Arts & Culture

Music has always been an escape for me, and I’m sure it is for millions of people across the globe. Being a drummer, having an outlet to release pent-up emotions

I once wrote, “And just like emotions, what good is having wings if you don’t know how to fly?”, which is a question that will always travel through my mind.

For many artists, 2020 has been an agonizing roadblock. No concerts to promote themselves, fewer resources available for recording, and a general difficulty towards productivity has proven to be the

One of the greatest things about music is how the enjoyment of one band or one genre can lead a listener to dozens of other groups. For me, I spent

I’ve been fortunate enough to cover and talk to some of the most creative musicians working in the industry today. Most of them I’ve listened to before, but when a

Similar to many other styles of writing, poetry has the capability of sparking emotions—whether they be positive or negative. Poets, like all people, struggle with specific aspects of life and

I wouldn’t have ever pictured myself as a movie fanatic until last year. I’ve spent most of my free time since then making up the ground that I lost ignoring

The runner’s high. Love’s neurochemistry. Euphoric, music-induced chills. Everyone’s favorite psychoactive compound has a way of appropriating the neurotransmitters found in our brains. And just as runners have their high,

This is Skylar Pocket, a trans-fronted New Brunswick band allied with the Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ movements in America. This band is deserving of your attention, not just because

The greater New York City area and theater community have consistently proven to be a prosperous pairing. Many New Jerseyans, in particular, grow up frequently making the trek into Manhattan