April 2022 Horoscopes: Jupiter Conjuncts Neptune, Pluto Retrograde & More

april 2022 horoscopes

April 2022 Horoscopes: Jupiter Conjuncts Neptune, Pluto Retrograde & More

april 2022 horoscopes

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

This month, there is a lot of movement in the stars. Yes, Pisces season was smooth sailing. But since the sun moved into Aries and started a new astrological year, the pace has picked up. Your April 2022 horoscopes bring some enlightening, exciting and welcomed changes. 

First up is a major conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune. These two cross paths every 13 years, but this is one for the books as they’re both at home in Pisces! This makes for an extremely powerful alignment since both planets are operating at full capacity. The last time they got together in this sign was 1856. This alignment brings us a “once-in-a-lifetime” chance or opportunity that should not be wasted! We can truly open the doors to our wildest dreams with this magical and mystical influence.

Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn on April 29 and gives us a chance to really review the trajectory of our lives over the next several months. It’s time to step out of our comfort zones and level up—but this requires some deep reflection on our part. On the following day, we’ll experience a radical shift in value with a solar eclipse in Taurus. We can make tangible use of the new beginning that this new moon presents us with.  

April 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates:

New Moon in Aries, April 1: A chance to heal ourselves from the inside out as the sun and moon are in close proximity to Chiron, the wounded healer. Mercury will also be in conjunction with the sun and moon, so we can use this fresh start to work smarter, not harder. While this is a new beginning, it is also a chance to really purge what is no longer working. 

april 2022 horoscopes
New Moon in Aries 2022 l Photo by Benjamin Voros

Venus Enters Pisces, April 5: We’ll all be feeling a bit fancy-free as Venus dances through a sign she can really vibe with. This transit will spark inspiration, increase optimism and allow us to truly connect to the gifts that life has to offer.

Mercury Enters Taurus, April 10: This will add a grounded element to our communication and thought processes. We are thinking long-term and searching for value in everything. 

Jupiter Conjuncts Neptune, April 12: We’ll start to feel the influence of this connection from April 7 to April 17, with the peak being April 12. This is a beautiful portal that opens for us, leading to profound awakenings and dreams that come true. Pay close attention to what transpires during these dates, as it is truly a gift from the universe. Remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime alignment packed with bountiful and benefic energy.  

Mars Enters Pisces, April 14: Mars comes into Pisces to turn up our ambition and drive so we can make the best use of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. We can really feel things out and take the right actions at this time.

Libra Full Moon, April 16: This will have us focused on our close interpersonal relationships and will illuminate the proper balance between ourselves and others.

Sun Enter Taurus, April 19: This Taurus season we can all work on understanding and owning our value. The collective will step into their self-worth. 

Mercury Enters Gemini, April 29: Mercury comes home to Gemini making us all quite curious. The dirt that our inquiring minds will dig up is astounding but in a good way. We’ll truly learn from our experiences as Mercury is gearing up for retrograde here. 

Pluto Stations Retrograde, April 29: A time to deeply reflect on just what it is going to take to reach our goals. Pluto will be in retrograde until October 8, 2022, so for the next several months, we may be examining our past and letting go of what no longer serves us. 

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, April 30: A brilliant new door opens! Finally, an opportunity we are truly worthy of. This is a time to grab the bull by the horns and make sure you claim whatever the universe presents us with. 

april 2022 horoscopes
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus 2022 l Photo by Abed Ismail

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)  

Happy Birthday! The new moon in your sign on April 1 will inspire you to renew your relationship to yourself. With the sun and moon meeting close to wounded healer Chiron, it’s possible you’ve got some insecurities to work through. Around this time, Mercury will be approaching the sun, so focus on your mindsets. Rise above your ego and when Venus enters Pisces on April 5, it will be so much easier to take a step back and appreciate all the benevolence that life is offering you right now. This transit is a cosmic chill pill. 

When Mercury moves into Taurus on April 10, money is on your mind. You’ll be thinking of all the ways you can save a buck or bring in some extra bacon. Just two days later on April 12, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction reaches its peak and leads you to a personal awakening. Mars moves into Pisces on April 14 and prompts you to dial back your go-getter energy. Let things come to you. This week, you’re learning to receive. Under the full moon in Libra on April 16, you’ll begin to draw your boundaries with others for the sake of your personal development. 

The sun enters Taurus on April 19 and now you’ll be ready to make some big things happen. This is an ideal time to invest in your passion. Even if it seems scary at first, with the Sun square Pluto, step out of your comfort zone. 

This month ends with a bang when Pluto goes retrograde and Mercury enters Gemini on April 29. It’s clear that you still have some work to do when it comes to reaching the top. Pluto’s backward trek will help you clear the way for this. With Mercury back at home in this imaginative air sign, you can rely on your community for the support you need. The real show-stopper is the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30. This will bring an opportunity to step up your game and ultimately light the fire of motivation within. 

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

The new moon in Aries on April 1 ushers in some enlightenment. As the sun and moon meet up close to the wounded healer Chiron, the little things that used to get under your skin won’t bother you so much anymore. With Mercury approaching this group, it’s all about adopting a new mindset—one where you don’t get caught up in trivial matters. You definitely won’t have a problem going with the flow once your ruler Venus moves into Pisces on April 5. This week, you’ll benefit from containing your enthusiasm. A calm and collected demeanor will attract all the right people.   

Mercury moves into your sign on April 10 you’ll be on your A-game for the rest of the month. Just-in-time as a cosmic blessing comes your way on April 12, with the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is yours for the taking, and this will likely come through a connection in your network. Keep an eye on your inbox. Mars moves into Pisces on April 14 and you’ll be able to seize the moment and put your all into whatever lands on your plate. The full moon in Libra on April 16 is an ideal time to kick a bad habit. This lunation will inspire you to get into a healthier routine. 

Your season kicks off on April 19 when the Sun moves into your sign and connects with Pluto; this is a time to embrace the person you’re becoming. With Mercury’s connection to Venus and Uranus, there is an advantage to taking a risk around this time. On April 29, Mercury moves into Gemini and makes an easy-going connection to Pluto as he stations retrograde in Capricorn. 

While Mercury travels through this intellectual air sign, you’ll be handling money in creative ways. However, Pluto’s back-track will have you questioning certain personal beliefs. The bottom line is: your self-worth and value shouldn’t be measured through material gain. The month ends with a beautiful new moon solar eclipse in your sign on April 30. It’s time to step into a new version of yourself. 

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

The new moon in Aries on April 1 will open the flood gates when it comes to bearing your soul. Being vulnerable will have its perks, with the sun and moon in close proximity to Chiron. As your ruler Mercury approaches the gang, you’ll have the upper hand in expressing your feelings. Venus moves into Pisces on April 5 and you’ll be all about chasing the dream. What does your ideal life look and feel like? Lean into those dispositions over the coming weeks. Around April 7, Mercury makes some favorable angles to Mars and Saturn allowing you to showcase your profound wisdom.

Mercury moves into Taurus on April 10 and you’ll feel a need to slow down. But, slacking off is not an option as the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction reaches its peak point on April 12. Something big is bound to happen for you in terms of your career. Motivated Mars barges into Pisces just two days later on April 14, and you’ll be ready to take this opportunity and run with it. While you’re in a victorious mood, the full moon in Libra on April 16 has a different vibe. Someone might call you out on a shortcoming. Instead of feeling shame, look at it as a chance to grow. 

The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19 which will help you take on a grounded approach to life. As Mercury connects with Venus and Uranus, some brilliant ideas are coming at you around this time. Mercury finally comes home to your sign on April 29 and makes a trine to Pluto who goes retrograde on the same day. You’ll feel comfortable in your skin and ready to share the deeper parts of yourself with others. 

Pluto’s back-track will be a lesson in boundaries over the next several months, but for now, you can let your guard down. The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 opens you up to a brand new perception of the world. This will impact every area of your life and change it for the better. 

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The new moon in Aries on April 1 will be a real eye-opener. With this lunation happening dangerously close to Chiron and transparent Mercury, you’ll finally be able to move forward with clarity as you become aware of what has been holding you back. On April 5, Venus moves into Pisces and opens up your stream of consciousness. In what ways can you break down the bearers of your own mind? Doing so will be quite liberating.

Mercury enters Taurus on April 10 and you can expect your phone to blow up for the next couple of weeks. Everyone wants to get in touch with you. This is probably because your wisdom is unmatched, and this will only increase as the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction reaches its peak on April 12. You’ll be receiving some large cosmic downloads and your inner knowing will get 10 times stronger. 

Under this alignment, you may very well reach guru status in an area of expertise. Ambitious Mars backs up this influence as he moves into Pisces on April 14, awakening the seeker within. There is always more to learn. The full moon in Libra on April 16 is an ideal time to rearrange your responsibilities at home. Chances are, your professional life is gaining a lot of momentum and you don’t have time to tend to chores like you usually do. 

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19 and your attention turns to networking. A colleague might present you with an enticing adventure you simply can’t pass on. Life is all about new experiences. The week of April 24 is an ideal time to socialize as Mercury connects with Jupiter and Neptune, and finally Pluto on April 29. On this day, the planet of the mind enters Gemini as Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn. 

Out of the blue, you may feel lost or disconnected in a partnership. Around this time, close relationships will have a confusing air to them. With Pluto moving backward for the next several months, you’ll have plenty of time to get to the bottom of things. For now, get comfortable with uncertainty. The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 ends the month, and you might randomly join a new organization or start to run with a different social circle. 

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It’s time to open your mind to the new moon in Aries on April 1. This lunation is in close proximity to wounded healer Chiron, so you’ll be dumping some outdated beliefs. With Mercury approaching this group, your mind is highly analytical. Don’t get caught in the details and try to think on a grander scale. Around April 5, Venus enters Pisces and relationships will take on a serious tone. While you address practical matters, look for lighthearted moments. 

Mercury enters Taurus on April 10 and you’ll become extra goal-oriented over the coming weeks. Be open about who you are and what you hope to accomplish. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction will be super powerful around April 12, providing you with some cosmic support—this could come in financial form. Whatever it is, the universe is supplying exactly what you need. As passionate Mars grooves into Pisces on April 14, open your heart and be a little more trusting, would ya? Under the full moon in Libra on April 16, you’ll be reflecting on how you convey yourself to the world. What conscious changes can you make to improve communication and your daily flow? 

The Sun moves into Taurus and creates a hard angle to Pluto on April 19. The spotlight is now on you, and while you’re usually quite comfortable here, the next couple of days will leave you feeling vulnerable. You’ll regain some confidence when Mercury connects with both Jupiter and Neptune in the following week. 

On April 29, Mercury moves into Gemini and trines Pluto. At this time, Pluto will station retrograde and you’ll be questioning some friendships and asking yourself if these are healthy relationships. As Pluto moves backward through Capricorn, you can expect to be on a long and serious wellness journey for the next several months. A new moon solar eclipse takes place in Taurus on the following day, leading to a wonderful change in your career status. As the month ends you could get a promotion or be accepting your dream job.  

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The new moon in Aries on April 1 will inspire you to let down some walls. With the sun and the moon meeting up so close to Chiron, it may be time to bear your wounds. As your ruler Mercury approaches this group, don’t shy away from being vulnerable right now. Venus moves into Pisces on April 5, and it’s nice to know you have people to rely on. Even if your schedule is packed, it’s important to make time for them over the coming weeks. 

Mercury moves into Taurus on April 10 bringing a chillaxed vibe to your aurora. You’ll learn a lot if you release your need to be in control. For the rest of the month, just follow your instincts, they’ll be spot on. April 12 is the peak of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and a special relationship might feel like it’s straight out of a fairytale. Be sure to enjoy these whimsical and exuberant vibes. Mars moves into Pisces just two days later, and the sheer passion in this relationship will reach a new level. You’ll be in a giving mood under the full moon in Libra on April 16. Instead of doing something typical, offer your help in creative ways. 

The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19 and brings out your spiritual side. Follow your intuition because you are divinely guided right now. The week of April 24 is best spent with someone you deeply care about. As Mercury aligns with both Jupiter and Neptune, they’ll fill you up with inspiration and have you seeing things from a new perspective. 

Mercury moves into Gemini and trines Pluto, who is just stationing retrograde on April 29. This will have you immediately concerned about all your side projects that you want to grow into something more. Over the next several months, Pluto’s back track will transform the way you use your imagination. While you’re in a rush to achieve your goals, your lesson lies in divine timing. There is a solar eclipse in Taurus on the following day, which helps you adopt a relaxed mindset. All in due time. 

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

The new moon in Aries on April 1 presents a new beginning in a significant relationship. Around this time, you’ll both heal from past wounds and this lunation approaches Chiron. With Mercury also involved, the lines of communication are open and conversations, no matter how difficult the context, should reach a resolution. On April 5, Venus enters Pisces and your ruler’s move into this insightful water sign will bring a fancy-free vibe to your daily affairs. Single Libra’s might be in-store for a workplace romance. You can in fact have fun and get work done at the same time.

Mercury transits Taurus on April 10, causing you to shed some light on your subconscious. For the next couple of weeks, the thoughts you like to suppress will be at the forefront of your mind. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction reaches its peak around April 12. One of your creative side projects could get noticed, or you could be struck with an ingenious idea. For some, an idealistic romance could take a more serious turn. 

Whatever it is, it’s wonderful and with Mars moving into Pisces on April 14, the drive and passion are there. This is an exhilarating moment, be sure to take it all in under the full moon in your sign on April 16. Use this day to break away from the world and treat yourself to something nice. 

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19, and this season, you’ll be focused on your inner knowing and intimate relationships. Imaginative ideas come out of the woodwork as Mercury aligns with Jupiter and Neptune the week of April 24. By April 29, the planet of the mind heads into Gemini and creates a helpful angle to Pluto. This may suddenly lead to a profound understanding of your emotional tendencies. 

With Pluto stationing retrograde, you’ll be working through your feelings about the past, present and future over the next several months. For now, try to remain grounded. The solar eclipse on Taurus on April 30 is going to take a special connection, either with a romantic interest or a business partner, to the next level. 

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The new moon in Aries on April 1 brings a fresh start to your daily affairs. With the Sun and Moon meeting in close proximity to Chiron, it’s high time you work through any energetic blocks that hinder your productivity. As diligent Mercury approaches this gang, there is no shortage of ideas on how you can improve. Venus moves into fellow water sign Pisces on April 5, making this an ultra-inspiring month. Venus in this house brings romance and creativity to the forefront. 

On April 10, Mercury moves into Taurus and you can expect to be communicating with those who are nearest and dearest to you. Over the next couple of weeks, make sure the people you care about are getting enough attention. Two days later, Jupiter and Neptune hit the peak of their conjunction on April 12. This alignment opens the door for a big opportunity in regards to what you create. A passion project or side hustle could take a professional turn, or a whirlwind romance could sweep you off your feet. 

Just two days later, fiery Mars enters this realm (Pisces), giving you the gusto to see this all the way through. Take a well-deserved break under the full moon in Libra on April 16. Turn on your phone and find ways to rejuvenate your soul.

On April 19, the Sun moves into Taurus, shining the spotlight on your close relationships. Now is the time to really show up for the people in your life. Even if you have to let your boundaries give a little bit. The week of April 24, your closest peeps will be your greatest source of motivation as Mercury sextiles both Jupiter and Neptune. On April 29, Mercury heads into Gemini and initiates an easy-going aspect to Pluto, who is stationing retrograde. These transits will shift your attention to the walls you constantly put up.

Pluto’s back-track will bring you through some emotional waters over the next several months.  A solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 is a game-changer in the name of relationships. A special love connection might go the next level or you could find yourself a reliable business partner. On the flip side, if a relationship has been on the rocks, it may be time to cut the cord. There is a brand new feeling in this sector of your chart. Embrace it.

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)   

You’ll find new ways to express yourself under the new moon in Aries on April 1. As the Sun and the moon are huddled close to Chiron, this is a great time to work through any creative blocks. With Mercury promptly approaching this gang, you may be inclined to pick up a new hobby. Follow whatever sparks your interest. Venus moves into Pisces on April 5 and bestows her blessings on your home. Over the next couple of weeks, you may be feeling some extra love from family or live-in partners. This is also a prime time to redecorate. Venus here will give you an eye for home design.

Mercury makes the next move into Taurus on April 10 and you’ll be on top of your game when it comes to work and chores. Time to crush that to-do list. Just two days later, Jupiter and Neptune reach the peak of their conjunction and there is good news on the homefront. You might receive some excellent news from a family member, get approved for a homeowners loan, or find your dream apartment. Whatever this auspicious aspect brings, you’ll be ready to go all-in as Mars enters Pisces on April 14. The full moon in Libra on April 16 is a good time to gather amongst friends. Get lost in the revelry and let inspiration bloom from it. 

Aries season draws to a close on April 19 when the Sun enters Taurus. This transit will really help you shine at work. You might even receive some recognition for the effort you’ve been putting in. By April 29, Mercury moves into Gemini and trines retrograding Pluto. With Pluto’s back-track, you’ll be transforming your relationship to money, but for now, it’s best to focus on just how valuable your important relationships are to you. The kind words of others will do wonders for your self-esteem. 

The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 brings an invigorating fresh start to your daily routine. At this time, you may decide to commit to a healthier lifestyle. Your schedule should change for the better, leaving time for what really matters.     

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The new moon in Aries on April 1 points to an emotional reset. You may very well have to confront some deep-rooted wounds, as this lunation is in close proximity to Chiron. With the strong influence of Mercury, once you do, you’ll be better off. This month, you’ll be more inclined to do that thing you rarely do; share your feelings. Don’t worry because on April 5, Venus enters Pisces and you’ll be expressing yourself gracefully. During this time, you’ll also be extra motivated to secure the bag, as Mars conjuncts your ruler Saturn.

Mercury moves into fellow earth sign Taurus on April 10, and for the next couple of weeks, all those brilliant ideas you’ve been searching for will come to you. Just two days later on April 12, the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune will reach its peak. This meet-up might bring you the opportunity of your dreams, by means of your community. This may be especially favorable for Caps who work in the field of communication or education. Whatever door this power alignment opens, you’ll have the courage to walk right through it as Mars enters Pisces on April 14. By the full moon in Libra on April 16, you’ll feel quite accomplished. While there is always room for improvement, use this evening to celebrate. 

The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19 kicking off a season of fun. While the sun is drifting through this house, you’ll be enjoying all the simple pleasures. Mercury makes the next move into Gemini on April 29 and initiates a trine to Pluto, who is going retrograde on the same day. Over the next several months, you’ll be transforming into the best version of yourself, but for now, you’re hyper-focused on work. However, the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on the following day prompts you to shed some responsibility in the name of fun. What good is success if you don’t take some time out to enjoy all that life has to offer? 

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

The new moon in Aries on April 1 will have you feeling philanthropic. As the sun and the moon meet up close to Chiron, this is a chance to help others in a profound way. Doing so might even help you heal yourself. As Mercury approaches this group, your community needs your fresh and innovative way of looking at the world. Venus moves into Pisces on April 5 and will put you in a generous mood. Over the coming weeks, you’ll feel called to give more of your time, energy and resources to others. 

On April 10, Mercury enters Taurus and helps you take a more analytical approach to your emotions. When certain feelings come up, you’ll be questioning the origins. Around April 12, it may be best to step out of your logical mind as the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction reaches its peak. Something amazing is bound to happen. You might sell a piece of art or get the job of your dreams. This will not just bode well for your finances, but for your self-worth and personal value as well. Whatever this rare alignment blesses you with, as Mars moves into Pisces on April 14, you’ll have the drive and passion to really back it up. 

The week ends with the full moon in Libra on April 16, making this an ideal weekend to dive into your interest. Get lost in a topic that excites you, but don’t go crazy trying to understand everything all at once. 

The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19 you may be feeling quite sentimental. Reflect on the past with the intention of coming to terms with it. Beware of a tendency to be overly self-critical when Mercury squares Saturn on April 24. As the planet of the mind forms easy-going angles to Jupiter and Neptune this week, just focus on your accomplishments. 

On April 29, Mercury enters Gemini and trines Pluto, who is stationing retrograde in Capricorn. With Pluto moving backward, the next several months will be a deep dive into your subconscious mind. Forget about that for now and focus on the present, this is a moment you don’t want to miss. The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 brings an exciting shift to your home life. Whether you are moving or expecting another family member, this is big news that will change your life for the better. 

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

The new moon in Aries on April 1 brings self-worth to the forefront of your mind. There is a chance to really heal yourself from the inside out as the sun and moon meet in close proximity to Chiron. With Mercury approaching this gang, you just might find some new ways to uplift your spirit. Venus moves into your sign on April 5, and you’ll have confidence radiating from every cell in your body. At this time, you truly feel comfortable in your own skin. 

On April 10, Mercury enters Taurus and friends will come out of the woodwork looking for your heartfelt insight. Just two days later on April 12, Jupiter and Neptune reach the peak of their conjunction and you’ll be feeling more empowered than ever. Do your best to harness this energy because this month, the world is truly your oyster. 

Mars moves into your sign on April 14 and there is nothing you can’t accomplish. This week should be reserved for chasing your dreams, as there is cosmic potential around every corner. While you’ve been primarily focused on yourself, the full moon in Libra on April 16 will momentarily shift your attention to others. A friend really needs you at this time, so do your best to show up for them in every way possible. 

The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19 and you’ll feel compelled to really step out into the world. This is an ideal time to truly connect with your close-knit community. At first, you might feel like you don’t fit in anymore, but this will pass by next week, as Mercury makes some easy-going alignments to Jupiter and Neptune. On April 29, Mercury moves it along into Gemini and promptly trines retrograde Pluto. 

While Pluto moved backward through Capricorn, your role in the group dynamic will drastically change. For now, just approach all your relationships from your heart space and you can do no wrong. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 will be a mind-opening experience. Around this time, you could find a way to fully express yourself, which will help you out in the near future. 

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.