August 2021 Horoscopes: Chaos Calms Down with Uranus Retrograde

august 2021 horoscopes

August 2021 Horoscopes: Chaos Calms Down with Uranus Retrograde

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

It’s Leo season and it’s time to express ourselves. How can we open our hearts to the wonders of life and shine bright like Leo’s ruling planet, the Sun? The Sun isn’t the only personal planet in its domicile (home) this month. We also have Mercury moving into Virgo and Venus into Libra. With these celestial bodies in the signs they’re connected to, we can do just about anything. Both Mercury and Venus will oppose Neptune, currently retrograde in Pisces. We’ll be able to face our own delusions and the illusions of others. Uranus goes retrograde on August 19 and will remain in a backward motion until January 18 of 2022. We can now focus on our personal progression with fewer distractions or obstacles. The chaos of the outer world will calm down and we can make some major headway in the remainder of 2021.  Here are your August 2021 horoscopes.

August 2021 Horoscopes Important Dates:

New Moon in Leo, August 8: A chance to renew your confidence and self-love. Explore new ways to express yourself! 

Mercury Transits Virgo, August 11: Get smart and be practical. When Mercury’s at home in analytical Virgo, we all work a little more efficiently.

Venus Transit Libra, August 16: Focus on partnerships. Now we have a chance to really strengthen our close relationships. Romance, business and friendships should go exceptionally well. 

Uranus Retrograde, August 19: The chaos of life simmers down until early 2022. Moving mountains will come with less resistance. 

The Sun Transits Virgo and the Full Moon in Aquarius, August 22: When the Sun moves into Virgo we’re more likely to make decisions based on logic for the next month or so. With another full moon in Aquarius, it’s a good day to connect or get together with friends. 

Mercury Transits Libra, August 30: Communication within relationships should drastically improve at this time. Don’t be afraid to have that important conversation. 

Photo by Ahsan Avi

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Happy Birthday, Leo! We see you, out here shining bright and celebrating your season. As August gets started, you and someone whom you truly respect may not see eye-to-eye. Mercury and the Sun are conjunct and in opposition to Saturn, so don’t get caught in a petty argument. This is Leo season, and there is no room for bad vibes. Venus and Uranus bring the good vibes on August 2, and you may receive an unexpected and generous gift. Uranus is not nice to Mercury and the Sun for the rest of the week. You may feel like you’re missing something, but won’t be able to put your finger on what it is. 

The void you’ve been feeling for the last couple of days should fade by the Leo new moon on August 8. This is your annual fresh start and chance to become a whole new you. On August 9, Venus opposes Neptune and someone may ask to borrow a hefty sum of money. Take a few days to feel this situation out before you agree. Mercury moves into Virgo on August 11 and you’ll have a better idea of how much you’re able to give if anything at all. With Venus trine Pluto on the same day, you should have no problem sticking to the boundaries you’ve set. 

On August 16, Venus moves on to Libra adding some extra finesse to your words over the next couple of weeks. Mercury meets up with Mars on August 18, and this is a good time to take clear decisive action when it comes to money. Ask for a raise or invest in something that will help you or your business. Mercury and Mars will receive some support from Uranus well into the weekend and this move will only propel you forward. Uranus will go retrograde on August 19, and for the remainder of 2021, you can make some serious progress in your career. However, you may not fully see results until early 2022. 

With the Sun’s move into Virgo and the full moon in Aquarius on August 22, you’ll be in the mood to treat others. Sometimes people forget just how generous you are. Be it a partner or a long-time friend, this one’s on you, Leo. On August 23, Venus trines Saturn and you’ll have a significant conversation. Whether it’s business or personal, it should go extremely well. 

The next day is totally different with Mercury opposing Neptune. Interpersonal communication will likely feel off for the next couple of days. On August 24, Mercury aligns nicely with Pluto and you’ll have to do some public speaking. Expect it to go swimmingly. Mercury moves into Libra on August 30. At this time, you may want to become more involved in your community. Whether you agree to teach a class or help out an elderly neighbor for a bit, it’ll feel good to make a difference. 

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The Sun and your ruler Mercury get together on August 1 and you may be feeling a bit off. They’ll both be in opposition to Saturn as the month gets started and your day-to-day responsibilities feel daunting. This is so unlike you, Virgo. As Venus trines Uranus on August 2, you’ll be reminded to slow down and make some time for leisure. Around August 4, Mercury and the Sun will create some commotion with Uranus. Someone or something might challenge your knowledge or personal beliefs. You could be proven wrong, and the best course of action is to admit and move on. The Leo new moon on August 8 will bring about a mental reset.

On August 9, Venus opposite Neptune might have you confused about where you stand with someone special. If you’ve recently started seeing someone, you may get some mixed signals. If you’re in an established relationship, you might not be on the same page as your partner. When Mercury comes home to your sign on August 11 it’s a good time to have an open discussion about it. Although it may be hard to have this conversation, Mercury opposite Jupiter reminds you that growth is sometimes a bit uncomfortable. By the end of the week, Venus aligns nicely with Pluto, and things will work out for the best. Focus on fun and romance this weekend. 

Venus moves into Libra on August 16 and this might encourage you to spend a little more time on the things you find enjoyable. You deserve it. When Mercury and Mars get together on August 18, they’ll encourage you to step into your personal power. Uranus stations retrograde on August 19 and for the rest of 2021, your beliefs may undergo a drastic change. Both Mercury and Mars will trine Uranus starting August 20 and you’ll feel a push to really get the ball rolling on any improvements you’re looking to make when it comes to your overall mindset. 

It’s officially your season starting August 22 when the Sun moves into your sign. The full moon in Aquarius on the same day will bring a sense of accomplishment when it comes to work and health. Remember to pat yourself on the back for what you’ve achieved thus far. On the following day, Venus trines Saturn and you’ll feel like you have a solid foundation to build upon.

Mercury will find itself in opposition to Neptune on August 24, leading to another relationship conundrum. While you could be at a loss for words, Mercury makes a supportive aspect to Pluto on August 26 and you’ll suddenly become aware that this will have to play out over time. The month ends with Mercury’s transit into Libra on August 30. While your ruler is no longer at home, you’ll still be able to see and feel just how valuable you truly are. 

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

As the Sun and Mercury meet up for a conjunction on August 1, you might feel that your friends have too much of an influence on you. While you typically don’t like to make the final call, you at least like to have a say. As these two will find themselves in opposition to Saturn, you may find it hard to express yourself constructively. Your ruler Venus will provide some support to Uranus on August 2 and encourage you to speak from the heart.

Don’t get lost in your thoughts, just spit it out and let the chips fall where they may. Both Mercury and Sun will form intense angles to Uranus. Someone may have an unexpected reaction to what you have to say. With the new moon in Leo on August 8, you’ll more than likely be willing to let this person, or group of friends, go. It’s time to make some new relationships. 

Venus opposes Neptune on August 9 and you’ll feel a bit disconnected when it comes to your day job. Mercury’s move into Virgo on August 11 may prompt you to expand your mind. Perhaps it’s your own viewpoint that seems to be holding you back. Venus trine Pluto on the following day can help you understand where deep-rooted feelings of self-doubt are coming from. Therefore freeing you from their icy grip.  

Just like that, you’ll feel like your fabulous self again as Venus comes home to your sign on August 16. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll be electric and magnetic. What do you want to do with your superpowers, Libra? When Mercury meets up with Mars on August 18, your imagination may burst at the seams. Ask yourself how you can turn these visions into reality. Uranus stations retrograde on August 19 and for the remainder of 2021, it will be much easier to face your fears. As both Mercury and Mars begin to exchange some energy with Uranus on August 20, you may feel called to work on a project that you’ve been avoiding.

The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22 and over the next month, solitude will be ultra revitalizing. With the full moon in Aquarius on the same day, this is a great time to become engrossed in a hobby. The next day has some good cosmic mojo, Venus trine Saturn will be serving up some major inspiration. What do you want to create? The results could be astonishing. August 24 may not be so easy, with Mercury opposing Neptune, you won’t be able to keep up with your schedule. When Mercury aligns with Pluto on August 26, you’ll accept that you can’t always live up to your own expectations and that’s okay. Mercury moves into your sign on August 30, and you may learn some new things about yourself in the coming weeks. 

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

As Mercury and the Sun get together on August 1, you’ll be focused on your next career milestone. With Saturn involved, feelings of doubt may be debilitating at the moment. As Venus trines Saturn on August 2, call on your support system to lift your spirits. On August 4, Mercury and the Sun will create a troubling aspect with Uranus. You may realize your aspirations don’t match up with the crew you spend the most time with. Under the new moon in Leo on August 8, the doubts you experienced earlier in the week will fall away and be replaced by a renewed sense of confidence. Now is a good time to put a long-term plan in place.

On August 9, Venus opposes Neptune and you may feel disconnected from your social circle. It’s okay to decline an invitation if you’re just not feeling up to it. On August 11, Mercury moves into Virgo and over the next couple of weeks you meet some exciting new people. Venus trines Pluto on the same day and creates an excellent atmosphere for networking. These new people could help you develop some useful skills. 

Venus moves into Libra on August 16 and while your social calendar might be packed, make sure you allow time for yourself. You must decompress. On August 18, Mercury and Mars meet up and it’s time to reach out to any connections you made last week. Uranus stations retrograde on August 19 and for the remainder of 2021, personal relationships will go much smoother than they have been. Both Mercury and Mars will create supportive aspects to Uranus around August 20 and a significant bond could grow rapidly. 

The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22 and you feel one step closer to your hopes and dreams. The full moon in Aquarius on the same day provides a stable ground to build upon. With Venus trine Saturn on the following day, there is a wholeness in your heart. On August 24, you may find it hard to express yourself with Mercury opposing Neptune. Take a couple days to gather your thoughts and when Mercury aligns with Pluto on August 26, you’ll have no problem choosing the right words or method of expression. After conversing with many people over the last month, you’ll enjoy some quiet time when Mercury moves into Libra on August 30. 

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21) 

You might have a brilliant idea as Mercury and Sun meet up on August 1. However, it will be hard to put into words with both of them in opposition to Saturn. As Venus trines Uranus on August 2, you may be given an exciting new project at work. As the week continues, both Mercury and the Sun will square Uranus and the pressure will begin to mount. Under the new moon in Leo on August 11 you’ll find a good stress coping mechanism that will do wonders for you over the next six months. 

As Venus opposes Neptune on August 9, you may question your ability to reach your personal goals. This is a temporary thing, so hang in there and don’t give up. Mercury’s move into Virgo on August 11 will help you put together a solid strategy for success. Venus aligns with Pluto on the same day and connecting to the bigger picture of your ultimate goal will change the game. 

Venus moves into Libra on August 16 and your friends will be a great source of encouragement over the next couple of weeks. On August 18, you may receive some astonishing insight when it comes to your next career move as Mercury and Mars meet up. On the following day Uranus, the planet of progression, will go retrograde. If your day-to-day schedule has been all over the place this year, the remainder of 2021 will help you straighten it out. Mercury and Mars will create back-to-back aspects to Uranus around August 20, and you’ll start by making some work moves this weekend.     

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22 and you’ll feel pretty good about your place in the current status quo. Keep up your stellar reputation by reaching out to your VIPs and letting them know just how important they really are under the full moon in Aquarius on the same day. August 23 is a great day to get the gang together. As Venus aligns with Saturn, take the initiative by making a proposition in the group chat.

The next day, Mercury opposes Neptune and while you were all gung-ho about reaching a goal last week, you may feel disconnected from your greater purpose. Things switch up fast when Mercury aligns with Pluto on August 26. You’ll experience a new wave of passion. Mercury moves into Libra on August 30 and over the next couple of weeks, you can expect to be in constant communication with friends. Don’t be surprised if your phone starts to blow up.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

As Mercury and the Sun meet up on August 1, someone may be trying to get to know you on a deeper level. However, with their opposition to your ruler Saturn, you’ll feel like you have something to hide from them. On the following day Uranus will be on the receiving end of an alignment with Venus, allowing you to loosen up a bit. Mercury and the Sun will not be so nice to  Uranus starting August 4 and for the rest of the week, fear may stop you from truly being able to express yourself. You’ll get over it by the new moon in Leo on August 8, which just might encourage a streak of bravery. 

The lines of communication with a partner may get crossed around August 9 with Venus in opposition to Neptune. It’s not that you don’t understand each other, it’s just a matter of different viewpoints. Mercury’s move into Virgo on August 11 might turn you into a philosopher over the next couple of weeks. You’ll be keen to search for the greater meaning of it all. With Venus trine Pluto on the same day, this could be a truly transformative time when it comes to mindset and personal beliefs. 

Venus moves along to Libra on August 16, and you may want to give some extra attention to your goals and aspirations. You have a chance to make some major headway over the next couple of weeks. On August 18, Mercury and Mars collide and you might have some sort of major realization that hits you like a freight train. Uranus goes retrograde on the following day and a part of this realization may be a need to redefine how you have fun. You’ll be figuring this out for the rest of the year. With Mercury and Mars in great aspects to Uranus all weekend, the cosmos is calling you to experiment with some new hobbies.

The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22 and over the next month, you might feel compelled to drop some of your profound wisdom on those around you. The full moon in Aquarius on the same day will remind you just how valuable you truly are in all facets of life, from friends to family and work. As Venus aligns with Saturn on August 23, it is a wise idea to make some sort of investment in your career at this time.

The following day you may experience some intense mental fog as Mercury opposes Neptune. Don’t force yourself to convey a message at this time. Your mind will clear up by August 26 when Mercury trines Pluto. The month ends with Mercury’s move into Libra. Over the next couple of weeks, your goals will be at the forefront of your mind, even more so than usual. With an intense amount of focus, you might accomplish a lot of work in a little bit of time. 

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Are you putting someone else before yourself, Aquarius? The Sun and Mercury get together on August 1 and your primary focus is on someone special. But with both these planets opposing Saturn, don’t neglect your own needs. Your bond with this person runs deep and you may want to give them the world as Venus trines your ruler Uranus on August 2. Hold your horses because things will feel a little different around August 4. Both Mercury and the Sun will create back-to-back formations with Uranus and you may start to wonder if this person is just taking advantage of you. The new moon in Leo marks a fresh start when it comes to relationships. This may lead to a breakup or a more serious commitment. 

On August 9, Venus opposes Neptune and you won’t really be in a giving mood. Pulling back a little will certainly show you who’s real and who’s fake. When Mercury moves into Virgo on August 11, you’ll be willing to do some deep digging to find the truth. With Venus trine Pluto at the same time, doing so is bound to set you free whether or not you like what you find.

On August 16, Venus enters Libra and if knowledge is what you seek, several subjects might pique your interest over the next couple of weeks. Explore as much as you can. On August 18, Mercury and Mars get together and inspire you to get in touch with who you are under the surface. Your ruler Uranus goes retrograde on the following day. This may have been an emotional year so far and at this time, your internal environment will begin to calm down. Until early 2022, you’ll be learning to understand yourself and others on deeper levels.

August 22 marks your second full moon of the year in your sign. Concentrate on how far you’ve come since Aquarius season. The Sun moves into Virgo on the same day and you may feel a little lost at the moment. When Venus trines Saturn the next day, you could come to recognize just how magnificent that beautiful brain of yours really is! Mercury opposite Neptune on August 24 may bring on some intense delusions. This will pass quickly and when Mercury gets involved with Pluto, your head will clear up. Mercury moves into Libra on August 30 and your imagination will be quite active over the next couple of weeks. Keep dreaming, because great things happen when you do. 

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

You have quite a busy schedule this Leo season. On August 1, the Sun and Mercury get together in this fire sign and work or other obligations will feel over-demanding. Saturn is involved and you really don’t have the mental capacity to deal with any of this right now. On August 2, talking to someone you love will help set you straight. Around August 4, you might just drop the ball at work. Mercury and the Sun are creating a disturbance with Uranus, so you’ll likely miss an important email or possibly be reprimanded for being unprofessional. A fresh start isn’t far and under the new moon in Leo on August 8, you’ll have a chance to collect yourself. By Monday, it will be old news. 

On August 9, you might be feeling distant from a partner or a good friend. How should you handle this? Just reach out and ask them “what’s up?” Mercury’s move into Virgo on August 11 will make conversations with partners and friends easy and breezy. With Venus trine Pluto on the same day, this is also a good time to get together with a group of friends you haven’t seen in a while. They’ll help you see things in a new light. 

Venus moves into Libra on August 16 and you might crave a little more intimacy, whether you’re single or taken. When Mercury conjuncts Mars on August 18, this will prompt you to make the first move. Ask your crush out, make a dating profile or plan a sexy surprise for a partner, it should all go over well. Uranus goes retrograde on August 19, and for the remainder of 2021, you’ll be making some major improvements to your communication skills. Mercury and Mars will begin to trine Uranus and this weekend is a good time to start. 

The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22 and the next month is all about relationships. With a full moon in Aquarius on the same day, you may have a bittersweet ending with someone. Sometimes we just grow apart from people. You’re definitely wise enough to understand that concept. The following day, Venus aligns with Saturn allowing you to be extra vulnerable. Opening up will help you feel lighter. Mercury opposes Neptune on August 24, leading to some miscommunication. But when Mercury trines Pluto on August 26, you’ll be able to find some clarity. The month ends as Mercury moves into Libra and you’ll be focused on fortifying strong bonds with those around you.       

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Summer is the season of fun, and you’ll certainly be having some as the month starts. Around August 2, gather some of your favorite co-workers and hit a happy hour. As the Sun opposes Saturn, you’ll be feeling a bit rebellious and with Venus trine Uranus, it will feel so good to unload any work stress with people who actually get it. Around August 4, you may begin to experience some financial pressure. Both Mercury and the Sun will make back-to-back intense ailments with Uranus. You might not be able to pencil in everything you wanted to do this summer, but with the new moon in Leo on August 8, you’ll make some plans to write home about.   

You could find it hard to concentrate at work around August 9. Venus is opposing Neptune and your mind is elsewhere. Don’t push yourself too hard because your focus should come back by August 11 when Mercury enters Virgo and provides some extra fuel to your work ethic. If you were daydreaming a lot earlier this week, perhaps some inspiration struck. When Venus aligns with Pluto on the same day, you might feel compelled to put this idea into motion. Go for it! You’ll find it’s truly transformative. 

Venus steps into Libra and your relationship zone on August 16. Dating should go extremely well over the next couple of weeks. If you’re in a relationship, this will be an exquisitely romantic time. On August 18, Mercury meets up with your ruler Mars and you’ll kick it into high gear at work and money is the motive. Uranus stations retrograde the following day and for the remainder of 2021, you have the ability to bulk up your savings. With this transit, you’ll be less likely to spend impulsively. Under the Aquarius full moon on August 22, make time for your friends. The Sun moves into Virgo on the same day and there is plenty of time to shine at work.

Expect August 23 to be a rather smooth day, but the following day could bring on more confusion at work when Mercury opposes Neptune. The ball will get rolling again as Mercury trines Pluto on August 26. Another brilliant idea or solution will change the game. The month ends as Mercury moves into Libra. You can finally give relationships and love your undivided attention. Life is grand, and your career is on fire. What more could you ask for? 

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

There is tension brewing at home and it might be distracting you from your own aspirations as the Sun gets tangled with Mercury and both are met with an opposition to Saturn on August 1. The following day, Venus and Uranus might prompt you to run away from it all. This could be the right move, but only for a day or two. On August 4, Mercury and the Sun face off with Uranus, and you’ll just have to deal with whatever the problem is. The new moon in Leo on August 8 should clear up any negative vibes at home and bring in a fresh start. 

Around August 9, some friends might invite you out. If you go, just mind your drinks. Venus is opposing Neptune and this aspect makes it all too easy to overdo it. On August 11, Mercury moves into Virgo and you’ll be able to have fun responsibly. Venus trines Pluto on the same day, transforming you into a light-hearted mood. Make sure you get out and enjoy yourself this weekend.  

On August 16, your ruler Venus moves into Libra and it’s time to shine at work. Show them just how valuable you are! On August 18, Mercury conjuncts Mars and you could be feeling rambunctious. Productivity is best when work and life are properly balanced. Mercury and Mars will trine Uranus all weekend, and now you don’t have to be so responsible. (Wink, wink.) Smack dab in the middle of these aspects, Uranus stations retrograde in your sign on August 19. For the remainder of 2021, you’ll make incredible leaps and bounds to your appearance. Under the full moon in Aquarius on August 22, you’re feeling seen and accomplished. The Sun moves into Virgo on the same day and it will be the ultimate Sunday Funday with these cosmic boosts.

Make sure you’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for August 23, Venus is trine Saturn and you’ll be in the spotlight at work. As Mercury trines Neptune the following day, you may have to turn down a social invitation due to a heavy workload. Mercury meets up with Pluto and encourages a little more innovation when it comes to thinking. Do something creative this weekend. Mercury transits Libra on August 30, adding more focus to your work life. Rise and grind, as they say. 

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

Don’t even bother trying to explain yourself around August 1. Your ruler Mercury has joined up with the Sun and both of them are at odds with Saturn. Perhaps what you’re trying to say is so complicated even you don’t understand it. Phone a close relative who really “gets” you to have a chat. Venus aligns nicely with Uranus on August 2, and this could really help you figure sh*t out. Over the next few days, Mercury and the Sun will take some heat from Uranus and you might accidentally blurt out a thought. Communication blunders are likely with this aspect and they could be more trouble than they’re worth. Speak carefully. Things will all clear up with the new moon in Leo on August 8. On this day, you should find it much easier to express yourself in constructive ways. 

Venus opposes Neptune on August 9 and you may have to come to terms with what it’s going to take to reach a goal. Maybe you’ve been too idealistic and you’ll need to come to terms with the fact that you still have a ways to go. Your ruler Mercury moves into Virgo on August 11 and asks “How do you feel about that?” With Mercury in its other domicile, you’ll feel a need to convert feelings into words. Spending the weekend with family is favored as Venus trines Pluto to end the week. Maybe that’s exactly what you’ll need to your spirits and motivate you.

On August 16, Venus moves into Libra and you’re suddenly the life of the party. Even more so than you typically are. The next couple of weeks have good times written all over them, with Venus in your funhouse. When Mercury meets up with Mars on August 18, you may feel a kick in the pants to get things done around the house. Uranus stations retrograde on August 19 and for the remainder of 2021, there will be a strong focus on your mental health. By August 22, you’ll be feeling pretty darn good about all that you’ve accomplished as the Sun moves into Virgo. The full moon in Aquarius on the same day might inspire you to procrastinate less. After all, you do enjoy being active and proficient. 

On August 23, you’ll be a little more in tune with the world and yourself. Mars trine Uranus and creates swells of intense feel-good emotions. With Venus trine Saturn, small experiences throughout the day will take on a greater meaning. The next day, you could hit a low as Mercury opposes Neptune on August 24 and this may trigger feelings of doubt. Try to focus on your main goal and pay no attention to your naysaying self. Mercury teams up with Pluto on August 26 and you may just find the perfect remedy to put this doubt to rest. The month ends as Mercury steps into Libra on August 30 and now you can really have some fun. Don’t focus on the heavy stuff, just enjoy the moment. 

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

On August 1, you could find yourself doing some financial planning as Mercury meets up with the Sun in your money house, Leo. Both of these celestial bodies will be in opposition to Saturn, giving you just the right amount of gumption and structure to stick with it this time. Venus trines Uranus on August 2 and spontaneous outings with friends are favored. Say yes when you get that text. The rest of the week you’ll just want to chill in the name of saving money. With both Mercury and Sun squaring Uranus around August 4, your friends may be pressuring you to come out and play. By the new moon in Leo on August 8, you’ll be glad you stuck to your guns. 

On August 9, Venus will oppose Neptune and your thoughts will be drifting off to neverland. Don’t bother trying to be productive. That can wait until August 11 when Mercury transits Virgo. With the planet of the mind in this sign, you’ll be handling life like a smooth operator. Enjoy your “mental vacation” earlier on in the week, because from here on out, you’ll be all business! Venus trines Pluto on this day, so you may meet an important professional connection. If you’re dating someone, this is also a good day to talk about the next step. 

On August 16, Venus enters Libra and your house of home. We know you take pride in your home and family, Cancer, and this will bring some next-level love and abundance. Soak it in, and if you get the urge to, yes you should totally redecorate! If you have kids, you may want to spend more time with them as well. You may not want to deal with work on August 18. Mercury is on top of Mars and any irritation might make you combust. With the Sun opposing Jupiter the next day, you may start to have anxiety over “money lost.” Just let it go, your mental health is worth more than the dollar. On August 19, Uranus goes retrograde and for the remainder of 2021, there may be some radical shifts in your social circle. People will come and go, but it’s all in your best interest.

The Sun’s move into Virgo on August 22 adds a warm tone to conversations as the full moon in Aquarius encourages you to be a bit more open. This is bond-forming energy. While you’re feeling thankful for the people in your life, you may have a hard time expressing it when Mercury opposes Neptune around August 24. Luckily, Mercury and Pluto join forces on August 26 and you can spit it out. Mercury moves into Libra on August 30. You can really get used to this whole “expressing yourself and your true feelings” thing! 

Main Image by ParallelVision 

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit