November 2022 Horoscopes: A Lunar Eclipse in Taurus + Jupiter Direct 

December 2023 horoscopes

November 2022 Horoscopes: A Lunar Eclipse in Taurus + Jupiter Direct 

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

We may be amid eclipse season, but this month is a walk in the park compared to the cosmic chaos that ensued in October of 2022. The hot topics of your November 2022 horoscopes are a radical full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus and flamboyant Jupiter stations direct in imaginative Pisces. With the promise of Sagittarius season on the horizon and a good amount of harmonious aspects, this month presents a calm, easy-going and free-spirited atmosphere.

We’ll all feel a little lighter after the lunar eclipse, which involves several other planets, including erratic Urnaus. November 8 will present some shocking events indeed. As the dust settles, we’ll see the bigger picture with Venus and Mercury’s move into the adventurous Sagittarius. After getting to know the depths of ourselves during Scorpio season, we are met with the Sagittarius new moon as we enter the time of the archer. This is a bold and bright new beginning for us all. Jupiter stations direct in Pisces and the sky really is the limit toward the end of the month.

November 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates:

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – November 8

A fated moment of release and renewal. With the Sun in close proximity to Mercury and Venus we are letting go of some personal parts of ourselves, which may have been shaped by painful experiences. As the moon is dead conjunct Uranus, we are all at once changing our values and embarking on a new journey. This will likely be something that has never occurred to us, but feels right in the moment.

Venus Transits Sagittarius – November 16

For the next couple of week’s we’ll be lusting for adventure and a bold new story. There is an intense drive to create and express in theatrical ways. Venus in the sign of the archer, knows just the right recipe to make life fun and exciting.

Mercury Transits Sagittarius – November 17

We will be able to see the bigger picture, even if our curious minds continue to explore all of the possibilities. There is an air of wisdom to our words, thoughts and ideas for the next couple of weeks.

The Sun Transits Sagittarius – November 22

Sagittarius season gets underway and we can all embody the daring, fearless nature of the archers. This is a time of growth, expansion and enlightenment. We’ll meet the unknown with a brave heart.

The New Moon in Sagittarius & Jupiter Stations Direct in Pisces – November 23

A new beginning with an abundant outcome. This new moon will present us with a bright and glistening opportunity. One that leads to expansion on both spiritual and material levels. As the ruler of Sag and dispositor of the new moon, Jupiter the planet of fortune stations direct in Pisces luck is on our side. We’ve done enough of the hard work, it is time to let the reward come to us.


Happy birthday, Scorpio! You’ve been feeling the love ever since your season kicked-off with an entrance from Venus. As the month gets started this vivacious planet is opposite Uranus and someone is planning to surprise you this week— don’t spoil it by snooping. A relationship will take an unexpected turn with the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. The full moon is exactly conjunct Uranus and you won’t see this coming. Whether you’re breaking-up, getting together or somewhere in between, you’ll be thrilled. Mercury is in close proximity to the Sun in your sign and you’ll be more than ready to let go of what no longer resonates and welcome in a brand new story. The Sun moves on to square Saturn and you can expect some emotional instability around November 10. Let your feelings out, but don’t unleash your wrath.

fall horoscopes 2022
Lunar Eclipse in 2022 | Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

The week of November 14, both Venus and Mercury will trine Jupiter before they leave your sign. This will be a time of great joy and celebration. A free pass to enjoy all that life has to offer you. Indulgence continues as Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius mid-week. You’ll be in the mood to drop some dollars on yourself. When these two get together on November 19, they inspire you to go after what you value the most. Meanwhile, Mars will square Neptune from November 16-22. It’s important to set boundaries and budgets as it’s all too easy to go overboard.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 22 and you’ll be all about your bottom line. An opportunity to increase your income could present itself under the new moon in Sagittarius on the following day. Raises and job offers will be on the table. Jupiter also stations direct in Pisces and this opens the flood-gates of creative and expansive energy. Mars is trine Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month and this time is best spent on maintaining your close relationships. Now is the time to go above and beyond and when Mercury joins the equation on November 29, you’ve got so much more to give.


As the month gets started you may want to run and hide from the world. As Venus sits opposite Uranus, do your best to find peace and solitude where you can. With the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus, your work or well-being can’t be ignored. Around November 8 you might experience a radical shift in this area. When you receive news on a particular development, it will release your fears or concerns surrounding it, leaving you feeling lighter than ever. Just be mindful of what you say in the coming days. Mischievous Mercury and the Sun square Saturn— sharing too much could set you back.

The week of November 14, both Venus and Mercury form a nice trine to your ruler, Jupiter. This is an ideal time to express and put yourself out there. Venus moves into your sign on November 16, followed by Mercury the next day, which intensifies your charm. You can now get away with your more eccentric tendencies, as people find your unbridled spirit captivating. While you’re getting all that attention, someone close could feel thwarted or even jealous as Mars squares Neptune from this date until the start of your season. This person might maliciously act out, but this is simply an invitation to work through specific issues within that relationship.

You’ll welcome your season on November 22 and it is time to focus on yourself. As Venus conjuncts Mercury, you’ll be inspired to do more of what you love. A heart’s desire becomes a reality under the new moon in your sign on November 23. To top it off, Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the same day, so you can shine your inner light a little brighter as you gain greater self-awareness. Mars trines Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month, giving you an excellent chance to communicate your needs within a partnership. When you find they are conflicting, it can be difficult to handle. Mercury gets involved on November 29 and you’ll likely come to an amicable agreement. Sometimes we need relationship check-ups to make sure everyone is content and you certainly will be by the end of the month.


You may be drifting apart from certain friends as the month gets started. Venus is opposite Uranus and you can sense the calamity of change in your social life. This comes with the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. You’ll be pulled in a spartic new direction as the moon sits right on top of Uranus. This requires you to leave something behind in search of new connections and adventure. Mercury is in close proximity to the Sun and you yearn for more meaningful friendships. A few days later, the Sun squares your ruler Saturn, asking you to define what it you truly want out of your relations.

The week of November 14 brings a gift. As Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter there is something beneficial within your grasp. On November 16, Venus dances into Sagittarius and Mercury follows suit shortly after. Honor yourself and your needs as your internal stability may be the key to your success right now. Especially since Mars is square Neptune until November 22— this aspect can really throw off your focus and you’ll need rest for the sake of your mental stamina. Mercury and Venus meet up on November 19, so you’ll likely be in the mood to get cozy at home and rejuvenate yourself as Sagiattrius season rolls in.

The new moon in Sagittarius on November 23 is the start of a new chapter at home. You might adopt a pet, find out you’re expecting or move in with a partner. This is a time to celebrate as Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the same day. You’ll experience more joy in your immediate environment. This new beginning is an integral part of your growth. Mars will trine Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month and you might get a second chance at a missed opportunity. Be it a job offer or investment, this time around, you’ll be ready to pull the trigger because you have a greater depth of the details. Mercury gets involved on November 29 and you know you can trust your gut. It’s leading you to some wonderful places.


As the month gets underway, you’ll feel as if you’re being pulled in too many directions with Venus opposite Uranus. Things at home could get a little hectic, but your professional life requires your attention. The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 offers you an intense emotional release. This is a good time to unapologetically express your feelings as the moon sits right on top of your ruler, Uranus. In doing so, you’ll realize how your priorities have changed with Mercury in close proximity to the Sun. This eclipse is aligning you with your deepest desires. The Sun creates a harsh alignment with Saturn on November 10, and you might briefly doubt your capabilities as you head in a new direction.

Your hard work is bound to pay off as Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter the week of November 14. You’ll receive more than expected for some previous project. Sharing your work or accomplishments will gain you recognition as Venus moves into Sagittarius on November 16, followed by Mercury the next day. Someone might very well reach out with yet another opportunity by the time these two personal planets meet on November 19. In between all of this is Mars square Neptune and this experience will help you work through any lingering self-doubt. It is in fact time to step into the limelight as the Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 22. For you, the season is about being seen and admired.

You might step into a leadership position or take on a greater role with the new moon in Sagittarius on November 23. This is a fresh start where you call the shots. Your finances should benefit, too as Jupiter stations direct in boundless Pisces on the same day. Your bank account could experience some rapid growth in the coming weeks. Mars aligns with Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month, giving you all the tools to build a solid foundation. Get others involved with the influence of Mercury on November 29. You’re taking your professional life to some new heights, enjoy this moment of creation and success.


Some commotion in your immediate environment may disturb your peace as Venus opposes Uranus to start off the month. Whether it’s noisy neighbors or distracting tension between your co-worker, you’ll have reached your limit by the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. As the full moon occurs right on top of Uranus, you need to get away— and fast. A clean break may be exactly what the doctor ordered as Mercury and the Sun are conjunct during the eclipse. Whether you decide to move or take an impromptu vacation a change of scenery is called for. The Sun moves on to square Saturn and it helps to embrace spontaneity rather than resist it..

Lunar Eclipse November 2022 | Image by maomaochang from Pixabay

Both vibrant Venus and insightful Mercury will trine Jupiter in your sign the week of November 14. Luck is certainly on your side and you may even be struck by a personal revelation or idea for your own enterprise. You’ll be ready to chase a dream and give your 100 percent to a goal when Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16. As Mercury follows, these transits will help get you noticed in all of the right ways. You’ll feel inspired to get to work as they meet up on November 19. In the midst of this, Mars squares Neptune until November 22 and you may be avoiding a sticky situation at home. It’s best to confront issues now instead of letting them linger.

You’ll feel energized as Sagittarius season kicks off just in time to seize the perfect opportunity under the new moon on November 23. This has career advancement written all over it. Jupiter also stations direct on the same day and you can feel your energy shift. It’s time to go out and make things happen with these newfound, expansive vibes. Personal growth is the name of the game. Mars aligns with Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month and the friction at home dissipates. This offers a moment to patch-up relationships with family and loved ones. Mercury gets involved on November 29, presenting the opportune moment to celebrate your success with a supportive crowd.


Be wary of what seems too good to be true as November gets started. It probably is with Venus opposing Uranus. The real reward comes on November 8 with the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus and you could recieve some financial support from an unexpected source. Remain vigilant as Mercury and the Sun are closely conjunct and your desire could outweigh your logic. You may receive some poor advice as both square Saturn on November 10. Don’t go looking for answers outside of yourself. You’ll gain clarity all on your own thanks to the influence of all-seeing Neptune in the following days.

Venus moves into Sagittarius on November 16, followed by Mercury the next day and luck is on your side. You might win a vacation, receive a grant or scholarship to go to school— whatever it is, you’ll embark on an exciting new journey. Mars retrograde squares Neptune at this time as well, so don’t beat yourself for feeling a bit hazy. Mercury and Venus meet up on November 19, striking you with inspiring thoughts in the coming days. You can fully follow your bliss when the Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 22.

You’ll become more in tune with the ebb and flow surrounding you under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 23. This will be a super-charged fresh start as the ruler of your fellow fire sign, Jupiter, stations direct in Pisces. When you relinquish control, you’ll be rewarded. The end of the month is an ideal time to gather with friends as Mars will trine Saturn from November 26 and onward. Let their support and input guide you. While you take pride in being independent, Mercury becomes tangled up with these two and the cosmos are prompting you to accept a helpful offer. You’ll have so much to learn from the people you keep around with towards the end of the month.


You may feel as if you are drifting apart from a close friend or business partner as Venus is at odds with Uranus to start the month. It’s likely that you’ve invested a lot into this relationship. By November 8—and the full moon lunar eclipse in your sign—it will be clear whether you want to band together or go your separate ways. With the moon closely conjunct Uranus, your decision might even shock you. Mercury in close proximity to the Sun is challenging you to step up to the plate and head towards your own needs and desires when they square Saturn on November 10.

The week of November 14 will be a notable one as Mercury and Venus trine Jupiter. This presents a chance to be seen on a grand scale. On November 16, Venus moves into Sagittarius followed by Mercury and the entire experience will help you to discover hidden parts of yourself. At the same time Mars is square Neptune until November 22 and the amount of praise or criticism you receive could become overwhelming. By the time Sagittarius season arrives, your inner strength is as solid as a rock, allowing you to be more candid about your true feelings.

The new moon in Sagittarius on November 23 marks a whole new chapter in the way you relate to yourself and others. Your core values become more apparent and as Jupiter stations direct on the same day, you’ll be putting just the right vibes out to attract exactly what you need. You’ll feel confident as Mars aligns with Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month. A missed opportunity is up for second grabs. As Mercury gets involved on November 29, you’ll have the finess to seize it—  for you now know and love yourself on a deeper level.


You may be feeling quite bored as November begins and you’ll feel the intense need to shake things up as Venus opposes Uranus. You’ll also notice a change within your life under the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. This will be spur the moment as the moon joins Uranus at the time of the eclipse. With Mercury in close proximity to the Sun in Scorpio, you’ll be releasing certain habits and replacing them with healthier ones. A slip-up might occur just a couple of days later when the Sun squares Saturn on November 10. Don’t go criticizing yourself over this, just pick up and move on.

As Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter the week of November 14, you might meet a special someone who checks all your boxes. Whether this is a romantic or business connection, you’ll be ready to dive in head first as Venus moves into Sagittarius on November 16, followed by Mercury on the following day. Gemini’s in established relationships should make bonding time a top priority this week as it will leave some lasting good vibes. While there is potential for growth in your partnerships, Mars will also square Neptune until November 22— bringing your personal goals to the forefront. Take time to feel out a new direction, an impulsive move could have you in over your head. The start of Sagittarius season is asking you to put your professional ambitions aside and focus on your close relationships.

what is jupiter direct 2022
Jupiter Direct in 2022 | Image by Alexander Antropov from Pixabay

There is a wonderful fresh start in your seventh house of partnerships with the new moon in Sagittarius on November 23. This is the type of lunation where relationships begin, end or reach new levels of commitment and understanding. What transpires under this new moon has a larger part to play in your entire story as Jupiter stations direct in Pisces. You’ll feel as if all the pieces to the puzzle are coming together. Mars aspects Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month giving you some stern self-discipline. With Mars retrograde in your sign, it can be difficult to focus on the task in front of you, but the latter half of November offers you some productive days. You’ll make immense progress as Mercury gets involved in this aspect on November 29 and you can’t wait to celebrate with the people around you.


You’re all about keeping the peace as November gets started, but the people around you are causing disruption with Venus opposite Uranus. The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 offers you a chance to make the friendships you yearn for. You may become involved in an activity that is drastically out of character as the moon meets Uranus. In a way, you are purging old parts of yourself and welcoming new methods of fun with curious Mercury huddled close to the Sun. While it is exhilarating to break down some personal barriers, don’t leave yourself too exposed as the Sun squares Saturn on November 10. People could take advantage of your vulnerability.

You may be in disbelief as Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter the week of November 14. You’ll be extra lucky and a change happening might just turn your disposition around. As Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius in the middle of the week, your daily schedule and task will flow with ease. Spend this weekend with a close friend when Venus and Mercury join forces on November 19. While things are going swimmingly, some trouble brews beneath the surface. You may be feeling extra restless as Mars squares Neptune from November 16-22. Any sort of grounding work will do wonders for you.

As Sagittarius season gets underway, you’ll have the energy to go above and beyond your usual responsibilities. The new moon in Sagittarius on November 23 is your chance to set an ideal schedule for yourself— one that allows you time to focus on your family and personal well-being. Jupiter stations direct on the same day and you may even have some sort of revelation. Now is a great time to take place in practices that rejuvenate your spirit, as the remainder of 2022 presents an immense amount of soul growth. Mars lines up with disciplined Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month, prompting you to take it easy on yourself. While there may be a lot going on at work, you’ll effortlessly disconnect and enjoy some cozy evenings. The month ends in a chill atmosphere. Work hard and relax harder.


It may be hard to balance your work and family life as November gets started. Venus is strongly opposing Uranus and your values are asscue. No matter what you do, you’ll feel a strange sense of guilt. The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus offers you a chance to release pent up feelings that will ultimately help push you towards your true North. As the moon is conjunct  Uranus, you’ll feel a radical renewal in your ultimate direction, and with the Sun in close proximity to Mercury you’ll have the emotional support you need. This will be a cathartic experience, and you may need some time alone as the Sun and Mercury are at a compromised angle to Saturn. Limit your interactions around November 10.

The week of November 14 has an easy-going start. As Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter, you’ll benefit from some sort of fortuitous opportunity with a partner. Mid-week, both Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius, so you’ll be ready to throw some caution to the wind for the sake of enjoyment. Life is meant to be celebrated and you’ll be sharing this with someone special. Mars squares Neptune from November 16-22. During these dates you may be dealing with friends who feel ignored. It can feel emotionally heavy, but when all is said and done, you’ll be free to fully embrace Sagittarius season. Which, for you, is all about having fun.

Friendships and romantic relations will take on a new life under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 23. It will be a healing experience, as feelings get deeper and you both reveal some hidden layers. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, will also station direct in Pisces on this day. You’ll begin to experience some rapid internal growth, which will be mirrored in your closest friendships. Retrograde Mars initiates a trine to Saturn towards the end of the month, and you’ll be reminded that you are the glue in a close-knit group of friends. As Mercury aligns with these two around November 29, plan a gathering and let the good times roll.


Things will feel a bit off as November gets started and Venus opposes Uranus. You may struggle to keep appearances as your focus is primarily outside of yourself. The moon will meet up with Uranus during the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. You may be opening your mind to a radically new concept. You’ll be pushed to express yourself through new methods as Mercury is in close proximity to the Sun during the eclipse. They both square Saturn on November 10 and a tough conversation with an authority figure will take place towards the end of the week. Be prepared.

The week of November 14, Venus and Mercury begin to trine Jupiter— this is great news for a special partnership. As you share intimate thoughts, dreams and feelings, your bond grows stronger. The rush of love hits you as Venus moves into Sagittarius on November 16, while Mercury follows suit the next day. While you welcome the feeling of coming home, you might still be questioning if you truly want the same things, as Mars is square Neptune until November 22. This is the perfect time for discovery, just don’t rush or let yourself be influenced by the expectations of others.

You’ll feel bold and confident by the time Sagittarius season arrives. The new moon in this fervent fire sign on November 23 opens the door to a new opportunity. This was likely sitting right in front of you for a while, but as divine timing works out, this is when you seize it. Jupiter also stations direct in Pisces on the same day and your romantic life will rapidly progress. You’ll feel the love grow stronger with each day. Mars aligns with Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month making this a highly productive period. You may even pick up a new strategy or two which saves you time in the long run. Mercury gets involved on November 29 and you really put your all into it. Everything is in perfect working order, and let’s be honest, you wouldn’t have it any other way.


The month starts with a feeling of insecurity as Venus opposes Uranus. The uneasiness continues until the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. With the moon conjunct with Uranus, you may have the chance to get into an exciting joint venture. This will likely require more of your time and resources with Mercury huddled close to the Sun. Do not try to control things as the Sun squares Saturn on November 10. Be firm in your expectations but open to creative collaborations.

Both Venus and Mercury make a fabulous trine to Jupiter the week of November 14. You may receive some much-needed assistance. You’ll be ready to get to work as Venus moves into Sagittarius on November 16, followed by Mercury on the next day. Your mind is sharp and you’ll have the focus to toil through the most important task. There is a need to be realistic and delegate, as Mars squares Neptune until November 22. This isn’t a one-man show, so don’t treat it as such. By the time Sagitarrius’s season begins, the gears are in motion and things are going off without a hitch.

It just might be time for an upgrade under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 23. Whether it is a new phone, computer or something for your office, updating your tech will make operations run smoothly. As Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the same day, this purchase will drastically improve your overall productivity. Mars will trine Saturn from November 26 until the end of the month, which provides the right amount of motivation. You’ll have this creative fire burning within you. As Mercury gets involved on November 29 you’ll see some tangible results. Take pride in a job well done.

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit