A Complete Guide to All the Mercury Retrogrades in 2022

mercury retrogrades 2022

A Complete Guide to All the Mercury Retrogrades in 2022

mercury retrogrades 2022

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

A new year has begun and coincidentally, so has a new Mercury retrograde cycle. All of the planet’s backwards treks will hit two signs, which complicates things. The best way to survive Mercury retrograde is to come prepared and this is your complete guide to all the Mercury retrogrades in 2022.    

On average, Mercury goes retrograde about three times a year. In 2021, these transits happened solely in air signs, giving these periods a heady feel. Annoyances might have popped up in regards to mindset, thought patterns, communication and relationships. These themes will continue throughout 2022, as all of Mercury’s retrogrades will start in air signs, but finish in earth signs. 

Two signs means Mercury will cross the cusps, affecting two houses or areas of life. Earth brings a tangible element to these retrogrades. There will be a need for action and concrete results. This will put a greater focus on material possessions of value—particularly money, how we earn it, spend it, etc. The air and earth themes will overlap, creating issues and obstacles on a wide spectrum that affect multiple areas of life.

A common thread among all of the 2022 Mercury retrogrades is Pluto, the planet of ultimate transformation. The good news is the aspects are generally favorable. This is also the last time Mercury retrograde will aspect Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is currently at the tail end of Capricorn and will make a big move into Aquarius next year. All three retrogrades involve Pluto, so it’s important to keep in mind that the periods will act as a course correction towards our ultimate goals and aspirations. These Mercury retrogrades present the right cosmic atmosphere to make the necessary changes that will put us in the right direction towards everything we’ve hoped for and dreamed of. 

mercury retrogrades 2022
Mercury Retrogrades in 2022 l Image by Bruno Albino

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn 

January 14 – February 3  

Mercury doesn’t waste any time. A new year has just begun and of course, the messenger planet is the first one to go retrograde. This one kicks off with mayhem and chaos as Mercury will square erratic Uranus as it is stationing retrograde. It’s particularly important to remain calm in the face of unexpected events. Uranus is known as “the great awakener” and its purpose is always progression. What transpires as the first Mercury retrograde gets underway may very well be a shock to the system. However, it is best to look on the bright side. 

For example, if a partner or friend double crosses you, they weren’t on your side in the first place. Isn’t it better to be aware of this, rather than continuing down a road with someone who doesn’t have your back? An important realization in regards to our relationships will occur as Mercury and Sun meet up for a cazimi in Aquarius on January 23.   

With Mercury moving from Aquarius to Capricorn on January 25, this retrograde is all about how the people we surround ourselves with affect our trajectory in life. It also touches on our public image and the way we present ourselves to the world. Some reflection surrounding this theme will be an eye-opening experience. It’s a time to have some serious talks (even if it’s just with ourselves) and suss out the situation. Some cord-cutting is necessary. 

Mercury will meet Pluto for a conjunction on January 28. This get-together is an important moment of the retrograde, as it’s a time to align with the future we want to build. There is an emphasis on making  a greater commitment to aspirations and public image. The energy this transit presents is best used to formulate a strategic plan to go for our goals.

For more on how the current retrograde will affect your sign, check out your January 2022 horoscope.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus 

May 10 – June 3

The second mercury retrograde of 2022 begins on May 10 in Gemini. As this one starts off, communication will be difficult. All the typical problems with transportation and technology are highly likely with Mercury in its home sign of Gemini. Mercury’s move back into Taurus on May 22 brings money and values into the picture. Before this, the messenger planet makes a sextile to Jupiter on May 19. This rather auspicious aspect brings some good energy to this retrograde. Ideas will be expansive, no obstacle or course of action is too grand. Although, the next couple of weeks should be a planning stage. Brash actions don’t typically pan out well during Mercury retrograde.

Mercury meets the Sun for its cazimi on May 21, at the critical zero degree mark in Gemini.  This is a paramount time to examine our relationship to money and material things. The retrograde will pose a tough question for some: Do you value what you spend your money on? Frivolous spenders may be in for a rude awakening with this one. However, the retrograde presents the right opportunity to review budgets and could inspire some to spend in more thoughtful and sustainable ways. Over-attachment to money or material possessions will have to be dealt with. 

Just a couple days later, Mercury trines Pluto from May 24-27. Under this aspect, we’ll be connected to our self-worth. This can present a deep look at the root of self-doubt and sabotage, along with ways to release these behaviors in a light-hearted manner. A metamorphosis will take place on a fundamental level. The retrograde comes to an end on June 3, when Mercury squares Saturn and makes an enchanting aspect to Neptune. We may need to implement some more discipline, while letting our imaginations run wild. Seek inspiration because ideas could become a reality, it just takes hard work and the fortitude to make it happen.   

Mercury Retrograde in Libra and Virgo 

September 9 to October 2 

The third retrograde of the year begins in Libra on September 9. As Mercury heads backwards through partnership-oriented Libra, relationships could be a sore subject or just flat out confusing. We’ll either rethink some relationships or the way in which we relate to others.  Mercury opposes Jupiter on September 18, and this could feel like a big let down. Under this aspect, we may be focusing on what we have lost or disappointments, particularly within our relationships. Mercury moves into Virgo on September 23 as the retrograde planet crosses paths with the Sun (a cazimi) at yet another critical zero degree in Libra. This is when the real action starts and when something important will be revealed within a partnership

While Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, its other home sign, the day-to-day can feel heavy and overwhelming. Minor health issues may pop up or work could become frantic. This is a time to rethink the way we live our everyday lives, and how it impacts our relationships, productivity and overall well-being. Bad influences will be exposed, and whether they stay or go is up to us. Mercury trines Pluto on September 26, putting a greater focus on the bigger picture. This will have us thinking about the changes we can implement today that will affect us for years to come. We can’t depend on anyone else to save the day.

Look at this retrograde as an opportunity to make lifestyle changes, it could help really turn things around. The daily routine is one the most important aspects of our lives. Time is valuable and this transit will have us reviewing how we spend it and who we give it to. 

One of the last aspects Mercury will make an opposition to is Neptune in Pisces as the retrograde winds down. It’s important to remain grounded and let go of expectations that could lead to disappointments. Those who haven’t been taking care of their mind, body and soul might break during this transit. If anything, this is a reminder of how vital self-care and restoration are. Mercury goes direct on October 2 and going forward, we’ll know how to live our best lives day in and day out—with the right people, of course! 

There is technically one more Mercury retrograde in 2022 on December 28 in Capricorn. But that is 2023’s problem, where all the Mercury retrogrades will occur in earth signs.    

Main image by nskumar1968

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.