Well, it certainly is an eventful end to 2022— and we should expect nothing less from the cosmos! Neptune and wounded healer Chiron end their retrogrades. Jupiter transits Aries just before the Winter Solstice and Mercury stations retrograde prior to when the clock strikes midnight. Your December 2022 horoscopes present a busy and illuminated holiday season.
Beneath all the hustle and bustle we are experiencing some profound shifts. Neptune direct on December 3 brings us spiritual clarity. Preparing us to step into a new identity as Jupiter makes a big move into Aries on December 20. At the same time, we are emerging from a period of deep healing with Chiron direct on December 23, the same day as the Capricorn new moon. Renewal and a fresh start arrive before the new year does.
The year ends as infamous Mercury stations retrograde on December 29, for the fourth time this year. This one occurs in determined Capricorn, making it the perfect time to reassess goals for the coming year.
December 2022 Horoscopes: Important Dates
Neptune Stations Direct in Pisces – December 3
When Neptune changes direction things get confusing and hazy. We can not rely on the logical mind alone. Since Neptune stationed retrograde in late June of this year we’ve been learning to use our sixth sense. Now we can lean into our intuitive knowing with a little more clarity.
Mercury Transits Capricorn – December 6
We’ll all feel more motivated and determined with Mercury in stead-fast Capricorn. Patience, self-discipline and focus are readily available. Our minds may fixate on our aspirations, but there is an extensive amount of work to do as Mercury will go retrograde in this serious earth sign.
The Full Moon in Gemini – December 7
This marks the completion of a search for truth. We get an answer that is completely understood by the higher mind. However, this may not translate right away as the full moon is just one degree away from Mars retrograde. This is an ideal night for many to gather and converse. Other people offer a unique perspective on our own experiences.
Venus Transits Capricorn – December 9
Driven by desire. As Venus ventures through dominating Capricorn, our standards are high. We may have a taste for the finer things or become obsessed with achieving success.
Jupiter Transits Aries – December 20
This transit will put us in touch with our fiery independent spirits. Jupiter in Aries is all about taking up space and making some bold moves. Jupiter’s journey throughout 2022 brought us a deeper look at our souls. We are ready to expand our horizons and define who we are in the world.
The Sun Transits Capricorn – December 21
When the Sun enters Capricorn we all become a little more goal-oriented. We think about the impact that we have on the world and the people around us. How we improve and progress forward are always major themes for Capricorn season.
Chiron Stations Direct in Aries & the New Moon in Capricorn – December 23
We’re on the mend after a period of personal healing with Chiron direct. Since this centaur went retrograde in late July we’ve experienced a recovery. Given the new moon energy on the same day, this is the time to spread our wings. This is about defining who we want to be and the legacy we’ll leave behind. Playing the victim doesn’t fly, we must give ourselves a certain amount of accountability.
Mercury Stations Retrograde in Capricorn – December 29
Mercury retrograde may not be the ideal transit to end the year, but this one will be rather constructive. We need to reassess our goals and the ultimate plan of action to achieve them. This may be a period of reflection, and we’ll take note of what did and didn’t work from past experiences.
Happy Birthday, Sag! Your month may start off with a bit of confusion with Mercury square Neptune— But when this far-out planet emerges from retrograde on December 3 you’ll gain emotional clarity. On December 6 Mercury enters Capricorn and you’ll be hyper-focused on your seasonal shopping. Great gifts are all around you, just don’t overdo it. The full moon in Gemini on December 7 is the perfect evening for a romantic date with someone special. You’ll be rather confident by the time Venus enters Capricorn on December 9. Your heightened self-love should attract some favorable surprises your way.
The Sun aligns with Saturn on December 12 making this a great week to make a big announcement or give an important presentation. Just don’t become overly invested as the Sun moves on to face off with Neptune a few days later. Mercury makes a connection to Uranus on December 17, bringing some excitement to your daily routine. It may be time to sign up for the class you’ve been eyeing at the gym. Jupiter moves into fellow fire sign Aries on December 20 and life is about to get that much brighter. With your ruler in your house of fun and exploration, there is no telling what adventures lay ahead. And that’s just the way you like it. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the next day and you’ll find the funds you’ll need for your next voyage.
The new moon in Capricorn on December 23 is ideal for financial planning. As Chiron stations direct on the same day, allowing you to budget a little more for entertainment. You’ll realize what’s truly important and find a way to make it work. Mercury is sextile Neptune all weekend and you’ll feel the love at home. This will certainly be a holiday for the books. While your riding high Mercury stations retrograde on December 29 and you may have to take a second look at your finances. Something doesn’t add up with your recent endeavors and you’ll be trying to figure that out over the next couple of weeks.
Venus blows kisses to Saturn as December gets started and you’ll feel a whirlwind of confidence. You may be inclined to take a small calculated risk. Go for it, as Neptune stations direct on December 3 your intuition and rational mind will be operating on the same level. Mercury moves into your sign on December 6, giving you the mental stamina to get some major work done before the year is up. Under the full moon in Gemini on the following day you’ll be ready to commit to some new wellness goals. This is the optimal time to assess and readjust your routine. Venus moves into your sign and gives your natural charisma a cosmic boost. Your suave ways might just land you a new lover or work opportunity.
The Sun connects with Saturn on November 12 and it may be best to take it easy. The hustle and bustle of it all will feel overwhelming as the Sun falls into a square with Neptune around December 14. The weekend is saved thanks to Mercury trine Uranus, the atmosphere is perfect for spontaneous gatherings with friends. Jupiter transits Aries on December 20 and amplifies your need for emotional security. In the coming months, you might purchase your dream home, or welcome a new addition to your current one. The Sun moves into your sign on the following day and shines the spotlight on you. ‘Tis your season, so don’t let people forget it!
The new moon in your sign on December 23 is an ideal time to revamp your look. Switch up your style or rock a new haircut, you’ll feel more like yourself. Speaking of feelings, Chiron stations direct on the same day and some suppressed ones could bubble to the surface. Let them, because working through your emotions can be quite healing. Mercury sextiles Neptune on December 24 and you can expect to have some enlightening conversations this holiday weekend. Several days later on December 29 Mercury stations retrograde in your sign and forces you to face some personal issues. Even Capricorns need to work on their confidence every now and then— there is a new and improved you in the year ahead.
You’ll be busy catching up with old friends as the month gets underway due to a favorable alignment between Venus and Saturn. On December 3 Neptune stations direct so beware of a tendency to overspend. Unique objects catch your eye, but it’s best to ponder purchases for a couple of days. On December 6 Mercury enters Capricorn and you’ll need some alone time this holiday season. You can get a lot accomplished in your solitude. However, the full moon in Gemini on the following day is no time to be a recluse. Get together with the gang for some seasonal amusement. Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 and puts you in touch with your deeper desires. You’ll be quite the daydreamer for the next couple of weeks.
The Sun sextiles Saturn on December 12 and you’ll have to step up and take the reins at work, this is the perfect time to showcase those leadership skills. Just don’t let it get to your heads as the Sun creates a hazy alignment to Neptune— an overinflated ego will not suit you well towards the end of the week. Mercury makes a potent connection to Uranus on December 17 and inspires you to work on a home improvement project. The results will surprise you in a good way. Jupiter makes a big move into Aries on December 20 and this will have you expressing yourself in some expansive ways. It’s an optimal time to start a blog, write a novel or improve your communication style in general. Whatever you have to say is well received. The Sun enters Capricorn on the following day, allowing you to find a solid workflow.
On December 23 the new moon in Capricorn offers you a fresh start and the ability to tackle any subconscious hang-ups. As Chiron stations direct in Aries on the same day, you’ll become keenly aware of what is stopping you from really putting your work out there. The atmosphere on December 24 is light-hearted and easy-going, as Mercury lines up with Neptune you’ll enjoy a peaceful holiday weekend. The month ends as flippant Mercury gears up for a retrograde on December 29. As the new year begins, you’ll be releasing old behaviors. How you view the world is changing and you’ll come out on the other end with a brand new mindset.

You might feel lost or directionless as the month gets started and Mercury gets tangled up with Neptune. You’ll find clarity within as Neptune stations direct in your sign on December 3. The planet of communication (Mercury) enters Capricorn on December 6, so you can expect friends to reach out in waves. The full moon in Gemini on the following day is time for family. Host a gathering to fill your home with love and cheer. Relatives aren’t the only ones who want to spend time with you this holiday season, as Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 there will be plenty of opportunities to celebrate with your pals.
It’s best to work alone as the Sun amps up Saturn on December 12. You can make great strides towards a personal goal. But a harsh alignment to Neptune a couple of days later will cloud your vision as you are eager for results. All in due time. Mercury trines Uranus on December 17 and this weekend is best spent sharing your ideas and ideals with others. They can help you put things in perspective. Jupiter officially exits your sign on December 20, but the good news is you’ll expand your income. Use the bold and independent spirit of Aries to boost your self-worth and the money will follow. The Sun enters Capricorn on the following day and you’ll be ready to spread your wings and put yourself out there.
The new moon in Capricorn on December 23 could present a brand new network to work with. You might even be taking on a mentor role. Doubt can come creeping in as Chiron stations direct on the same day, but it just means that the time is right to release the insecurities that hold you back from your full potential. Mercury snuggles up Neptune on December 24 and you’ll feel blessed to have love and support. This is what the holidays are all about. You may have to rethink your approach to large-scale projects as Mercury stations retrograde on December 29. While you’ll hit a bump in the road or two, this is ultimately about self-improvement.
If someone tries to give advice at the start of the month, just shut up and take it in. It will be all too easy to interject, but you’ll miss some paramount wisdom as Venus gets tangled with Mars and Saturn. Neptune stations direct on December 3 and subconscious behaviors or patterns bubble up to the surface. Take the next couple of days to get your head straight. By the time Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6, you’ll be making diligent plans for your future. The full moon in Gemini on the following day will illuminate what exactly has been hindering your progress and it’s the perfect time to release it.
Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 leading to a personal achievement. You might not see this right away with her juxtaposition to Jupiter. This month you’ll be driven by the long-term goals you’ve set for yourself. The Sun forms a delightful aspect to stoic Saturn around December 12 and some influential people who push you to further explore your beliefs.
Lucky Jupiter enters your sign on December 20 and makes you magnet for abundance. Good thing Capricorn season kicks off on the following day, because you’ll be all about achieving results, rewards and recognition. You might even discover a new aspiration under the new moon in Capricorn on December 23. This new journey will seem insurmountable, but nevertheless you’ll be starting off at square one when Chiron stations direct in your sign. A Mercury-Neptune aspect on December 24 adds a touch of magic to your holidays. Just come back to reality by December 29, when Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn. You’ll have to work out some kinks in your ultimate plan for success. Trial and error feels like a foe, but it’s really your friend.
As December gets underway, you might be feeling extra motivated to achieve a personal goal as Venus favorably aligns with Saturn. While you’ve got your sights set high, Neptune stations direct on December 3, and people are about to come out of the woodwork with their opinions— don’t mistake them for facts. Follow the path that feels right to you. Mercury moves into fellow earth sign Capricorn on December 6 and turns up the dial on your curiosity. While you dive into life’s mysteries, the full moon in Gemini on the following day points to some financial success. You may complete paying off a debt or receive a huge holiday bonus. Whatever it is, things are looking up as Venus enters Capricorn on December 9, and you plan a grand getaway.
The Sun sextiles Saturn the week of December 12 so you’ll be making easy progress in your professional sphere. Just don’t get too cocky as the Sun faces off with Neptune around December 14— it’s not a good look for you, stay humble. The weekend is bound to be a wild ride as Mercury trines Uranus on December 17, make sure you reply “yes” to any out of the ordinary plans. Jupiter journeys into Aries on December 20 and lights up your independent spirit. For the next couple of months, you’ll be operating as a lone wolf, thus learning a lot about yourself in the process. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the following day and you’ll be looking to transcend the mundane. Creative outlets will do wonders if you can’t sneak away on vacay just yet.
The new moon in Capricorn on December 23 is the perfect time to test out a new spiritual practice. As Chiron stations direct in Aries on the same day, you’ll be doing deep soul healing. The vibe for the holidays is just right as Mercury and Neptune make a strong connection. There is fantasy-like magic in the air, so lean into it. Just a few days later, Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29 and it’s time to revisit your personal beliefs. Perhaps some no longer fly and you’ll be working it out as the new year begins.
A partnership might get confusing as Mercury gets tangled with Npetune to start the month off— but intuitive Npetune stations direct on December 3 and allows you to gain clarity on your own goals. With your grand vision back in focus your relationships benefit. Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 6 and you’ll have some deep and intimate conversations in the coming weeks. Reserve some me-time for the full moon in your sign on December 7. You’ve been too focused on other people recently, take a night to pamper yourself. Chances are you will feel rejuvenated as Venus moves into Capricorn on December 9. You might receive a return on an investment or take a relationship to the next level.
The Sun sextiles Saturn on December 12 and you should spend some time with your elders, you might just learn something useful. A few days later the Sun challenges Neptune and everyone and everything is a source of frustration. Do your best to keep your cool, you can blow off some steam in more constructive ways as Mercury trines Uranus on December 17. Jupiter moves into Aries on December 20 and expands your reach. This is an ideal time to launch a new venture— whatever you put out into the world will quickly gain notoriety. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the following day and gives you a strong inner authority. It’s your chance to call the shots.
The new moon in Capricorn on December 23 will bring out some raw emotions. As Chiron stations direct in Aries on the same day you may be forced to face a fear. It’s not so scary once you do! Mercury initiates a supportive aspect to Neptune on the following day, and being around the people you love the most will lift your spirits. Enjoy this feeling, because Mercury stations retrograde on December 29 and life becomes demanding, but at least it won’t be boring.
When Mercury squares off with Neptune at the start of the month you’ll face a major dilemma. This will be related to work or health and can feel rather off-putting with the Moon’s involvement. By December 3 Neptune stations direct and your intuition speaks louder. You already know your next move! Your social life picks up as Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6, expect to be catching up with all your friends in the coming weeks. However, the full moon in Gemini on the following day is meant for relaxation. Unplug and focus on your well-being for the night. There will be plenty of memories made with loved ones when Venus enters Capricorn on December 9.
The Sun plays nice with Saturn on December 12 allowing you to make a small commitment to your overall health. Sign up for some workout classes or a wellness subscription box. Stay grounded as the Sun moves on to a challenging alignment with Neptune two days later. One minuscule improvement doesn’t equal guru status. By December 17 Mercury trines Uranus and someone has a riveting surprise. Let others take control and you will not be disappointed. Jupiter jumps into Aries on December 20 and blesses your career sector for the foreseeable future. You’ll start to make incredible leaps and bounds in your professional life. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the following day and you can count on the support of your closest loved ones.
Your priorities are changing and the new moon in Capricorn on December 23 is the best time to confront how this affects a special relationship. You can’t always be the caretaker everyone wants you to be, as Chiron stations direct in Aries you’ll start to recognize this. It’s imperative that you focus on your own aspirations. The holiday weekend will be enlightening as Mercury helps out Neptune. Mind-opening conversations take up most of your time. Mercury stations retrograde on December 29 and it’s important to remember that relationships aren’t meant to be easy. You’ll be working through some communication issues, but you’ll reach a better understanding of one another after all is said and done. A stronger bond awaits you in the new year.
The influence of Venus sextile Saturn may have your heart completely open, and now is not the time to shy away from expressing how you feel. It will feel liberating to bypass a personal boundary as Neptune stations direct on December 3. Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 6, and it could feel like the fun is over. It’s not, you’ll just be extra self-disciplined, which helps you cross a lot off your list and stick to your holiday budget. The full moon in Gemini on December 7 is the perfect night to gather the gang for some festive fun. It’s back to business December 9, when Venus dances into Capricorn and you’re all about your bottom line, there’s a large payday in your future.
The Sun lines up nicely with Saturn on December 12 and brings some light-hearted fun to an otherwise serious relationship. Just don’t push the envelope as the Sun falls into a square with Neptune on December 14. This weekend could bring a surprise opportunity or two. Be on the lookout with Mercury trine Uranus. Jupiter is about to take you on some astounding journeys, as the planet of luck moves into Aries and your house of adventures. For the next couple of months you may be traveling for work or get to take an extended vacation. The Sun’s move into Capricorn on the following brings you back down to earth and helps you tie-up loose ends before the celebration can start.
It may not be New Year’s yet, but the new moon in Capricorn on December 23, is the perfect time to make some resolutions regarding your health and wellness. As Chiron stations direct in Aries you’ll take a more holistic approach to this matter. Mercury sextiles Neptune over the holiday allowing for warm-hearted connections all weekend. The month draws to a close as Mercury goes retrograde on December 29. Your daily schedule could get a little topsy-turvy in the new year, but it’s all about finding the right routine for you.

The month starts with a misunderstanding, as Mercury squares Neptune you and a special someone aren’t seeing eye to eye. You’ll gain some clarity when Neptune stations direct on December 3. Any relationship confusion should clear up in the next couple of days. Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 6 and it’s time to get serious about having some fun! Plan an adventurous activity or two. The mood lightens with the full moon in Gemini on December 7 as an important project comes to completion. Take the night off and enjoy your success. Venus moves into Capricorn on December 9, coxing you to give in to the whims of romance. Single Virgos will attract potential mates, while couples will experience some sweet and tender moments this month.
The Sun creates a favorable angle to Saturn around December 12 and brings a smooth workflow. Just don’t rely on others to fulfill your responsibilities. Delegating a task to the wrong person will have some unpleasant consequences as the Sun squares Neptune on December 14. The weekend ahead calls for thrills, with Mercury trine Uranus you need a new experience to shake up the norm. Jupiter makes an expansive move into Aries on December 20 and this may translate into deeper connections with your closest kin. Going forward, you’ll be sharing deeper thoughts and feelings. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the following day and ignites your holiday spirit. You can officially relax and enjoy the merriment of the season.
December 23 will be a rather intimate day. Under the new moon in Capricorn, you’ll be openly discussing your expectations within partnerships. Chiron stations direct in Aries on the same day and encourages vulnerability. You may show someone a wound you’ve been desperate to heal. Being open about it speeds up your recovery, whether this is a physical or emotional ailment. Mercury forms a sextile on the following day, adding warm and fuzzy vibes to the weekend. This is an ideal time to meet your significant other’s family or vice versa. Single or attached, you’ll feel loved in every way possible. The month ends as Mercury stations retrograde, and work may get in the way of your leisurely plans as the new year rolls in. Good thing you’ve got the ethic to see it through. Find time for life’s simple pleasures when you can.
Venus sextiles Saturn to start the month and you may be in the mood to ditch all your responsibilities in the pursuit of pleasure. If you do, you may have to play catch-up on December 3 when Neptune stations direct and the rose-colored glasses come off. Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6 and you’ll notice a logical approach to your feelings. The full moon in Gemini the following day might open your mind to some new concepts. Approach this day with a curious nature. Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 and for the next couple of weeks you’ll prefer to spend time at home or with family. Over the next couple of weeks you may be hosting several guest.
The Sun aligns with Saturn on December 12 and your creative thinking is off the charts. Just don’t run away with some crazy scheme. By the time the Sun squares Neptune a few days later you’ll realize your delusional ways. Mercury ignites Uranus on December 17 making this a good weekend to openly express your feelings. The results could surprise you. Jupiter enters Aries on December 20, and whether you’re single or taken, you’ll be extra lucky in the love department. The Sun enters Capricorn on the next day and you’ll become fully engulfed in your emotions.
The new moon in Capricorn on December 23 points to a new beginning at home. You may be reconciling dysfunctional relationships as Chiron stations direct in Aries on the same day. Mercury becomes allies with Neptune all holiday weekend and you’ll feel revitalized and enthusiastic. But on December 29 Mercury stations retrograde and you’ll have to tend to matters at home as the new year begins. A large repair one week, caring for a sick family member the next— hang in there, when all is said and done the emotional reward is astronomical. You need to be the rock right now.
Don’t let your expectations get the best of you as Mercury squares Neptune to start off the month. You’ll be better apt to go with the flow once Neptune stations direct on December 3. Relinquishing control will prove to be liberating. Mercury makes a move into Capricorn on December 6 and encourages you to be forthright in your communications. The full moon in Gemini on the following day will present an intimate moment, where you can talk with no filter or judgment. You’ll lean into fully expressing yourself when Venus enters Capricorn on December 9.
The Sun makes a favorable alignment to Saturn on December 12 and you’ll start to get closer with an elder in your family. Just be sure you’re setting proper boundaries as the Sun gets into it with Neptune a few days later, beware of inappropriate comments in all your conversations. Mercury trine Uranus on December 17 supports some spontaneous adventures with a close friend or lover this weekend. Jupiter makes a major move into Aries on December 20 and you’ll start to receive some favorable attention at work. Professional or wellness goals are revitalized with this transit. As the Sun enters Capricorn on the following day you’ll be ready and capable of taking on more responsibilities.
The new moon in Capricorn points to a new beginning in your immediate environment. You could be moving or starting a new job. It’s exciting stuff, but change can be scary as Chiron stations direct on the same day. The jump you are about to take is for your overall well-being and fulfillment. Mercury sextile Neptune on December 24 adds some whimsical vibes to your holiday weekend. The festivities will be extra fun this year! Things get serious as Mercury stations retrograde on December 29, when it’s clear that you need to switch up some habits you’ve adopted. This will be difficult, but you’ll be happy when you step into a new version of yourself as 2023 begins.
A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/