June 2022 Horoscopes: Saturn & Neptune Retrograde

june 2022 horosopes

June 2022 Horoscopes: Saturn & Neptune Retrograde

june 2022 horosopes

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

This month, we’ll find ourselves in the middle of a retrograde sandwich as the cosmos presents us with a change in direction. But first, your June 2022 horoscopes kick off with Mercury stationing direct on June 3. At least our minds will be clear while we work towards the bigger picture with Saturn and Neptune retrograde. 

Saturn stations retrograde on June 4, switching directions with Mercury. As the planet of service and responsibility moves backward, we are about to do some serious reconstruction in various areas of our lives. Mercury and Venus will lighten the mood around the middle of the month. They’ll both make transits into Gemini and add some whimsical vibes to the atmosphere.

Towards the end of the month, we’re hit with a wave of water energy. Cancer season begins on June 21 with the Summer Solstice, followed by the new moon in Cancer on June 28. As the Sun and Moon meet up, they’ll form a challenging angle to Jupiter, who is on the receiving end of a beneficial aspect to Venus. We may experience some emotional highs and lows at this time, it’s best to drift along and not fight the current. Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces on the same day, and over the coming months, we’ll all become a little more in tune with the ebb and flow of life.  

june 2022 horosopes
Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius l Photo by NASA on Unsplash

June 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates:

Mercury Stations Direct in Taurus, June 3: Mercury starts moving forward again in steadfast Taurus. The retrograde effects may linger, as the messenger planet will still be in shadow for most of the month. However, our minds and thought processes will come from a grounded place. 

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius, June 4: Saturn, the planet of service and responsibility, will be in retrograde from June 4 to October 23, 2022. This is the last time this constructive planet will retrograde through its traditional home sign of Aquarius for the next 29.5 years. We too must get serious about our place in the world and use this time to learn how we can make the most of our unique presence and skills.

Mercury Enters Gemini, June 13: The messenger planet comes home once again, and has us all on top of our game. Now that we have our wits about us, we can truly implement whatever this past retrograde has taught us. 

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 14: At this time, there is a collective influence on growth. We should all take a moment to reflect on our experiences and adventures in this life. Let the wisdom and knowledge we’ve gained infiltrate our beings, for all of it have played a part in shaping who we are today.

The Sun Moves Into Cancer, June 21: Can you feel the love? The Sun moves into sensitive Cancer and we’re all in our feels. It’s time to show up for others and ourselves with some TLC. 

Venus Enters Gemini, June 22: Going forward we’ll be looking for the value in the information and facts. This is also a good time to let that imagination soar. We’ll be a little more expressive for the next couple of weeks. 

The New Moon in Cancer, June 28: A rather emotional new beginning or a fresh start. However, at this time, it may be harmful to get caught up in the bigger picture or grand vision. For now, focus on the environment within. 

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, June 28: The planet of ideals, illusions and dreams comes to a halt on June 28 and will be doing a backstroke until December 3, 2022. When Neptune is moving at full speed, life can get confusing. But as this planet slows down, our vision clears up. For the majority of the rest of the year, we’ll be shattering our own delusions. Neptune has some rather spiritual significations, so this is also a time where we can strengthen our intuition and experience a greater connection to our soul.     

june 2022 horosopes
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces l Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

Happy Birthday! The month starts as your ruler Mercury gets tangled up with Saturn and Neptune. You may have a momentary freak out as your trajectory in life will feel confusing. It’s best to focus on the bigger picture rather than the fine details. You’ll regain some mental clarity when Mercury stations direct on June 3. Saturn goes retrograde on June 4, and going forward, there will be plenty of time to work through your personal philosophies and viewpoints. Prepare for a deep dive into this area of your life, as Saturn will be moving backward through the house of your higher mind until mid-October. 

When Mercury trines Pluto on June 9, it’s best to spend some quality time with yourself. Attempt to tap into your subconscious—there’s no telling what you might find. This aspect supports any “unearthing” you do around this time. Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11, so expect some sort of surprise this weekend. It will most likely be favorable, but a shock to the system nonetheless. Is it deja vu or just Mercury re-entering your sign? 

On June 13, your ruler comes home for the second time and this will give you a second wind. Time to get on all those chores and projects. Just make sure you spend the full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 with someone special. Be it a friend or lover, the company is comforting.  

Say yes to invitations around June 19 as Mercury sextiles Jupiter. You may be feeling a bit out of place, but there are important connections to make as your season draws to a close. The Sun makes its move into Cancer on June 21, and you may feel like treating yourself over the next couple of weeks. Venus moves into your sign on the following day and says go for it. Isn’t it about time you pamper yourself? Giving some time and attention to your image or wellbeing improves your overall mood.

The new moon in Cancer on June 28 will be in a square to Jupiter. There might be drama amongst friends and money could be lost. As Venus sextiles Jupiter, this won’t bother you too much, and you’ll likely be the one who resolves this conflict. This lunation will show you just how valuable your unique presence is. Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on the same day and it’s time to get real about the: “where do you see yourself in five years?” question. 

Over the next several months, you’ll discover an interesting new direction in the context of your ultimate dreams. Visualization exercises or confidence-boosting practices will really help you right now. You’re on the path to your destiny, don’t stop for the retrogrades.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Don’t hold back out of fear as June gets started. With Mercury in sextile to Neptune, conversations will take on a deeper meaning. Saturn is also involved, and your first reaction is to retreat into your shell. Break the barrier and get out of your comfort zone. Mercury goes direct on June 3, and you’ll begin to feel courageous and ready to connect with others. On the following day, Saturn goes retrograde and asks you to take a cold, hard look at your boundaries. You give so much, and these next four months will show you how this depletes your own reserve. Find the proper balance. This is also about learning to tap into your receptive energy.

You have the chance to really make amends and put the past behind you as Mercury trines Pluto on June 9. Open and honest communication will serve all your relationships, but one, in particular, could experience a revival. Should an old friend want to get together this weekend, just say yes! As Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11, there is one more surprise in store for you. 

Mercury enters Gemini on June 13 and this is your sign from the cosmos to slow it down. This yea,r you’ve been working hard. As the planet of the mind moves through this sector over the next couple of weeks, you deserve a mental break. The full moon in Sagittarius on the following day is an excellent time to check up on your health and schedule any overdue appointments.

Around June 18, a trusted confidant could turn around and stab you in the back as Venus squares Saturn. While you certainly aren’t one to tolerate betrayal, you’ll quickly move past this. As the planet of love connects to Neptune, you’re at peace with the truth of this matter. After all, you don’t need fake friends when your season kicks off on June 21. As the Sun moves into your sign, it’s time to celebrate and all the real ones that surround you right now. As Venus moves into Gemini on the following day, you’ll feel a stronger connection to the people you can truly let your guard down around. 

The new moon in your sign on June 28 will end up in a challenging aspect to Jupiter. While it may be difficult, you can use this to your advantage. Stop self-doubt in its tracks and start being the person you want to be. As Jupiter sextiles Venus, you should remain open to intuitive hits. You might have a couple that will lead you in the right direction. Neptune also stations retrograde on this day, sending you off on a spiritual journey. For the remainder of the yea,r make sure you’re giving some attention to your mind, body, and spirit connection. Taking care of your whole self is the key to your success right now.

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22) 

Don’t pay attention to the critics. As the month starts off with Mercury square Saturn, it’s likely that whatever review you receive is meant to help you in some shape or form. As the planet of the mind also connects with Neptune, think about how the recent advice you received mirrors a deep insecurity. Once you’re aware of it, you can release it. 

Just like that, Mercury stations direct on June 3. You feel like you can conquer the world, but not so fast, as Saturn goes retrograde on the following day. Over the next several months, you’ll be examining your relationships with a discerning eye. Try to figure out who is moving forward with you and who should remain a friend of the past. 

Around June 9, you may feel inspired to switch up your daily routines. As Mercury trines Pluto ask yourself, what changes can you make today that will improve your tomorrow? You’ll be feeling pumped up as Venus conjuncts Uranus this weekend. Don’t get ahead of yourself, but do enjoy this electric push towards your ultimate goal. On June 13, Mercury transits Gemini and we all know you’re popular Leo, so expect your phone to start blowing up. Make sure you say yes to an invitation on the night of June 14. This is the full moon in Sagittarius and you need a little fun to restore your superstar confidence. 

Around June 16, your ruler the Sun gets into an entanglement with Neptune and Saturn. You’ll be especially susceptible to negative energy. It’s best to hang around people you know are in the right vibe, as your mood is easily influenced right now. The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, and you may feel like taking a step back from the spotlight. This is typically a restorative time for you. However, Venus moves into Gemini on the following day and has different plans. You may have many social obligations to attend to, just make sure you allow yourself some time to recharge. 

The new moon in Cancer on June 28 will highlight your spiritual side as this lunation squares Jupiter. Taking a look at your core beliefs may be difficult, but once you open up to them, you’ll experience a greater connection to the possibilities that lay ahead. This could alter how you perceive yourself as part of the greater whole. It’s bound to be an enlightening day indeed, as Neptune stations retrograde too. For pretty much the remainder of the year, you’ll be discovering what lies beneath your surface. Get ready to meet some parts of yourself you didn’t know existed. Throughout this process, treat yourself with kindness.

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

As the new month begins, you might have a hard time concentrating as Mercury squares Saturn. Even the simplest of tasks may feel like they require great effort. Perhaps you are lost in a fantasy with Mercury sextile Neptune. If someone is on your mind, give them a call as Mercury stations direct on June 3. Going forward, complex topics of conversation go from confusing to mind-opening. Saturn stations retrograde on the following day, and over the next several months, you’ll be taking a serious look at your daily routine. Maybe work shouldn’t consistently take priority over your health or personal life?

Pay attention to your soul urges as Mercury trines Pluto on June 9. Get lost in a hobby or subject of interest. You might just be struck by a personal realization as Venus meets up with Uranus on June 11. This will be a rather enlightening weekend for you. On June 13, Mercury re-enters its other home of Gemini. You’ll be focused on aligning with your life’s purpose or ultimate goals. The plans you make in the coming weeks will take you far. 

On the following day, a family member might need your assistance with the full moon in Sagittarius. You’ll get to truly be your favorite archetype, the hero. As the Sun trines Saturn for the next couple of days, you can swiftly handle a little more responsibility this week.  

Mercury sextiles Jupiter on June 19 and brings some good news regarding a business affair. On June 21, the Sun enters Cancer and marks the start of a very social season for you. Good thing Venus moves into Gemini on the following day. This is your time to step out and be seen, as you’re likely to garner a lot of positive attention at this time. 

Secrets could come out under the new moon in Cancer on June 28. This lunation, in square to Jupiter, will shed light on whatever’s been kept in the dark. While this may be uncomfortable, the truth really does set you free. Jupiter is receiving some help from Venus, so this ordeal won’t damage your reputation or anything like that. 

Neptune will also station retrograde on this day, and for what’s left of this year, you might experience profound growth within a partnership. You may be slowly merging with another on a deeper level. This could also be a time when your illusion of a relationship could be shattered. No matter what end of this spectrum you find yourself on, just be grateful you can see the truth. And if it ain’t true love, you don’t want it, Virgo. 

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

As the month gets started, you may become keenly aware of all the limits and restrictions you place on yourself; thanks to the Mercury square Saturn influence. This mental planet will also be sextile to Neptune, which encourages you to open up to greater possibilities. When Mercury stations direct on June 3, you’ll have a better understanding of the deeper parts of yourself and can move forward accordingly. 

On the following day, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius for the next several months. Up until mid-fall, you can make use of this slow-down by getting creative. This would be an excellent time to get all your ducks in a row, especially if you plan to have a child or start your own business venture.   

On June 9, Mercury trines Pluto and you could uncover some interesting information about your family history. Whatever you discover will strengthen your connection to your bloodline. Prepare to open up in a big way as Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11. This weekend, you’ll spill your guts to just about anyone. If it feels right, let the emotions pour out of you. On June 13, Mercury enters Gemini making you quite inquisitive. Right now you want to know more and have the capacity to take in large amounts of information. Consider signing up for a course under the full moon in Sagittarius on June 14. You’ll make some interesting, yet helpful connections. 

The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, and over the next 30 days, you could receive some praise, recognition or honor. While this is a huge ego boost, don’t let it all go to your head as Venus enters Gemini on the following day. You may feel like you’re on top, but there is still so much to learn. Your ruler here encourages you to approach everything with an open mind and heart. Now is a time to be curious, not complacent.

Set some new goals under the new moon in Cancer on June 28. With this lunation in square to Jupiter, you can only rely on yourself at this time. Luckily, Venus is forming a rather benefic aspect to Jupiter, so listen to your inner knowing it will steer you in the right direction. Neptune stations retrograde on this day too and marks the start of six-month transit that will help you clearly see where your routine, schedule and habits can improve. Neptune is a spiritual entity, so focus on cultivating a mind, body, spirit connection in your day-to-day. 

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

   A loved one may need your time and attention as Mercury squares Saturn at the start of the month. You’ll have to press the pause button on your own life for a moment. This small sacrifice will not go in vain. As Mercury sextiles Neptune, this person will provide you with some greater insight. Mercury stations direct on June 3 and in the coming days, it will be so much easier to draw the line between yourself and others. Speaking of boundaries, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius on the following day. Over the next several months, there will be breakdowns and reconstruction of your emotional core. This is an ideal time to work through family issues or rearrange your responsibilities at home. 

June 9 is an ideal day for one-on-one interaction. Be it a romantic or plutonic date, the energy is serendipitous as Mercury trines Pluto. This weekend, someone will have a spectacular surprise for you as Venus conjuncts Uranus. Don’t waste this precious moment by trying to figure out what it is. The true gift here lies in letting life unfold, without attaching to what’s next.

On June 13, Mercury enters Gemini and beefs up your intuitive mind. Let your instincts guide you over the next couple of weeks. The full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 will have you considering how you can invest in yourself. Even if you’re feeling pretty confident, there’s always room for improvement. 

Around June 19, Mercury sextiles Jupiter and you just might crack the case on a problem at work. Don’t you worry, the higher-ups will take notice. The Sun enters Cancer on June 21 and opens your mind’s eye. Use Cancer season to get in sync with the energy that surrounds you. As Venus enters Gemini on the following day, you might receive a large sum of cash from an unexpected source. Over the next several weeks, you’ll find the people are extra generous to you.  A drink on the house, a random gift from a friend, be open to receiving. 

You might adopt a new ideology, belief or personal philosophy under the new moon in Cancer on June 28. As this lunation squares Jupiter, it will quickly become clear that your new mindset doesn’t align with your daily routines. More downtime might be useful as Neptune will station retrograde in Pisces on the same day. Over the next several months, take time to explore your interests and hobbies. Challenge yourself to create in new ways—Neptune has a few things to show you, and the results are magical. 

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)  

June starts off with Mercury in a pickle. Coincidentally. you’ll be in one too as this planet squares Saturn. Work, commitments or obligations will be super demanding while your personal life keeps pulling at your heart strings. Once Mercury stations direct on June 3, you’ll start to get a better grip on things. You may be feeling burnt out as Saturn stations retrograde on the following day. It’s time to introduce some sustainable habits into your life. By the time this disciplined planet goes direct in the fall, you should see significant improvement in your productivity. 

Mercury trines Pluto on June 9, leading to a larger than anticipated payday. Hard work really does pay off, but these funds are best used for investing in yourself. Venus conjunct Uranus on June 11 and out of left field, you’ll feel a need to shake things up. Do some research and sign up for a weekly activity. Be it a yoga studio membership or art class, you’ll be looking for more value and passion when it comes to your overall wellness. 

Get together with friends as Mercury enters Gemini on June 13. The next couple of weeks is ideal for catching up with the squad. The full moon in your sign on June 14 has “personal day” written all over it. Be sure to do things you enjoy, this is a well-deserved break. 

Plan a fun outing with a friend as Mercury sextiles Jupiter on June 19. No matter who’s in tow. it’s bound to be a good time if you take the reins. On June 21. the Sun enters Cancer and you could be feeling highly emotional around this time. Shed some light on those deep. dark feelings. Venus enters Gemini on the following day, and this is great news for your love life. Coupled archers might experience more adoration from their lovers, while single Sags might be changing their relationship status real soon. What these transits are ultimately teaching you is the more you understand yourself, the stronger your relationships are with others. 

Even if you don’t like to admit you have fears, you’ll have to face one under the new moon in Cancer on June 28. This lunation is in square to your ruler Jupiter and this hang-up is stopping you from living your best life. As Jupiter receives a sextile from Venus, there is a benefic gift for opening up. Talk about this limitation or worry with a close friend and watch it dissipate. Release feels like a new beginning. As Neptune stations retrograde on the same day, get ready for a deep dive into your core self. For the foreseeable future, you’ll be discovering who you truly are, and isn’t that the grandest adventure of them all? 

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You may be feeling down on yourself as Mercury squares Saturn to start the month off. While it’s likely a financial situation might be the source of stress, try to distract yourself by getting out and about. Mercury is also in a fantastic sextile to Neptune and stations direct on June 3. Your imagination can flourish, and you’ll have a much easier time expressing yourself from here on out. 

However, there are deeper and more serious issues to face as Saturn stations retrograde on June 4. While your ruler is drifting backward through the cosmos, it’s time to focus on strengthening your own self-worth and value. Of course, this is also an excellent time to handle money matters, rebudget or pay off a debt. The real lesson here is about detaching your worth from the material world. Ask yourself if money wasn’t a thing, how would you measure the value of your presence and service? 

Mercury lines up with Pluto on June 9 and this is a wonderful day to get lost in hobbies or leisurely activities. Let the good times roll as Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11. Say yes to last-minute invitations or parties. There’s a secret treasure among your affairs today. You’ll attract all good things as long as you’re having fun. Mercury enters Gemini on June 13 giving you the capacity to tackle chores and errands at lightning speed. Get it all done over the next couple of weeks, but be sure to rest under the full moon in Sagittarius on June 14. Take this evening to recharge your batteries. Phone off, relaxing bubble bath on. 

The Sun trines Saturn on June 15 and you’ll feel revitalized and optimistic if you give yourself some TLC. When the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, your attention could shift towards friends and family. Some of them need to be reminded of just how reliable you can be. As Venus enters Gemini the following day, you’ll want to be around your loved ones more often for the next couple of weeks.  

The new moon in Cancer on June 28 might bring you a new relationship or mark a fresh start in an existing one. This lunation falls into a challenging square to Jupiter, so you might not feel 100 percent in at the moment. Venus will make a benefic sextile to Jupiter, prompting you to give it a chance— let it grow naturally. On the same day, Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces. For a good portion of this year, you’ll be focused and learning how to ground yourself and be present in the moment. Your sign is future-driven, but if you take a moment to correct that tunnel vision, you become aware of all the options right in front of you.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19) 

Your family might be giving you the runaround as June gets underway and Mercury initiates a square to Saturn. Although responsibility may rear its ugly head, try to find solace in doing the little things you enjoy as Mercury is also sextile Neptune. The planet of the mind stations direct on June 3, and the instability you feel will subside. There are bigger fish to fry as Saturn stations retrograde in your sign on June 4. For the next six months, you’ll be reconstructing a new identity. Trust the process, you are becoming a more refined version of yourself. This is an excellent time to work on self-discipline and improve your skills and talents.  

Mercury trines Pluto on June 9 presenting a cosmic moment to make peace with the past. You’ll be able to fully let go of the baggage that is weighing you down. Once you do, something amazing happens within. As Venus conjuncts your ruler Uranus on June 11 you may be struck with an epiphany, electrified inspiration, a wave of passion or all of the above. Just roll with it. 

On June 13, Mercury enters fellow air sign Gemini and puts you in a curious but fancy-free mood. Make sure you attend a social gathering under the full moon in Sagittarius on June 14. You might meet someone important. If nothing is going on, call some friends to go out. This is a lucky night and there is no telling what might happen. 

Take the day off and enjoy the fruits of your labor as the Sun trines Saturn on June 15. You deserve a break and some self-care. Just set a budget as the Sun being square to Neptune will make it all too easy to overspend. The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21 and it’s time to shine at work. What can you contribute that makes you stand out from the crowd? On the following day, Venus enters Gemini and a part of you wants to ditch the daily grind in pursuit of joy and relaxation. You’ll just need to compromise and find the proper balance. 

You’ll receive a gratifying confidence boost as Mars sextiles Saturn on June 27. This could come in the form of a compliment or performance review. With the new moon in Cancer on the following day, you’ll feel ready to take on more. However, the reality of it may seem daunting. With this lunation in square to Jupiter, you might doubt your capacity. Lean into your creativity as Venus sends help to Jupiter, it can solve more problems than you think. Go ahead and take the plunge into new territory. 

On June 28, Neptune stations retrograde and it’s time to break all your illusions about earning money and your self-worth. By the end of this year, and this transit, you’ll have a greater understanding of these areas. If you recognize your true power and unique value, this process will go smoothly.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

As the month gets underway and Mercury is sextile to Neptune, you’ll feel imaginative and expressive. But with the messenger planet in a hard square to Saturn, it will be a challenge to make constructive use of this. At least Mercury retrograde comes to an end on June 3. Going forward, general communication will be much smoother. However, Saturn stations retrograde on the following day, kicking off a four-month reconstruction of the subconscious mind. You’ll dig deep and break apart your personal beliefs during this transit. Saturn will help you pick and choose what stays and what goes.

On June 9, Mercury initiates a trine to Pluto and opens you up to a world of possibilities. Take a step towards your grand vision in the here and now. As Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11, something amazing will happen in your immediate environment. Although it may feel sporadic, just sit back and enjoy the ride. On June 13, Mercury enters Gemini and this is an ideal time to reach out to relatives or confront your own emotions. Under the full moon in Sagittarius, a loved one might offer you some sound advice or words of adoration. Their love and support will make you feel extra confident. 

Face a fear as Venus falls into a web with Saturn and your ruler, Neptune, on June 18. At first, you may freeze up. But once you overcome it, the high is exhilarating. The Sun moves into fellow water sign Cancer on June 21 and you’ll be feeling feisty. Summer is here and the cosmos say it is certainly time to live it up. On the following day, Venus moves into Gemini and softens your heart. Right now, you are in tune with the feelings of the people around you. Do your best to be there for others over the next couple of weeks. Being the one that friends lean on has its benefits. 

The new moon in Cancer on June 28 is an excellent time to start a creative project. With this lunation in square to Jupiter, it would be unwise to invest large sums of money into this venture at this stage in the process. However, with Venus in a benefic aspect to Jupiter, you should definitely follow any artistic musings. Just be mindful of your resources. On the same day, Neptune stations retrograde, and for the foreseeable future, you’ll be breaking the illusions you have of yourself. Your planet’s backtrack through your sign will help you see how beautiful your soul truly is. 

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20) 

As June gets underway, you might find yourself at a breaking point. Mental Mercury connects with both Saturn and Neptune and your social obligations are really taking a toll on you. As Mercury stations direct on June 3, it may be best to spend some time in solitude doing things you enjoy. Saturn stations retrograde on June 4, the following day, and kicks off a drawn-out and much-needed overhaul. This will be in regards to how you can use your network to reach your ultimate dreams. 

On June  9, Mercury trines Pluto making this a good time to invest in anything that will improve your image or status. Be it a new power outfit or a few sessions with a career coach. Do it up and shine bright. Some unexpected money is heading your way, as Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11. This weekend is superb for any spontaneous activities, just watch out for overindulgence. 

Mercury enters Gemini on June 13, and you can feel your mental energy start to pick up. This is an ideal time to communicate and get some things off your chest. The full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 has you connected to your higher mind. Take stock of the wisdom you’ve gained from life’s experiences. Being at home or among family will make you feel extra special as the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21. Plan an outing or visit if they live far away. Venus moves into Gemini on the following day, and a short trip is just what the stars ordered. Gemini rules short-distance travel, and with Venus here, the journey should be a smooth and delightful one. 

The month ends with a new moon in Cancer on June 28 and a whole lot of cosmic commotion. An exciting opportunity may take you to a new place for a while. The feeling is bittersweet as who and whom you’ll leave behind will tug at your heartstrings. This isn’t the end. Just enjoy this moment and be present. There are great things on the horizon, but you’ll always find your way back home. 

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

You start the month feeling great with your ruler Venus at home. With Mercury in sextile to Neptune socializing will be extra appealing this week, until someone questions the validity of your status or professional role as this mental planet also squares Saturn. Thankfully, Mercury stations direct in your sign on June 3, so your head won’t be spinning for long. Going forward, you’ll be happy to have some of your mental clarity back. Saturn stations retrograde on the following day, June 4, and could inspire you to revamp your master plan for reaching your next goal. Over the next several months, you’ll be working out all the kinks. 

Mercury trines Pluto on June 9 and you’ll feel like diving deep into a subject of interest. The discoveries you make this weekend might just uncover a whole new side of yourself as Venus conjuncts Uranus on June 11. Mercury moves into Gemini on June 13 and holds up a magnifying glass to your finances. Implement the necessary changes based on what this planet’s recent retrograde has taught you. The full moon in Sagittarius on the following day could mark the end of a debt. You might pay off a loan or item, allowing for a little more financial wiggle room. 

As Venus squares Saturn on June 18, your insecurities will bubble up to the surface. As the planet of love makes an endearing connection to Neptune, call upon some old friends to lift your spirits. Try to focus on the joy of the moment, rather than where you think you should be.

The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21 and you’ll long for a greater sense of community. Get to know those people you see in passing on a regular basis. Venus moves into Gemini on the following day and turns up the dial on your generosity. If you’re not in a place to donate money, consider volunteering your time. This is also an excellent time to increase your own income. By giving, you open yourself up to receive. 

You’ll experience a new lease on life by the new moon in Cancer on June 28. As this lunation squares Jupiter, this may require some sort of release, perhaps by facing a fear. Once you do, you’ll feel refreshed, renewed and ready to connect. Neptune goes retrograde on the same day, from now until the end of the year, you’ll be broadening your perception of the world.  You may be more inclined to attract like-minded individuals. It’s all looking up from here, and your soul tribe is really coming together.  

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.