. You might not get along with a family member, roommate or partner. It’s best to get out of the house and plan a fun activity with a friend as the Sun sextiles Uranus. Even if your plans are of the more spontaneous nature, get active. The full moon is in your sign on July 13: ask you to let others into your space. As Venus trines Saturn you’ll realize how valuable your relationships are.

You should spend the weekend of July 16 with a close friend or lover as Mercury and Sun meet up in your relationship sector. This is an excellent alignment for strengthening and improving bonds, especially as these two form a nice trine to Neptune on the following day. Conversation will be flowing and as Venus moves into Cancer there is a dreamy and light-hearted vibe. All is well, until Mercury and the Sun come into opposition with Pluto, creating tension between yourself and others. By July 19, Mercury moves on to Leo and you can finally give all your attention to someone special. The Sun also moves into Leo on July 22, and you can find solace in this current connection.

Things may not be going well at home as Venus squares Jupiter on July 25, but try not to get testy with family or co-habitants in your space. As Mercury squares Mars, over the next couple of days you might come up with some out-of-the-box solutions. By the new moon in Leo on July 28, you’ll be connected to those around you and smooth over any lingering tensions. On the same day, Jupiter stations retrograde, signaling that may be time to rework your internal operations, which is a process that will take place over the next several months. July comes to an end as Mercury opposes Saturn and makes you a little more generous. Ask yourself where you can afford to give right now.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

You’re not sure where to put your energy as July starts and that’s okay. There is a lot of cosmic confusion as Mercury and Mars disrupt the outer planets. Mercury also trines Saturn throughout all this, so just focus on yourself as a remedy. By July 4, the vibes will check out again and you are free to interact with those around you without holding back as Mercury sextiles Mars. On the following day, they’ll both make transits: Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars charges into Taurus. The stars say it’s time for well-being to become top priority, in both the emotional and physical sense.

The Sun sextiles Uranus and you’ll be able to make efficient use of your focus and energy. Even if it wasn’t planned, use this influence to tick some things off your to-do list. As Mercury squares Jupiter you might find yourself becoming distracted. If this occurs, just switch up your environment. Under the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, make sure you schedule plenty of time for rest. Your load should be light on this day as you don’t want to over do it. As Venus trines Saturn, treating yourself to something nice is the answer and doing so will renew you on many levels.

Work or more trivial matters might require your time and attention this weekend as the Sun and Mercury meet up on July 16. Venus also moves into this sector on the following day., and you can move through your task swiftly, with delight and ease. Mercury and the Sun will start their oppositions to Pluto in the coming days, so moving at a slower pace will be your ally at this moment. You don’t want to feel burned out when Mercury moves into Leo. There is a whole list of people just waiting to hang out with you. Give some of them a call. You’ll be diving into your social life headfirst as the Sun moves into Leo on July 22. Being around the people you care for will energize your spirit.

Your day-to-day operations will not run so smoothly as Venus squares Jupiter on July 25. Mixed communication and missed signals are on the agenda. As Mercury squares Mars in the following days try not to let the actions or words of others get to you. By the new moon in Leo on Jul 28, you’ll be looking at relationships in a new light. Jupiter also stations retrograde in Aries on this day, in the coming weeks and months, your communication will feel restricted. Pure expression is the goal, but it will take some trials to get there.

what does jupiter in retrograde mean?
Photo by Abet Llacer

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Unfortunately, this month starts with agitation as Mercury and Mars create some harsh aspects andyou may feel deeply hurt by some constructive criticism. Draw upon Saturn’s influence in all this with a mature response— put aside your emotions and listen. As Mercury sextiles Mars on July 4 you’ll be feeling extra confident. Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars enters Taurus the next day, making this a wonderful time to explore unknown terrain and see where the freedom of expression can take you.

July 9 calls for some sort of adventure as the Sun trines Uranus. As Mercury squares Jupiter you’ll likely have some financial-related stress. Don’t let this stop you from having a good time. You need this right now. The full moon in Capricorn on July 13 takes you further away from the mundane. It’s best to dwell in the realm of your imagination to help you solve the concrete problems of reality. As Venus aligns with Saturn you’ll have no problem staying grounded— after all, you are a pro at daydreaming.

The weekend of July 16 should be packed with fun activities as Mercury and the Sun meet up.  The fun doesn’t stop here; as Venus moves into Cancer on the following day, create some more time for leisure in the coming weeks. On July 18, both Mercury and the Sun will come into opposition with Pluto, and there is a need to balance work with rest. Mercury moves into Leo on July 19, and you can expect your productivity to swiftly increase. As the Sun comes home to Leo on July 22, you’ll adopt an even more optimistic attitude and this outlook will change your daily life for the better.

As Venus squares Jupiter on July 25, you may feel guilty about recent spending. While Mercury squares Mars on the following days, you can take action towards erecting a solid budget. By the new moon in Leo on July 28, you’ll have the energy of a thousand suns. Use this new beginning and commit yourself to living a happier, healthier and more productive life. As simultaneously Jupiter stations retrograde, you may have to make some sacrifices to beef up your savings. The month ends as the Sun trines Jupiter, giving you a burst of go-getter energy to make it happen.

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

As July kicks off you may be feeling somewhat directionless with a need to get moving as Mercury and Mars cause some commotion in our sky. Mental Mercury gets some help from Saturn, and it might be best to get raw and vulnerable. Own your struggle. You’ll find it an invigorating experience in sharing your story as Mercury sextiles Mars on July 4. On the following day they’ll both make moves: Mercury enters Cancer and your ruler Mars barges into Taurus. It’s time to graciously fill your own well. For the next couple of weeks, focus on whatever makes you feel whole.

Around July 9 you might receive an unexpected gift or assistance as the Sun sextiles Uranus. However, Mercury will be in a tough aspect to Jupiter, so don’t pass up an opportunity due to pride. Learn to be more receptive. The full moon in Capricorn on July 13 offers you a solid reality check and asks you to find a balance between your personal needs and your ambition. Neptune’s influence on Venus could make you a bit distracted. Focus on what is happening in your reality, this is not the time to drift off into dreamland.

On the weekend of July 16, Mercury conjuncts the Sun. This is an ideal weekend to get together or connect with family. As Venus moves into this sector on the following day and Neptune sends some vicious energy to the Sun and Mercury, there is something special about being your tribe, be it chosen or blood-related. This dynamic duo will begin to juxtapose Pluto on July 18. The key to your success lies within, although it may be hard to find it at first. Mercury moves into Leo on July 19 adding an air of creativity to your thoughts right now. Your light grows brighter as the Sun enters Leo on July 22, highlighting all the ways in which you can shine right now.

You will not feel like doing much as Venus squares Jupiter on July 25, so take this day to chill out and relax. As Mercury comes into a hasty aspect with Mars you can get hyper-focused on the end result. Don’t get caught up in the details and keep innovating. July 28 is the ideal time to release any pent-up energy under the new moon in Leo. On the same day Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign, drawing your attention inward. The next couple of months will be one of profound self-discovery. As the month draws to a close and Mars meets up with Uranus, it’s time to radically recognize your self-worth.

 Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20)

Your beliefs and values may be making your head spin as the month starts. Mars and Mercury are in the middle of the action and you’ll feel unsure of what or whom to believe. As Mercury trines Saturn it’s best to find stillness in the push and pull, focus on what you hope to accomplish. Mercury lines up with Mars on July 4 and hits you with a wave of determination. On the following day, Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars transits your sign, this will leave you feeling quite fervent and ready to fully express yourself.

The weekend of July 9 is ideal for a spontaneous trip. Whether you have company or you’re flying solo, it’s just the right amount of adventure you need right now as the Sun sextiles Uranus. Go without a plan and see where life takes you. You’ll feel rather enlightened by the full moon in Capricorn on July 13. Around this time you may finally understand the right strategy to reach a goal as Venus lines up with Saturn. You’ll see where you’ve been lead off track and can course-correct accordingly.

You may find yourself connecting with the community in new ways as Mercury and the Sun get together on July 16. On the following day, Venus moves into Cancer and the social sector of the sky. You’re likely to make some delightful connections, as Mercury and the Sun link up with Neptune the atmosphere is light and fun. In the coming days this duo will move into an opposition with Pluto and you may come to realize that one of your core beliefs is holding you back. This will call for an intervention. As Mercury enters Leo on July 19, get comfortable and explore the depths of your feelings. The Sun follows suit, and comes home just a couple days later on July 22. In a way, you’ll be coming home yourself and may want to give some extra time and attention to your emotional well-being.

Venus squares Jupiter on July 25 and allows you access to your subconscious mind. While what you discover about yourself might be perplexing, the new moon in Leo on July 28 points to a new beginning. Take your findings and make the necessary changes. Jupiter also stations retrograde on this day. Over the next few months you may feel somewhat disconnected from the world around you, so try to focus on your internal growth. Your unlocked gifts and talents are just waiting to be discovered.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

The month starts as Mercury and Mars stir the pot, causing some drama with you as the focal point. As Mercury trines Saturn, you’ll be able to miraculously rise above it instead of dishing out a piece of your mind. All is well again as Mercury sextiles Mars on July 4, and the conflict gets resolved. You’re free to fixate on securing the bag as Mercury moves into your second house of finances on the following day. At the same time, Mars enters Taurus and prompts you to slow down. Examining all the details is how that mastermind of yours works.

Around July 9 you’ll receive a blessing from the Universe, which will likely manifest in material form as the Sun sextiles Uranus. Under the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, you’ll feel called to give to others. As Venus trines Saturn on the same day,your wisdom will be your greatest asset, and it’s far more valuable than anything monetary. Stop trying to fit into the mold that society presses upon you. You are meant to be your free-spirit self.

Grab a pen and paper because Mercury and the Sun get together the weekend of July 16, and you’ll generate some ideas on how to increase your cash flow. Venus moves into Cancer and the financial area of your chart on the following day, increasing your desire to acquire nice things. As Mercury and the Sun link up with Neptune, some visualization exercises could help motivate you. In the coming days this duo will oppose Pluto, giving you a broader perspective on how you can make your money work for you. Mercury moves into Leo on July 19, while the Sun comes home to Leo on July 22 and puts a greater emphasis on connecting with others over the course of the next couple of weeks.

Mercury steps up to Mars on July 26 and challenges the way you convey your deepest thoughts. The new moon in Leo on July 28 brings some fresh flair to your words. Free from the chains of doubt, you’ll fully express yourself going forward. Jupiter also stations retrograde on this day, so over the next couple of months, try not to overextend your time and energy. The month ends with your ruler Mercury in opposition to Saturn, take the knowledge you’ve obtained and get serious about the best way to share it.

More on Retrograde Planets:

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.