May 2021 Horoscopes: Jupiter Transits Pisces, Mercury + Saturn Retrograde

May 2021 Horoscopes: Jupiter Transits Pisces, Mercury + Saturn Retrograde

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

In May, the cosmos are certainly moving, shaking and changing direction on us. Yes, we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus making their transits into Gemini, and this will really open up the lines of communication before Mercury goes retrograde at the end of the month. The first three weeks of May is our chance to say what we need to. Jupiter is also making a big move into Pisces on May 13. The planet of luck, growth and abundance ruled over Pisces before Neptune came into the picture circa 1846.

With Jupiter in Pisces and both of the sign’s rulers at home, we may feel called to expand our minds or connect with ourselves and others on a soul level.  While Jupiter will only be here for about two months, due to its upcoming retrograde, we are all becoming a bit more in tune with the world around us. 

As we transition from focusing on our values during Taurus season, we shift our attention to the expression of those values and who we really are during Gemini season. The new moon in Taurus on May 11 is a collective new beginning when it comes to our self-worth. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 is about utilizing the wisdom we’ve gained through our unique experiences.  

And just when everything is feeling serene and calm, some planets are about to go retrograde. The culprits are none other than Mercury and Saturn, astrology’s favorite scapegoats. Saturn will start his backward motion on May 23, a five-month backtrack in Aquarius. Collectively, Saturn is teaching us to work together in hopes of a better tomorrow. It may take a while to feel the effects of this retrograde. Then, there is Mercury, who goes retrograde on May 29. Being in its home sign of Gemini, it won’t mind the extended stay. We’ll definitely start to feel the effects of this one, and communication will be a big theme during this particular Mercury retrograde. Saturn and Mercury aren’t the bad guys here, they just want to show us what isn’t working and help us find new ways to our destiny. 

May 2021 Horoscopes Important Dates:

Mercury Transits Gemini, May 4: Everyone is in the mood to socialize. Strangers are more likely to strike up random conversations, just go with. 

Venus Transits Gemini,  May 9: Spread the love in your community. Gemini is very much about our local environment. This is a great time to get involved in volunteering or supporting local shops and vendors. Lean into Venus’s giving energy. 

Jupiter Transits Pisces, May 13: A two-month period that promotes exponential spiritual growth and access to the higher mind. We’ll start to feel the rhythm of life, embracing the unknown with hope and faith instead of fear or anxiety.  

Sun Transits Gemini, May 20: A call to express our true selves and exchanging ideas with those around us.

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius, May 23: A five-month period where we are fine-tuning an area of our life in the name of self-development. The collective changes with the individual. 

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, May 29: A retrograde with extra Mercury. In its home sign of Gemini, it’s safe to say that communication will be off. Be patient if your message just isn’t getting through.  

Mercury enters its retrograde at the end of May 2021

 Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

Happy Birthday, Taurus! With your season in full swing, everyone wants your attention. Things should quiet down a bit as Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4. You’ll finally have a minute to focus on yourself. With Venus trine Pluto on May 6, you may be called to try something new, something that connects you to your higher mind or spiritual side.

As Venus moves into Gemini on May 9, you might have the urge to update your wardrobe.  But before you do, donate things you don’t wear anymore. As Mars sextiles Uranus, giving to those in need will feel extra rewarding. Out with the old, in with the new. The new moon that is, occurring in your sign on May 11. This whole week, you’ll feel driven to clear out what no longer resonates with you, in both a physical and spiritual sense. With your season soon coming to a close, this is a time of self-renewal. You’ll be glad you had some “me” time because when Jupiter moves into Pisces on May 13, you could find your social calendar booked for the next two months. 

The Sun trine Pluto retrograde on May 16, will give you insight into a deeper truth about yourself. Pluto has been in Capricorn for some time, and your fundamental beliefs are slowly being rearranged. After the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, the waters get a little testy and you’ll only find drama if you try to defend a personal belief. Do yourself a favor and walk away from petty arguments. 

Saturn goes retrograde on May 23, and you’ll be extremely focused on your career for the next five months. Now is a good time to revise that long-term professional plan of yours. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 is asking you to pay attention to an important relationship you’ve been neglecting. Spending time with someone special can really help reinforce that bond right now. On May 28, both Mercury and Venus will be under the influence of Neptune. Perhaps you took some bad advice from a friend that has landed you in a pickle. As Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini on the following day, you’ll spend the next few weeks cleaning up the mess. Happens to the best of us. 

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

 You might as well call your season early this year when Mercury swoops into your sign on May 4. With your ruler at home, you can expect your performance to level up until the planet begins its retrograde at the end of the month. Use that mercurial mind to get things in order now before things become a little hazy. You can knock a lot off that to-do list over the next three weeks to make this transit easier on yourself.    

As Venus moves into your sign on May 9, nothing can stop you, as your typical personal magnetism will increase tenfold. Just in time for a fresh start under the Taurus new moon on May 11. The following day Mercury finds itself in a supportive angle to Saturn, giving you an extra dose of wisdom. If a decision has been weighing heavy on your mind, you’ll likely be able to come to a conclusion alongside this aspect. On May 13 Jupiter enters Pisces, bringing you a huge career opportunity. Over the next two months, you’ll have the power to really expand this area of your life. Go for the gold. 

The Sun trine Pluto retrograde on May 16 will bring any subconscious self-sabotaging behaviors to the surface, where they can be released once and for all. The Sun comes into your sign on May 20 and it’s officially time to reclaim your personal power. With Mercury and Sun in your sign and square off with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, you’ll really be feeling the pressure to deliver on a career commitment. Don’t get too caught up in making everything perfect. As Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, it will be much easier to slow down and devise a concrete plan. 

The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 shifts your focus to close relationships. Spend this day with someone you truly connect with and they’ll help you see your true potential. On May 28, Mercury meets up with Venus as they both get involved in Neptune. Be aware of the possibility of falling for your own delusions. Mercury goes retrograde on the following day. While this prolongs your ruler’s stay in your sign, your mind may be all over the place.  Remember to go easy on yourself, this transit is about allowing your mind to rest when you need it.  

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

As Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4, you’ll be feeling extra introverted and may crave more alone time. Gemini is your twelfth house, and Cancers need to learn when to stop giving their love and attention endlessly to others and begin directing it towards themselves. Venus enters Gemini on May 9 and you may feel like withdrawing for a while. Your sign loves to be surrounded by others, but can easily pick up energies and needs time to truly connect with the self. 

But the Universe just loves to push us into things before we’re ready. As Mars in your sign aligns with Uranus, you’ll randomly join a new group or be introduced to a new circle the week of May 10. The new moon in Taurus is encouraging you to engage. You’ll be able to balance your need for alone time as the Sun sextiles Neptune the following day. You’re extremely receptive to your own feelings at this time.

On May 13, Jupiter moves into Pisces for a short stay and you’ve got a lot to learn over the next two months. The new people you’re meeting have a role to play in this, they’ll have some great wisdom to bestow upon you.  

The Sun aligns with Pluto retrograde on May 16, giving you insight into a relationship dilemma you’ve been facing for the last month or so. This is all part of Pluto’s transformation process in this area of your life. As the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, you’re starting to recognize your deeper needs, but these needs might not fit in your vision of the bigger picture. Good luck figuring that out with the Sun and Mercury in harsh aspects to Jupiter and Neptune all weekend. And just when you think all this complex inner reflection is over with, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius on May 23.

Over the next five months, you’ll be dealing with the things you try to suppress. This might have to do with intimacy issues or debts, eighth house stuff is never “fun” to deal with but once the situation is addressed, you’ll ultimately feel a sense of liberation. 

Under the full moon in Sagittarius on May 26, you may begin to really feel the benefits of a change you made to your health routine several months ago. Get into the good feeling that making healthy choices brings you. Mercury retrograde on May 28 is calling you deeper into yourself. You may have vivid dreams and insights at this time. Interacting with people is likely to exhaust you quickly, so be mindful of when you really need those moments to realign with yourself. Remember to rest often. 

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22) 

Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4 and you’ll be networking like a pro. Your professional goals are very important to you and require some extra attention as Gemini season is approaching. As Venus enters Gemini on May 9, you’ll be in the public eye and meeting some very influential people.

Mars in Cancer is combining its sporadic energy with Uranus the week of May 10, and an opportunity could arise out of seemingly nowhere. The new moon in Taurus on May 11 says this is your time to shine. You could step into a new role, one that requires more of your leadership skills. As the Sun sextiles Neptune this is certainly an ideal move for you. However, this new position may require you to work with a new team or a more personal level of commitment, as Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13. The next two months are a great time for exponential growth. 

Your daily routine and work are going through a transformation for some time, with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. As the sun shines bright on Pluto around May 16, you’ll finally have some clarity. This aspect gives you the power to let go of work-related stress. Find your center Leo, you’ll need it when the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20. Expect your calendar to fill up quickly but don’t expect things to go as planned. When the Sun and Mercury square off with Jupiter and Neptune, there is a 100 percent chance of drama. And people will come to you to be the mediator. Annoying, but someone has to do it. 

With all this career energy flowing, Saturn says it’s time to slow it down a bit when he stations retrograde in Aquarius on May 23. For you, this is all about partnerships, either business or personal—focus on creating and strengthening bonds. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 is a great time to have some fun. Dropping the weight of your responsibilities for the moment will improve your overall mood and motivation. When Mercury goes retrograde on May 29, you can expect communication complications among groups. Be patient if Zoom keeps crashing on you, or the company group chat goes haywire. You’ll find a way to get the message out anyway. 

Jupiter transits pisces 2021
Jupiter enters Pisces l Photo by Alexander Antropov from Pixabay

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

On May 4, your ruler Mercury comes home to Gemini and your tenth house of ambition. For you, this is all about being more efficient when it comes to reaching those highly coveted goals of yours. Before Venus joins Mercury in Gemini on May 9, she’ll align nicely with Pluto and clash with Jupiter. This is asking you to approach the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Only focusing on the mundane will wear you out. As Venus enters this area of your life, she wants you to have a brighter outlook and lean into your imaginative side. 

Mars in Cancer is aligning with unpredictable Uranus the week of May 10, and your phone may blow up. Take the time to speak with friends; they have important messages that will impact you in unexpected ways. With the new moon in Taurus on May 11, you could find yourself wanting to explore a new area of interest. As Mercury gets involved with stable Saturn, the next two days are prime for doing research, so dive in.

Just as you’re beginning to expand your mind, the heart is looking for some growth too as Jupiter transits Pisces on May 13. With the planet of luck and abundance in your partnership zone for the next two months, you’ll be attracting all the right opportunities. Single Virgos may meet someone very special, while coupled Virgos might make more of a commitment. Lucrative business partnerships could be formed at this time. 

On May 16 the Sun will trine Pluto retrograde and give you important insight into how to release a block in your creative energy. You may be suppressing memories or emotions related to your hobbies. Bringing them to the light helps you get rid of fears and doubts about your own expression. As the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20 it’s time to step up to the plate in your career, you really are being seen in this area. With all those eyes comes the pressure, and you might find it hard to relax this weekend when the Sun and Mercury are at odds with Jupiter and Neptune. You won’t be able to fully connect with those around you. 

Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius on May 23 will initiate a restructuring around your daily routine. You are being called to be the authority of your schedule and health. Over the next five months, you’ll be weeding out what isn’t working for you, and making space for new routines. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 brings your attention to family. Reaching out to relatives you have recently lost touch with should feel emotionally uplifting. Before going retrograde on May 29, Mercury will meet up with Venus and square off with Neptune. Don’t believe everything that someone tells you, rely on your own wit. As Mercury stations retrograde at the end of the month, understand that you’ll be learning how to be a better ambassador for yourself. It may not be easy, but the path to success never is. 

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4 and you might be tempted to run away with your curiosity. The planet of the mind is seeking expansion in your ninth house of knowledge and wisdom. This upcoming Mercury retrograde could get philosophical for your sign, making you question what you know and believe. However you decide to take this journey, on May 6, you may come to realize and deeply understand something from your past that has transformed you for the better. Turning what you once perceived as a weakness into a strength with Venus trine Pluto. 

May 8 might bring a triggering experience, as Venus will move on to form a harsh angle with Jupiter. Her move into Gemini on the following day is asking you to step into that higher vibration and sense of self. You may even experience some sort of personal achievement as Mars sextiles Uranus, just before the new moon in Taurus on May 11. You’ll be shedding past layers of yourself, and start to open up to the blessings that want to come your way. Speaking of blessings, abundant Jupiter moves into Pisces on May 13 bringing some extra luck to your day-to-day affairs. The next two months are a wonderful time to start a new health routine or help fill a void you feel in your daily life. 

On May 16, the Sun aligns with Pluto and you’re coming to peace with the parts of yourself that are a little messy. This current Pluto retrograde is all about rebuilding your emotional foundation. Venus aligns nicely with Saturn on May 19 and this is a good day to focus on any hobbies that bring you joy. As the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, you can turn the most mundane experiences into profound lessons. Work might bring the vibe down a little bit, as the Sun and Mercury square off with Jupiter and Neptune. You might feel like your job isn’t meeting an important expectation, and it will really bug you.  

When Saturn goes retrograde on May 23, you’ll want to add more creative time to your schedule. Over the next five months, Saturn will help you create more structure around the activities that connect you to your imagination. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 is a wonderful time to make an appearance in your local community. Try volunteering in a group clean-up effort. As Venus joins Mercury, they both square off with Neptune on May 28 and you may all of a sudden feel called to be more health-conscious. As Mercury goes retrograde the following day, you’ll start to question your lifestyle habits and may want to make some abrupt changes. This Mercury retrograde is all about vibrating higher Libra.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4, prompting you to get a little more intimate with yourself and others. Start by opening your mind. As Venus aligns with your ruler Pluto on May 6, have an open conversation with some close. This will really help you figure some things out. Avoid bringing a lover or love interest around the family on May 8, as Venus clashes with Jupiter. Meaning, it will not go well. When it comes to romance, it is best to focus on some one-on-one time, especially when Venus moves into Gemini on May 9. 

As Mars impacts Uranus the week of May 10, passion in a close relationship could really heat up. Oh, the ideas you and a lover could discuss with this aspect! You’ll connect on a level you never knew existed, just in time for the Taurus new moon on May 11. This is a wonderful new beginning where relationships are concerned. Single Scorpios might be entertaining a budding relationship, and coupled Scorpios will enter a new phase. It’s all aligning in love for you, as Jupiter moves into Pisces on May 13, expect to have an extra romantic two months ahead of you.

As the Sun aligns with Pluto in retrograde on May 16 you’ll realize that relationships have played a key role in learning how you open up and express your authentic self. The theme of expression is further supported by the Sun’s move into Gemini on May 20. You’ll be called to bring more of your shadow self to the light. It’s okay to be vulnerable as both the Sun and Mercury are in conflicting aspects with Jupiter and Neptune. You put up walls that not only block progress but your personal happiness as well. 

Saturn stations retrograde on May 23, prompting a five-month lesson on how to take authority of your own emotions. Look at your emotional well-being as a top priority. The full moon in Sagittarius is calling you back to your body. Have a self-care day that is all about you. With all the action in relationships, it’s important to show yourself the same level of love and attention. When Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on May 28, you’ll have to revise which boundaries need to go and what needs to be put in place when it comes to relations with others.

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)   

Your mind is on your relationships as Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4. Thanks to its upcoming retrograde, the planet of communication is here for an extended stay in your seventh house of relationships. The coming weeks may foreshadow any issues that could come up during Mercury’s retrograde. On May 6, Venus aligns with Pluto and a work matter requires your full attention. With Venus square Jupiter on May 8, you may even have to work this weekend. In doing so, you’ll be able to consciously free yourself and give the rest of your attention to personal matters.

On May 9, Venus moves into Gemini and your relationships come front and center. Focus on the people you love today. As Mars aligns with Uranus on the following day, your job might drastically change. The new moon in Taurus on May 11 is offering a fresh start when it comes to your day-to-day work. You could be stepping into a new role, accepting an offer or venturing out on your own. You’re feeling supported and stable about this new direction, as the Sun aligns with Neptune the next day. Just when you get all fired up about your professional life, your ruler Jupiter moves into Pisces on May 13. For the next two months, home really is where the heart is. Make family time more of a priority than it has been in the past. 

The Sun lines up with Pluto in retrograde and you’ll come to understand a deeper truth about yourself and what you do for work. Pluto has been helping you rebuild yourself for some time. Step into the value of your unique self. As the Sun enters Gemini on May 20, try not to get lost in being the person everyone wants you to be. The Sun and Mercury clash with Jupiter and Neptune on the following day, and you’ll be prone to an emotional outburst. Whatever transpires will force you to reexamine the way you express yourself, especially when Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius on May 23. Over the next five months, Saturn will help you become a more effective communicator. 

The full moon falls in your sign on May 26, asking you to honor yourself and your commitments. Take the time to appreciate you. As Mercury and Venus come together and square Neptune on May 28, a disagreement might become emotionally unsettling. When Mercury goes retrograde on the following day, there may feel like there is a disconnect within a partnership. The next three weeks are the perfect time to get to the root of any communication problems you’re experiencing within relationships. This mercurial review will lead to progress. 

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

 As Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4 your mind may be on work or health. Your day-to-day life needs your full attention. When Venus aligns with Pluto, do something nice for yourself to refresh your spirit. Try not to focus on what you’re lacking as Venus moves on to conflict with Jupiter on May 8. The following day the planet of love and values moves into Gemini, and you are all about your work. But Mars sextiling Uranus on May 10 has other plans. A friend or lover might convince you to take an impromptu trip and the new moon in Taurus on May 11 supports this. Work remotely if you have to, but say yes to the spontaneous adventures life is offering you. As Mercury aligns with Saturn, you’ll realize that personal time is important for your general health. 

You’ll be glad you said yes to this spontaneous trip, as Jupiter moves into Pisces on May 13 and brings a real sense of renewed energy. As the Sun aligns with Pluto retrograde, you’re coming to realize that taking the time to truly enjoy life is just as important as your professional life and career aspirations. When the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, you are ready to shine at work. With your renewed sense of confidence will come the haters. As the Sun and Mercury form intense alignments with Neptune and Jupiter, you’ll likely be the subject of office gossip. 

As Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, you’ll be able to rise above the rumors. Those in the limelight will always receive some sort of backlash, and over the next five months, you’re rediscovering the value in yourself. You can hold your head high because you know your worth. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 is a great time to release any negative emotions surrounding the judgment of others. As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29, be extra diligent about your work for the next three weeks. There are people waiting for you to slip up, but don’t pay them any mind. Just focus on yourself and you’ll go far. 

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19) 

Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4 and this is a time to let loose and have some fun. Focus on the things that make you feel good. You could be completely absorbed in a new hobby or enthralled with romance, but you’ve got that zest for life again. Others will find you truly captivating. The only exception is May 8, as Venus clashes with Jupiter in your sign. You’ll be feeling particularly emotional and it’s best to spend the day curled up with your journal. The vibe changes drastically the following day when Venus moves in Gemini. You’re ready to let the good times roll again. 

The week of May 10, expect to be emotionally impacted by work, but in a good way! As Mars sextiles your ruler Uranus, you may come to find out that your service has improved the lives of others in some way. As an Aquarius, this is all you’ve ever wanted! The new moon in Taurus will have you truly feeling fulfilled and valued—which only motivates you to push it to the next level. Jupiter moves into Pisces and this powerful transit could mean that a bonus is coming your way. On a deeper level your feeling abundant, and if not right away, it could attract more money your way real soon. This lucky planet will be in your second house of income for the next two months. 

On May 16, the Sun aligns with Pluto and this might be a particularly moving day. Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn and life as you know it is in constant flux. This alignment will help you get a better handle on your emotions. As the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, you’ll be feeling extra creative and could be hit with a whole new wave of inspiration. When the Sun and Mercury butt heads with Jupiter and Neptune, it may be hard to see value in your work so motivation might be lacking this upcoming weekend. Saturn, your traditional ruler, stations retrograde in your sign on May 23. This marks the beginning of a five-month self-renovation and will really push you to better yourself in any way you see fit. 

The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 is a good time to connect with your networks. Touch base with professional connections and get a little more active on social media. People will be pleasantly surprised to hear from you. Just be sure to send out your messages before Mercury goes retrograde on May 29. This transit is here to make your work life that much more complicated. It all boils down to miscommunication. Be patient with yourself and your colleagues over the next few weeks, you’re all just trying to understand one another. 

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4 and you’ll be thinking about home sweet home. You may have a lot of family events coming up or be getting the itch to switch up the vibes in your pad. May 6 will be an optimal day for networking. As Venus aligns with Pluto, you’ll exude an effortless charisma and make a lasting impression on anyone you meet. Go out and make some new friends on this day. By the time Venus crosses paths with Jupiter on May 8, your social energy will be spent. Have a nice cozy weekend at home, and with Venus moving into Gemini on the following day, you’ll be able to give your undivided attention to your home life.  

When Mars sextile Uranus on May 10, a creative project may sweep you off your feet. Perhaps you’re diving into decorating or taking on a DIY project you found on TikTok. Whatever it is, just ride this creative wave. Under the new moon in Taurus, you’ll be craving a new environment. Some Pisces might start planning a move and others should explore a nearby neighbor to switch up the scene a bit. Your co-ruler Jupiter comes into your sign on May 13. With both your rulers in your first house of self and Neptune receiving positive energy from the Sun, you can manifest with words. This is a good day to speak what you want into existence. Over the next two months, you’ll receive many blessings. It’s a good time to be a Pisces!  

While your ability to attract increases, the Sun trine Pluto in retrograde will shed light on your personal power on May 16. You may realize just how powerful your positive impact is on the people you interact with. But when the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, you’ll become quite the homebody. Take time to bond with live-in partners or enjoy moments with your family. Before you can fully relax, an issue at home has to be dealt with as both the Sun and Mercury are at odds with Jupiter and Neptune for the rest of the weekend. It might not be ideal, but you’ll feel much better when it’s all said and done.

Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, preparing you to let go of some aspect of your life. It’s all a part of the cycle, and while it can be hard to say goodbye, you must come to terms with it over the next five months. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 26 could mark a milestone for you. You’ll reach a personal goal or receive some recognition in your field. Mercury goes retrograde on May 29 and things at home could feel like they are falling apart. Appliances could break, repairs may be needed and if you are working on your home, expect some delays with a project. These mishaps will likely be minor and are a lesson in patience. Find your emotional center within and all will be well.  

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20) 

Mercury moves into Gemini on May 4 making you quite the chatterbox. Be mindful and let other people speak. You may be bursting with ideas galore, but letting other people have the floor now will save you from any backlash during Mercury’s retrograde later this month. Venus gets tangled up with Jupiter on May 8, and you may realize that you and an old friend have simply grown apart. Accepting this is easy, as Venus moves into free-flowing Gemini on the following day. You have an abundance of people around you who gel with the person you are today. 

Your ruler Mars is in Cancer and lined up with Uranus on May 10, so don’t be surprised if you feel a sudden urge to redecorate or put more energy into getting your home in order. With the new moon in Taurus on the next day, you’ll want to be in a space that fits your taste and this week, you’ll have the energy to make that happen. But when Jupiter moves into Pisces and the Sun trines Neptune on May 13, be sure to rest after all your hard work. Alignments like these really zen you out, and in this state, inspiration could strike at any moment. 

Take it easy over the coming weekend and let the good things come to you. On May 16, as the Sun aligns with Pluto, thinking about your past achievements can feel rewarding. This will help propel you towards reaching your next set of goals. The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, and you’ll be in contact with a lot of people at this time. The upcoming weekend looks like a rough one. With the Sun and Mercury at odds with Jupiter and Neptune, you might experience some intense brain fog and your words just won’t make any sense to others. This is a great weekend to unplug and just be. 

Saturn retrograde begins on May 23. And over the next five months, your social circles or social media presence could use some rearranging. As your priorities shift, so does your social life. Under the full moon in Sagittarius on May 26, you may end up finally booking that trip you’ve been wanting to take. Get excited about it! As Mercury aligns with Venus and squares Neptune on May 28, it’s very possible you’ll take a joke too far. As Mercury goes retrograde on the following day, damage control may take a bit longer than expected. You didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings and this transit will help you communicate with compassion.

Main mage by The NeMu from Pixabay 

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit