March 2022 Horoscopes: The Astrological New Year

march 2022 horoscopes

March 2022 Horoscopes: The Astrological New Year

march 2022 horoscopes

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

We can thank our lucky stars this month as the Sun starts a brand new cycle during the spring equinox. The astrological new year is very much like our literal new year, and this one is backed by some positively powerful alignments. Conjunctions are the most prominent aspect of your March 2022 horoscopes, with a total of eight different pairings. When two (or more) planets combine energies in the same sign, there is formidable potential in our lives.

Venus and Mars got together last month, and the connection between the cosmic lovers is still going strong. These two will get involved with transformative Pluto and lead us to a radical metamorphosis, preparing us for the new chapter that comes with Aries season—a.k.a the astrological new year.    

It is also important to note that all planets are moving direct and out of their respective retrograde shadows. However, this is not a time to coast. Consider this a significant push towards turning your dreams into reality. 

March 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates

New Moon in Pisces on March 2: This new moon receives an electric shock from Uranus, leading to a new beginning with a positive twist. 

Venus and Mars Transit Aquarius on March 6: The cosmic lovers move in tandem into this inventive air sign. The water-bearer energy will inspire us to pour our hearts into the collective and our personal communities. We are raising the vibrations to the highest frequency of them all—love. 

Mercury Transits Pisces on March 9: Mercury moves into this sensitive water sign and will give our intuition a big flex, reminding us to constantly check in with our guts. This transit will also encourage a compassionate approach to communicating with others and ourselves. 

Full Moon in Virgo on March 18: This is a moment to release unhealthy habits and take a smarter approach to our daily schedules while making well-being a top priority. We’ll be releasing what no longer serves our souls. 

The Sun Transits Aries (The Astrological New Year): A new chapter begins and the pen is in our hands. This fresh start will incite us to rewrite the narrative we tell ourselves. When we do that, it opens the doors to our hopes and dreams. 

Mercury Transits Aries on March 27: A dose of confidence. We are feeling ready to start over and bravely head in a new direction. This transit is a total change in our mindsets and will lead to a secure feeling within. 

march 2022 horoscopes
New Moon in Pisces March 2022 l Photo by Sanni Sahil

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

Happy Birthday! The new moon in your sign on March 2 marks a radical shift within yourself. This personal renewal is met with an electric shock from Uranus and inspires you to bear your soul. As Mercury conjuncts Saturn, it’s time to get serious about rest. Use this night to pamper yourself and you’ll feel like a million bucks. Your priorities might change, as Venus, Mars and Pluto gang up together in Capricorn. Your time is precious, and you should only spend it with the people who see and accept the real you.

On March 6, Venus and Mars move into Aquarius igniting your passion within. If there was ever a week to follow your bliss, this is it. Mercury moves into your sign on March 9, giving you an extra dose of charisma. The Sun meets up with your ruler Neptune on March 12, and you’ll be the center of attention this weekend. No matter what you do or who you spend it with, be sure you celebrate and honor yourself. It is your season, after all.

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 brings gratification to a certain relationship. This might be with a friend, lover or potential mate. As Venus squares Uranus, some insecurities will surface. Although it’s tough, be open and honest about how you’re feeling. The Sun is also sextile Pluto, and doing so will lead to even a strong bond between the two of you. Your season ends but your story is just beginning as the Sun moves Aries on March 20. You are worthy of making your vision a reality, and this transits gives you the bravado to make it happen.

You might experience some high anxiety out of nowhere with Mars enticing Uranus the week of March 21. At the same time, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and Neptune in your sign. You’ll be able to take the reins. This is an ideal time to lay back and relax. When you find your center, nothing can break your spirit. 

Make sure you take care of your mental health when Mercury transits Aries on March 27. This influence will have you focused on value, and it may be time to add some old things to the give-away pile. Purge anything that doesn’t spark joy and replace them with something that does. Venus conjuncts Saturn to bring the month to a close and you are in the process of building the life of your dreams. Brick by brick, it’s all coming together.       

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20) 

Take time to restore your soul under the new moon in Pisces on March 2. While your obligations may be demanding, it’s important to reserve your energy. With Mercury conjunct Saturn, now is the time to be forthright about your boundaries. Focus on your own aspirations for the rest of the week as Venus and Mars meet up with Pluto for a triple conjunction. You’re becoming the ideal version of yourself. 

On March 6, both Venus and Mars move into Aquarius, and you’ll spread your social-butterfly wings once more. Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9 and over the next couple of weeks, connecting with your intuition will be a piece of cake. You already have all the answers, just quiet the mind so you can hear them. Go with the flow around March 12. The Sun gets together with Neptune and puts you in a mellow mood for the next few days.

Under the full moon in Virgo on March 18, it’s likely that a complex work project will come to completion. This is great news because with the Sun sextile Pluto, you’ll be able to direct your time and energy to some personal goals. While all this is going on, Venus falls into a harsh aspect with Uranus, and you may be on the receiving end of jealousy. You won’t have any time for the haters. Your season kicks off on March 20, and it’s time to step into your boss energy.  

On March 21, Mars makes a square to Uranus and someone’s criticism might have you doubting your worth. Don’t even go there because this week, Mercury conjuncts both Jupiter and Neptune and sextiles Pluto. Translation: these alignments will allow you to find your zen and formulate your master plan to reach the top. On March 27, the planet of the mind enters your sign and your wit will be sharp as a tack. Even though you’ll feel this major confidence boost, you can’t build an empire alone. As Venus conjuncts Saturn to bring the month to a close, you’ll be thankful for the people who have had your back through thick and thin. Show your appreciation and do something nice for them.

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 is bound to be an eventful day. As this lunation aligns with Uranus, your bestie might have a pleasant surprise in store. But with Mercury conjunct Saturn, you’ll be all business. Try to get your work done early because this evening is best spent among friends. Venus and Mars are meeting up with Pluto, so deep conversations are on the table. This powerful, triple conjunction will last throughout the week, and will open your mind to all the possibilities life has to offer.    

On March 6, your ruler Venus steps into Aquarius with feisty Mars in tow, prompting you to vigorously work towards meeting a goal. With these two backing you up, it’s likely you’ll reach it by the end of the week. Mercury is next to make a big move, and it shifts into Pisces on March 9. This is a good time to get the word out. Whether it’s a project, the launch of your own business or a big accomplishment, you’ll boast about it and post about it. As the Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 12, the support you receive will be ultra inspiring. 

Live life to the fullest under the full moon in Virgo on March 18. This night has “good time” written all over it. As Venus squares Uranus, just be sure to use some moderation—getting sloppy will have embarrassing consequences. The Sun moves into Aries on March 20, and you’ll make rest and relaxation your top priority. 

Mars initiates a harsh alignment to Uranus on March 21, and for the next couple of days, it’s all too easy to get down on yourself. Instead of purely focusing on what you have yet to achieve, devise a plan to get there. As Mercury meets up with Jupiter, talking to a friend will help lift you out of this funk. By March 26, you’ll be looking at your hopes and dreams from a whole new angle as Mercury sextiles Pluto, and moves into Aries on the following day. This will turn your attention inward. The month ends with Venus conjunct Saturn and turns up the dial on your determination. Get your shades, because the future is looking bright. 

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

New month, new goals! The new moon in Pisces on March 2 will have you looking towards the future with glowing optimism as it makes a strong connection to Uranus. This is an ideal time to manifest your dreams with your ruler Mercury conjunct Saturn. You’ll benefit from some much-needed focus and self-discipline. Venus and Mars are sticking around Pluto for the rest of the week, and with this influence, you’ll be transforming your fears into motivation. 

On March 6, Venus and Mars move into Aquarius in tandem, this encourages you to lean into your interests. Read a book or watch educational videos because you’ll be absorbing new information like a sponge. Mercury crosses over to Pisces on March 9, so let your intuition guide you for the next couple of weeks. The Sun meets up with Neptune on March 12, making you quite idealistic. Dream on, because the fresh start of last week’s new moon is still potent. 

Under the full moon in Virgo on March 18 you’ll be a well of emotions. Venus lines up with Uranus and someone might unexpectedly question your ideals or beliefs. While this may feel like an attack, you can calmly stand tall in your convictions as the Sun sextiles Pluto and moves into Aries just two days later, on March 20. With so much cosmic energy directed towards your aspirations and public image, this is an auspicious time to connect with your network. As Mercury aligns with both Jupiter and Neptune, talking about what you hope to achieve lets the universe know. Words carry strong vibrations, and this pertains to you right now.

By March 26, your ruling planet sextiles Pluto making it rather easy to release thought patterns that are no longer serving you. Once you let go of your doubts, you can make it all happen when Mercury moves into Aries the next day. Venus meets up with Saturn to draw the month to close. This alignment is a gentle reminder that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, which is one of your core values anyway. Keep up the hard work.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 will bring you some big, bright ideas. While they may seem slightly out of reach, share them with a trusted confidant as Mercury meets up with Saturn. With this lunation in a supportive angle to Uranus, doing so will dramatically alter your perception. Anything is possible. For the remainder of the week, Venus, Mars and Pluto form a powerful conjunction. This will take an important partnership to a new level, where both of your feelings, passions and desires meld into one, putting a greater emphasis on togetherness. 

As Venus and Mars jump into Aquarius on March 6, your commitment to this person runs deep. It will feel amazing to have this kind of support in your life, as you typically tend to be the one who gives it. Mercury transits Pisces on March 9, and you can expect to be more in touch with your spiritual side. Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll have a lot of wisdom to bestow in your wheeling and dealings. The Sun aligns with Neptune on March 12 and this will be a rather restorative weekend, best used for practices that both ground you and stimulate your spirit.

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 is an ideal time to express your thoughts and feelings. Letting it out will help lighten the weight of your emotions. As the Sun sextiles Pluto, the person listening is likely to understand. A new chapter begins as the Sun moves into Aries on March 20. The spotlight is shining brightly upon you and you’ll be getting noticed, make sure it’s for all the right reasons. Be wary of loose lips this week as Mars squares Uranus—they can get you in a lot of trouble. It’s best to avoid gossip altogether, no matter how trivial it may seem. As Mercury meets with both Jupiter and Neptune, there is so much more to talk about.

Spend the weekend of March 26 with someone special. With Mercury sextile Pluto, it’s very likely they’ll help you realize just how amazing you are. As Mercury moves into Aries on the following day, you’ll be seeing yourself in a brand new light. Get ready to devise a plan to make all your dreams come true. Venus meets Saturn to draw the month to a close, so be sure to share this plan with an elder or mentor—They’ll be able to help you in an astronomical way. 

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 is a rather auspicious day. This marks a brand new start in the area of shared finances or resources. As Mercury conjunct Saturn, you could find yourself with a new business partner or your significant other could receive a substantial raise. The new moon will also be in a free-flowing aspect to Uranus, and while this feels out of left field, it’s all a part of your grand scheme. For the rest of the week, Venus, Mars and Pluto will form a powerful triple conjunction, allowing you to transform your day-to-day life. 

On March 6, the cosmic lovers (Venus and Mars) move into Aquarius, your relationship house. If you’re currently with someone, you’ll fall even deeper in love. Single Lions could meet the mate of their dreams with this influence, so stay on the prowl. As Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9, intimacy will definitely be on your mind. The Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 12 and this weekend has dreamy vibes. Let life take you where it pleases and you’ll be in for a delightful experience. 

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 is your money moon! You might receive a raise, payout, hit a savings goal or finish paying off debt. Whatever it is, it’s more funds for fun and a deeper sense of security as the Sun lines up with Pluto. Just two days later, the Sun moves into fellow fire sign Aries making you rather adventurous. What curiosities are you being called to explore right now? Let your heart lead the way. 

However, around March 21, there may be some trouble in paradise as Mars squares Uranus. Someone close might question the validity of your goals. While this will make you angry, just remember that not everyone has your vigor. Let it be and don’t you dare doubt yourself.

Mercury meets up with Neptune on March 23, and this is a good day to talk about what your ideal life would entail. As the planet of the mind moves on to sextile Pluto around March 26 you’ll receive some insights on how to move towards your ultimate dream. Mercury moves into Aries on the following day and this is the best time to pick up a new skill as you’ll be learning at hyperspeed. The month ends as Venus conjuncts Saturn and you’re feeling loved and supported all around. Ride this wave to the top!

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 marks a fresh start in a very significant relationship. This lunation forms a power angle with Uranus and gives you a greater sense of motivation within this partnership. As your ruler Mercury meets up with Saturn, this is a chance to build a solid foundation. For the rest of the week, Venus, Mars and Pluto allow you to transform through creative enterprises and activities. Whatever you pour your energy into, make sure you have fun doing it and the results will astound you.

Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 6 and you’ll experience more passion in your daily work and schedule. This is the feeling of fulfillment you’ve been searching for. Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9, so you can expect the special people in your life to be on your mind. Give them all a call to let them know just how much you care. The weekend is best spent with a lover or close friend as the Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 12. This alignment will spark some deep conversations for sure. 

You’ll be feeling yourself under the full moon in your sign on March 18. As the Sun lines up with Pluto, show some extra gratitude to the people who allow you to be your unique self. As the Sun moves into Aries on March 20, you’ll be inclined to deepen and strengthen your relationships, whether they’re platonic, romantic or professional. You’ve got a lot to give and thoroughly enjoy being the level-headed shoulder to cry on. 

Around March 21, Mars squares Uranus and it may be time to face a harsh truth. While this will be a shock to your system, once you know there is no going back. As Mercury meets up with both Jupiter and Neptune this week, you’ll be the one who needs that shoulder. You give so much of your time and attention to others, now it’s time for them to return the favor. While this week feels heavy, this weekend is full of excitement.

As Mercury sextiles Pluto on March 26, hang out with your favorite person and your woes will fade away. When your ruler enters Aries the next day, it becomes crystal clear that you need to sort out some of your subconscious beliefs. Particularly the ones that are self-sabotaging. Venus meets Saturn to draw the month to a close and reminds you to practice being kind to yourself, day in and day out. 

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 will have you thinking about your health in a new light. As this lunation lines up with Uranus, you’ll feel inspired to suddenly change up your diet or quit a bad habit cold turkey. Mercury conjuncts Saturn and helps you tap into some righteous self-discipline. It’s likely you’ve been wanting to do this for a while. Intentions set on this day have extra-cosmic backing. For the rest of the week, your ruler Venus groups together with Mars and Pluto and you’ll be reflecting on the past. Memories that used to be painful no longer cut as deep as they used to. It’s time to leave them behind and start fresh. 

Both Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 6, coloring your world with intense passion. This is a great week to work on a creative project, romance your sweetheart or jump back into the dating pool. Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9, and encourages you to use your imagination in your daily life. This will do wonders for your untapped, problem-solving skills. On March 12, the Sun aligns with Neptune and hits you with a wave of innovation. Don’t think so much, and just roll with it. The results will astound you. 

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 is your call to retreat from the world. As Venus aligns with Uranus, a co-worker is likely to strike a nerve. Try not to let it get you and focus on unwinding this weekend. The Sun moves into Aries on March 20 and you’ll be better apt to handle what others dish out. You’ll certainly get the chance, as Mercury conjuncts both Jupiter and Neptune in the coming week. Use your famous poise and grace to take the reins at work. Resolving conflict is what you do best. 

On March 26, Mercury sextiles Pluto and you should use this day to heal yourself, as old emotional wounds are easily released under this aspect. On the following day, Mercury moves into Aries and you’ll be able to give the people you care about some undivided attention. Your sign thrives within relationships and this time of year is all about how you show appreciation and affection to others. The month ends as Venus meets up with Saturn, and this is a good time to solidify a romantic or creative partnership. 

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 will usher in some powerful, creative energy. As this lunation gets shocked by Uranus, someone might unexpectedly become your muse. Their inspiring presence will unlock a part that has laid dormant as Mercury conjuncts Saturn. The events that take place on this day will ultimately alter your perception of the world, as Venus, Mars and your ruler Pluto line up for a triple conjunction. Put your best foot forward, because the actions you take this week have an impressive force behind them. 

Venus and Mars enter Aquarius in tandem on March 6 and bring some passion and fire to your home base. It may be time to switch up your aesthetic, start hunting for your dream home or simply spend more time with the people you share a dwelling with. On March 12, the Sun meets up with Neptune, and this weekend is full of good vibes. Hit your favorite spot with your besties or get lost in a creative project/hobby. 

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 will have you feeling fulfilled, and something you’ve hoped for shows up at your doorstep. However, some relationship drama might knock you off cloud nine real quick, with Venus square Uranus all weekend. Luckily, you can use your intuitive nature to resolve it as the Sun makes an auspicious angle to Pluto. Aries season kicks off on March 20 and acts as a reminder to put yourself first, day in and day out. 

The week of March 21, it’s likely that you’ll be the drama as Mars squares Uranus. Try to mind your temper. As Mercury meets up with both Jupiter and Neptune, you should have no problem with finding your center. Doing so will counteract your intense emotions. Mercury moves into Aries on March 27 and increases your focus. This is a good time to dive into work, chores or those tasks you’ve been putting off.  Venus conjuncts Saturn to end the month and leads you to a greater sense of security within. You’re the captain of your ship, so make sure you steer it in the right direction. 

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21) 

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 brings some exciting energy to your home. As this moon lines up nicely with Uranus, you’re in store for a surprise. This may be a new pet or an official WFH schedule. Whatever it is, your quality of life is about to drastically improve. For the remainder of the week, Venus, Mars and Pluto are all perfectly lined up. You’ll follow suit and be getting your ducks in a row when it comes to personal finances. You might finally pull the trigger on an investment or rearrange your budget. 

Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 6, which makes this an ideal week to plan a short trip or explore uncharted territory in your neighborhood. You don’t need to board a plane to have an adventure, it’s all around you. Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9, making you hyper-aware of your emotions. Approach your feelings from an analytical perspective over the coming weeks and it will lead to profound self-realization. On March 12, the Sun connects with Neptune and this weekend is for the dreamers (which is you!). Just be your dazzling self and your glowing heart will have a positive effect on anyone you come in contact with.

Under the full moon in Virgo on March 18, you’ll be checking a goal off your list. Congrats! While you’ll feel quite accomplished, you’ll also have to deal with some chaos at work as Venus squares Uranus. This might entail putting in some extra hours this weekend. As the Sun sextiles Pluto, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work and dedication in some shape or form. The Sun enters fellow fire sign, Aries, on March 20 and shines the light on your inner child. ‘Tis the season to embrace all the wonderful things about life. 

Mars squares Uranus the week of March 21, and this presents more headaches at work, perhaps an even bigger one than last week. At the same time, Mercury conjuncts your ruler Jupiter, and you can use some creative thinking to get around this. Treat yourself to something nice on March 26 as Mercury sextiles Pluto. The stars favor anything that will make you feel brand new; be it clothes, a tattoo or a new hairstyle. On the following day, Mercury moves into Aries and you can let your imagination run wild. Use the Venus-Saturn conjunction to turn a crazy idea into a magnificent reality as the month draws to a close. 

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 brings a creative flair to your communication style as the lunation makes a potent aspect to Uranus. You’ll have no problem showcasing what you wish to convey to the world as Mercury meets up with your ruler Saturn. It’s an ideal day to launch a project or share some information about what you’re working on. You’ll definitely be a force to be reckoned with as Venus, Mars and Pluto all line up in your sign. This influence might inspire you to become an even better version of yourself.

Venus and Mars might also bring you some luck when it comes to money, as they both move into Aquarius on March 6. Stay on your grind and sniff out those opportunities. You can expect to be a smooth talker as Mercury moves into Pisces on March 9. This is especially good news if you are interviewing for a new job or plan on asking for a raise. That Capricorn charm will work its magic for the next few weeks. There is a mystical element in the air as the Sun links up with Neptune on March 12. Don’t waste this weekend by sitting home, get out there and let life take you to some amazing places. 

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 is a great time to reflect on an important lesson you’ve learned over the last six months. What profound wisdom has the school of life bestowed on you? Add it to your arsenal. Bills might be a source of frustration for the next couple of days as Venus squares Uranus. Perhaps you’ve had a little too much fun and it’s reflecting on your credit card statement. The Sun moves into Aries on March 20, and your emotions take center stage. 

It will be all too easy to get frustrated over money matters as Mars squares Uranus the week of March 21. Don’t beat yourself up about it. As Mercury meets up with both Jupiter and Neptune, ask a trusted confidant for advice. You don’t always have all the answers and their perspective could be uber helpful. Mercury moves into Aries on March 27, and this transit will help you put your feelings into words. Over the next few weeks, don’t be afraid to share your inner world with those around you. The month draws to a close as Venus visits Saturn and amps up your self-esteem. Remember that your unwavering determination is your most valuable asset.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

The new moon in Pisces on March 2 incites a restored sense of dignity as this lunation is strongly connected to your ruler Uranus. Your inner authority takes over when Mercury conjuncts Saturn in your sign. Stop being so concerned with what you don’t have and focus on all the amazing facets that make you unique. For the remainder of the week, Venus, Mars and Pluto form a triple conjunction. This is a time of renewal on a soul level. 

You’ll definitely feel refreshed as Venus and Mars move into your sign on March 6. This will bring a new level of self-love, where motivation and passion course through your veins. Mercury adds to this feel-good energy as he moves into Pisces on March 9. You’ll come to understand just how valuable your presence and perspective are. An intuitive hit comes when Sun meets up with Neptune on March 12. Take an idea and run with it this weekend, because it could have lucrative results.

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 will have you reflecting on your commitments. There is underlying stress that you can no longer ignore as Venus squares Uranus. It may be time to cut something loose for the sake of your sanity. With the Sun sextile Pluto, letting something go will ultimately set you free. The Sun enters Aries on March 20, and you’ll be ready to move on to the next venture. 

You may be inclined to act on your impulses as Mars faces off with Uranus the week of March 21, but there is likely to be some unintended consequences when doing so. Before taking action, check in with your higher mind. As Mercury conjuncts both Jupiter and Neptune, this will help keep you in check. On March 27, Mercury enters Aries. Thoughts and words will come to you like rapid-fire over the coming weeks and this will feel invigorating. As this month comes to an end and Venus conjuncts Saturn, you can rely on your inner authority to get you where you want to go. Remember that at the end of the day, you’re the boss of you!   

What are your resolutions for the astrological new year? Don’t be shy! Embrace your inner Aries and put it out into the Universe by leaving a comment below!

Main photo by Martin Adams 

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit