The Perfect Holiday Gift: Treat Your Pet Like a Celebrity It’s no secret that many of us always have a bit of trouble searching for that perfect gift every year.
Is Online Dating More Acceptable Now? Rewind a few years ago. Remember the huge stigma that followed online dating? It seemed like almost every couple that had met online said
How Do You Tell If Something Is Creative? How do you tell if something is creative? One of my college professors would cringe when my peers referred to anything creative
Quick Halloween Tricks — For the Trickster in You As our adolescent counterparts over indulge tonight, and we are left limiting ourselves to 1 Reese’s and maybe a bag of
Guide to Being a Good Friend The smartest investment you can make in life isn’t on Wall Street or a new apartment complex — it’s in people. Your relationships with
Hangover Myths and Facts Hangovers can be defined as: the one thing they forgot to leave out when they invented alcohol. We’ve all been hungover before, and most of us
Are You Addicted to Oreos? Oreos are as addictive as cocaine — it’s all some people have been talking about for the past 24 hours. In case you’ve missed it,
Good One-Hit Wonders That We Still Love Here at The Digest we love listening to music, and we have a soft spot in our hearts for one-hit wonders. Here are
Kick it Up a Notch at RushCycling in Hoboken As an avid runner and weightlifter, it’s not common that other workouts catch my attention — especially spinning. I’ve always thought
Spa Week at Zeni Day Spa in Hoboken As the cold weather creeps in, it’s time you did something for yourself to keep your internal engine warm. Today kicks off
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