January 2022 Horoscopes: Things Are Looking Up as Uranus and Venus Go Direct

2023 horoscopes

January 2022 Horoscopes: Things Are Looking Up as Uranus and Venus Go Direct

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

Welcome to 2022, and according to the cosmos, things are looking up! But first—Mercury retrograde. This is an interesting one. Mercury starts its backward trek in Aquarius on January 14, as the messenger planet squares the water bearer’s ruler, Uranus. This mercury retrograde kicks off with a bang. Then, just a few days later, Uranus, which has been retrograde since August of 2021, stations direct on January 18 and the pace of progress picks up. Even if we’re unsure of how to navigate the new year, what we’ve learned about ourselves and the world around us will lead to innovation. The Sun’s yearly transit through Aquarius begins the following day, adding an overwhelming sense of renewal to your January 2022 horoscopes.    

While we’re being hit with a tidal wave of Aquarius energy, the Capricorn influence is still going strong as Mars moves into this steadfast earth sign on January 24. We’ll all be feeling determined to go after what we truly desire. However, our plans may need to be revised as Mercury retrograde moves back into Capricorn the next day. At least Venus will be ending her retrograde in this sign on January 29, so even if our strategic thinking is off,  we can rest on our laurels for a moment. With Venus moving direct, we’re sure of our values, and that’s always a good place to start!   

january 2022 horoscopes
January 2022 horoscopes l Photo by Vedrana Filipović 

January 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates 

Mercury Transits Aquarius on January 2: Mercury in Aquarius will spark some interesting conversations and lead to sharing new and exciting ideas.

Mercury Stations Retrograde on January 14: When Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius, it may be harder to relate to others. With differing viewpoints, beliefs and opinions, it can be hard to find common ground. Just because it’s difficult, doesn’t mean it can be done. That’s the underlying theme of this retrograde. Mercury will move back into Capricorn on January 25 and finish out the retrograde here. We’re all working towards something, and the people we surround ourselves with need to fit into the puzzle somehow. 

Uranus Stations in Taurus Direct on January 18: Uranus stations direct after a five-month retrograde. While we all may have been able to work in peace, sometimes a shake-up is exactly what we need. “The Great Awakener” is back in motion and ready to live up to its name. Embrace whatever rapidly changes around this time. 

Sun Transits Aquarius on January 19: Craving connection and individuality? That’s just the Sun in Aquarius. Around this time of year, we can all learn to love what makes us unique while simultaneously finding our “place” in the group. 

Mars Transits Capricorn on January 24: This transit turns up our drive to achieve and succeed. We’ll be focused on making our loftiest dreams and goals a reality. 

Venus Stations Direct in Capricorn on January 29: We’ve all had a crash course on how our values align with our goals. It’s truly the foundation on which our aspirations stand. Now that Venus is moving direct, we can move towards our dreams with a better and strategic plan. 

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

“New year, new you” might be an understatement. With the new moon occurring in your sign on January 2, this is your personal fresh start. It’s an ideal time to make alterations, whether they’re internal, external or both! Mercury’s move into Aquarius on the same day will leave you feeling extra confident in your decisions. Venus aligns with Neptune the week of January 4, and conversations will be light and pleasant. As Venus forms her starpoint with the Sun on January 8, this alignment will bring you a greater sense of self-awareness.

Mars squares Neptune the week of January 10 and the people in your immediate environment will be quite grumpy. With the Sun in your sign supporting Neptune, it’s up to you to brighten the mood. Do something nice for the people you interact with on a daily basis. On January 14, Mercury stations retrograde and makes a challenging aspect to Uranus. Your weekend plans might get canceled at the last minute. While this is an initial bummer, it will free up your schedule to do the activities you actually want to do. 

Under the full moon in Cancer on January 17, a relationship could reach a new level. Whether it’s romantic or plutonic, the two of you will share some delightful moments as Uranus stations direct the next day. This transit will bring more spontaneity into your life. Go with the flow, but have a good time. On January 19, your season comes to a close as the Sun moves into Aquarius. This will have you hyper-focused on what you find value in, so make more time for the people, places and enterprises that you hold in high regard. 

Mars brings the fire as he enters your sign on January 24 and you’ll have a bundle of energy that can be put to good use. But retrograde Mercury backtracks into your sign the following day, scattering your thoughts in a million different directions. You’ll want to dive into chores and tasks headfirst, but it’s best to take your time and think things through. Slow and steady wins the race. On January 29, Venus stations direct in your sign and forms a magnificent aspect to Uranus. You’ll feel super empowered by this move and it’s time to create the world you wish to live in. 

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

You’ll look at life a little differently after the new moon in Capricorn on January 2. This is an eye-opening lunation which will change the way you see and interact with the world. Mercury moves into your sign on the same day, turning up the dial on your already curious nature. On January 4 Venus sextiles Neptune, adding a sentimental vibe to the air. You may catch yourself reminiscing about the past. The Sun-Venus conjunction on January 8 will snap you out of it, and you’ll be more preoccupied with what’s to come. 

Mars faces off with Neptune the week of January 10, causing drama at any social gatherings you may attend. With the Sun in a supportive aspect to Neptune, it may be best to opt out and focus on what you find to be of the utmost importance. On January 14, Mercury stations retrograde, making interpersonal communication particularly difficult. With this mental planet in a detrimental alignment to Uranus, an explosion of bottled up emotions is likely. Be prepared. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 is the perfect time to kick any bad habits and start anew. Release the parts of your lifestyle that no longer serve you. On the following day, Uranus stations direct and you’ll suddenly want to put more energy and effort into your home life. The next day, the Sun moves into your sign and it’s all eyes on you. This marks the start of your season, a.k.a your time to shine. 

While you may be riled up with all this cosmic influence, Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24 signifying a need to slow down and take it easy. On the following day, retrograde Mercury backs into your neighboring sign and you’ll have the tendency to burnout easily. Adequate rest is imperative to your success right now. Surely, you’ll find the value in taking a breather as Venus stations direct and trines Uranus on January 29. You’ll feel rejuvenated on a mind, body and soul level. 

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

As the year gets underway, the new moon in Capricorn on January 2 will inspire you to rekindle some relationships. If you haven’t seen your crew in awhile, it could be time for a get-together. With Mercury’s move into Aquarius on the same day, surrounding yourself with eccentric people will spawn some new ideologies. How exciting. On January 4, Venus lines up with Neptune and your interactions with others will have a magical quality to them. By the time Venus joins the Sun on January 8, you’ll feel extra grateful for the people who have stuck by your side through thick and thin.

You might be feeling down on yourself as Mars squares Neptune on January 10. With the Sun in a supportive alignment to Neptune, call a close friend to help lift your spirits. Mercury goes retrograde on January 14 which may make you somewhat dazed and confused. As this planet aligns with erratic Uranus, you might not know what or whom to believe. The lesson here is to get comfortable with uncertainty and let things run their course. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 will reignite your inner spark. You may be finishing up a creative project or a romantic connection could reach a new level. Uranus stations direct on the following day, and if your life has felt somewhat lackluster over the past couple of months, the excitement picks up. While this is thrilling, the Sun’s move into Aquarius on January 19 will counteract this energy with some chill vibes. 

On January 24, Mars enters Capricorn and your social life will go from zero to 100. The invitations you receive might become overwhelming as Mercury retrograde backtracks into this sign on the following day. Scheduling issues will be frustrating and very likely. You’ve been working on your public persona with Venus’ retrograde through Capricorn, which comes to an end on January 29. You may have cut some people loose or form new friendships. As the goddess on love aligns with Uranus to close out the month, you’ll be enthralled by your own eccentricities and how the people around you adore you for it.      

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20) 

As 2022 gets started, a new moon in Capricorn on January 2 marks a fresh start in your career life. This is the opportune moment to put some new goals in place. Mercury also moves into Aquarius the same day and brings out the socialite in you. Everyone wants to know where you are and what you’re up to. Venus retrograde starts to form a loving angle to Neptune around January 4, and you may receive some intuitive hints about your next career move, which you’re currently reconfiguring thanks to Venus’ backward trek. 

You’ll feel progress pick-up by the Venus starpoint on January 8. As the benefic goddess of the zodiac joins the Sun, you may even start to put a plan into motion. Self-doubt could easily creep in just a few days later, when Mars squares Neptune on January 10. With Neptune backed by the Sun, all you have to do is find your fighting spirit. Mercury stirs up more trouble by the end of the week, promptly antagonizing Uranus before going retrograde in Aquarius on January 14. Out of nowhere, you may begin to question just how worthwhile some of your relationships may be. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 is best spent at home and among family. The festivities  don’t have to stop just because the holidays are over. The next day, Uranus stations direct and your cash flow could suddenly increase or head in the opposite direction—you never know with this wildcard planet! One thing is for sure, you’ll feel the push to make some money moves. The Sun transits Aquarius on January 19, further connecting you to your hopes and dreams.

Future aspirations will be on the forefront of your mind, as Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24, followed by Mercury the next day. While fiery Mars kicks up your drive to achieve, Mercury and Venus (both retrograde) make it hard to decipher what the next step should be. Around this time, Venus starts to form an aspect with Uranus, leading to a discovery of a treasure within. By the time Venus stations direct on January 29, your self-confidence will be stronger than ever. Keep reaching for the stars.

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 might bring about a new mindset, one that will help you stay focused on your goals. Mercury moves into Aquarius the same day, so you’ll definitely be thinking about where your life is heading over the next couple of weeks. On January 4, your retrograde ruler, Venus, sextiles intuitive Neptune and you’ll find yourself in several heart-to-heart conversations. Over the next couple of days, others can provide you with some insightful advice. Venus and Sun meet up for their cazimi on January 8, if you’ve been questioning some of your personal beliefs, you should gain some clarity around this date. 

Mars starts a rather jarring alignment to Neptune on January 10, leading you to resent someone close. But the Sun shines on Neptune and reminds you of a core value you can never part with—that you’re a force to reckon with and nobody can stand in your way. Mercury aligns with Uranus and goes retrograde in Aquarius on January 14. Try not to panic if you haven’t obtained some of your lofty goals just yet. While the anxiety surrounding failure may start to creep in, make use of this energy by pinpointing exactly what you learned from past or more recent mistakes. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 is best spent out on the town. Plan a romantic date or dinner with friends—getting out will do you some good. Uranus stations direct on the following day giving you a bundle of energy and innovation. You’ll feel ready to get to work and the Sun’s move into Aquarius on January 19 will make you a total “goal digger.” This is the perfect week to hit the ground running when it comes to chasing your dreams. 

Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24 and increases your drive for knowledge. You may become engrossed in a particular subject, but as retrograde Mercury moves into Capricorn on the following day, you might not retain much of the information. If you are learning something new, take it slow and don’t forget to take notes! Venus forms a harmonious aspect with Uranus, and the wisdom you gain this week will impact you in ways that are unforeseen. Keep at it, and by the time Venus stations direct on January 29, you’ll have a much better understanding of the subject matter. 

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 will have you caught up in life’s mysteries. Coupled with your ruler Mercury’s move into free-thinking Aquarius, your curiosity will take you to some astounding places. Retrograde Venus aligns with idealistic Neptune on January 4, making this a great week to face your fears and come out on top. By the time Venus meets up with the Sun for a cazimi on January 8, you’ll start to look at the angst you’ve been feeling in a different light.

On January 10, Mars will face off with Neptune and this spells drama with someone significant in your life. As the Sun backs up Neptune, you’ll be able to work it out over the next couple days. Find some middle ground with them. By the end of the week, you’ll be quite introspective as Mercury squares Uranus. Mercury stations retrograde while in this alignment on January 14, leading to a radical shift in a core belief. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 may bring some unexpected money your way. As Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the following day, you’ll be a lot more trusting of yourself and the world around you. Don’t jump to give back, just receive and be grateful for it. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, and for you, this season is all about mind expansion. Cuddling up on the couch with a good book is always a good idea. 

Mars transits Capricorn on January 24 and you may start to crave deeper and more intimate connections. Mercury backtracks into this sign on the following day and you can use the remainder of your ruler’s retrograde to define what your closest relationships really need to be sustainable. As Venus stations direct on January 29, she’ll be in trine to Uranus and your thorough examination of your own psyche will start to make sense. When the Sun joins their aspect the following day, you’ll realize that it’s okay to have differing ideas than the people around you, that’s what keeps life interesting.     

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 brings some fresh energy to your relationships. A romance could really be taking off, while other crabs will be reconciling with friends. As Mercury shifts into Aquarius on the same day, the next couple of weeks are all about your closest bonds. Venus sextiles Neptune on January 4, and this is a good week to have some open and unusual conversations. Relationships have felt extra heavy ever since Venus went retrograde last month, but by January 8, she’ll form her starpoint with the Sun—which will certainly lighten the mood. Focus on having fun this weekend and leave the serious stuff for a later date. 

A work-related issue might start to get to you the week of January 10. As Mars forms a hasty alignment to Neptune, you’ll be ultra perplexed about it. As the Sun chimes in and aligns with Neptune, venting to a trusted confidant will have you feeling better in no time. Mercury squares Uranus and goes retrograde on January 14. This is the perfect time to negotiate contracts or re-allocate any shared responsibilities related to your commitments. Embrace conflict and stand in your convictions. 

You’ll have no problem advocating for yourself with the full moon in your sign on January 17. This is always an empowering and rejuvenating lunation for you, and you may turn some heads as Uranus stations direct the next day. Others will be shocked by your bold disposition, and you’ll love it. The Sun officially transits Aquarius on January 19, helping you realize that your greatest strength lies in being yourself. That’s the reason why people keep you around, Cancer. 

Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24, turning up the passion in a partnership—particularly the romantic kind. Then, retrograde Mercury moves back into Cap too! Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll be relearning how to ask for what you want in relationships. You’ve been known to focus too much on “the other.” These transits are helping you rediscover what you get out of your relationships. While we’re on that topic, Venus emerges from retrograde on January 29, making you ultra clear on what you value the most in your interactions. As the planet of love aligns with radical Uranus to draw the month to a close, you’re ready to turn a dream to a reality—with the right people by your side, of course!  

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 is a great time to set those new year’s resolutions. Focus on forming healthier habits. As Mercury moves into Aquarius on the same day, enlisting the help of someone who can hold you accountable will prove to be beneficial. Venus aligns with Neptune on January 4 adding some magical vibes to your week. This is an ideal time to go on dates or do anything that makes you feel extra special. If you’ve made some drastic changes to your daily routine with the current Venus retrograde, January 8 is a standout day. As Venus catches up with the Sun, you’ll start to notice some progress.. 

You might become a stick in the mud as Mars squares off with Neptune on January 10. With the Sun sextile Neptune, you mind passing up invitations for the sake of responsibilities. Completing your chores has its own euphoric rewards. You may start to rethink a close relationship as Mercury stations retrograde and squares Uranus on January 14. You’ll feel like you’re both heading in different directions. Think it through before you decide to part ways. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 calls for some introspection. This is a good day to turn off your devices and just be with yourself. When Uranus stations direct on the following day, you’ll hit the ground running when it comes to a big endeavor. Just remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t forget about the importance of connection as the Sun transits Aquarius on January 19. Show your gratitude to the people in your life, being lonely at the top is definitely not your style. 

Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24 giving you the drive and energy to wake-up and tackle the day. You’ll be able to accomplish a lot in the coming weeks. Mercury retrograde moves back into this no-nonsense earth sign on the following day, and you’ll start to realize how certain relationships impact your health and work routines, for better or for worse. By the time Venus stations direct on January 29, you’ll find greater peace or stability within your day-to-day. As the planet of value forms a helpful aspect to Uranus, you’ll feel motivated by the bigger picture. Your actions today shape your tomorrow and things are really looking up from here on out. 

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 is the ideal time to take up a new hobby or make a greater commitment to leisure. Mercury’s move into Aquarius on the same day will make you a super Virgo, and you’ll be checking chores off your to-do list like it’s your job. Don’t forget to have fun. Venus lines up with Neptune on January 4 and this is a great week to do something thrilling with a friend or lover. Venus and Sun meet up on January 8, and you might really get into something that shocks both yourself and those closest to you, be it a romance or a new creative project.   

You may experience some drama with family or the people you live with as Mars makes a harsh alignment to Neptune. With the Sun also involved, it’s best to approach the situation with a light-hearted attitude. Your vibe will be infectious. On January 14, Mercury stations retrograde and you may deal with a recurring health or work-life issue. With mental Mercury square to Uranus, it may be helpful to try some alternative remedies. Sticking to the same old routine won’t produce new results. 

Gather with a group of friends under the full moon in Cancer on January 17. Soulful interactions have some extra magic to them on this night. Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the following day, and your higher mind is in need of some stimulation. Dive deep into anything that peaks your curiosity. This is also a great time to try some new spiritual practices. As the Sun transits Aquarius, you’ll find that you’re a little more present in your day-to-day, but this shouldn’t stop you from exploring the thoughts that float around in your head. 

Mars enters Capricorn on January 24, and lights the fire of passion within. You’re ready to give your all to something that makes you feel good. As retrograde Mercury back tracks into this sign the following day, you’re all in. This sector of your chart gets even more action as Venus stations direct and trines Uranus on January 29. For the first time in a long time, it will feel good to devote yourself to something for the sake of enjoyment. You’ve been redefining what romance and creativity mean to you, and it’s time to put it into practice. 

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 will bring a fresh energy to your home life. Whether you’re moving, adopting a pet or doing some serious redecorating, it’s a welcomed change. Mercury moves into Aquarius the same day, making you extra upbeat and exuberant. Share your love and your home with others, as your ruler Venus lines up nicely with Neptune on January 4. Cook a meal with someone special or host a game night with friends. On January 8, Venus forms a cazimi with the Sun, bringing about a rather emotional moment. Something or someone may strike a deep chord within you. Let them in. 

Mars gets tangled up with Neptune on January 10 and your tendency to call it like it is might land you in some trouble on the job. Luckily, the Sun is involved with influential Neptune, so honestly explaining your intentions will clear the air. Mercury goes retrograde on January 14, and you’ll likely feel like you’ve lost your zest for life. As the planet of the mind squares Uranus, make sure you’re not constantly trying to appease others and allow enough time for your own hobbies. Pay a little more attention to what you like to do for fun. 

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 will have you thinking about your ultimate goals for the future. Take a moment to recognize the progress you’ve made. Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the following day, making you a little more daring when it comes to taking chances. The Sun transits fellow air sign Aquarius on January 19 and lightens the vibe. 

Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24 and you’ll suddenly want to live in your dream home. Expect to be doing a lot of deep cleaning and rearranging to find the perfect cozy atmosphere. Mercury retrogrades back into this sign on the following day, and it might be hard to make decisions. However, you’re focused on the end goal. Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29. Home is really about the feelings it evokes, and you’re more in touch with your emotions now more than ever. As Venus aligns with Uranus, you’ll embrace anything that’s new and exciting. The zest of life is found once more. 

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

As the new year gets underway, you may experience the need to express yourself. The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 is the perfect time to explore different avenues of articulation. Have you tried journaling? With Mercury’s move into Aquarius on the same day, your feelings will just pour out. As Venus and Neptune fall into a harmonious angle on January 4, you’ll have an ample amount of creative energy that needs an outlet. Schedule an artistic activity or two this week. Venus and the Sun meet up on January 8, and you’ll feel a little more confident while bearing your soul to those around you.

The week of January 10, hasty Mars squares off with confusing Neptune and you may be ready to drop some serious dollars on a class or activity. Before you do, ask around. With the Sun making a supportive aspect to Neptune, chances are you’ll get a better deal through an established connection. Your emotional world may go into a tailspin as Mercury goes retrograde on January 14. With the planet of the mind in a relentless formation to Uranus, you’ll feel personally attacked by a close friend. While you can’t control other people, you can control your reaction, so start there and try not to blow up.

The full moon in Cancer on January 17 is your cosmic “chill pill.” Take this day to quiet your mind and just be. On the following day, Uranus emerges from retrograde, and the people around you may come off as erratic. Finding your inner peace is the best way to deal with them. As the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19, you’ll be most comfortable while at home or in the presence of family. Open up your heart space. 

Ready to tell it like it is? Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24, and your communication style can be summed up in one word, bold. But as retrograde Mercury comes back to this sign on the following day, it’s best to think through what you want to convey. Retrograde Venus has also been traveling through this sector, and for the last couple of months, you’ve been working on your communication. She officially stations direct on January 29, and it’s time to take what you’ve learned and put it into practice. As this graceful planet trines Uranus to end the month, people will be shocked (in a good way) by what you have to say. Tell the world how you really feel.     

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)  

Opportunity awaits you as the new year gets underway. The new moon in Capricorn on January 2 brings a chance to increase your bottom line. With Mercury’s move into Aquarius on the same day, your local community may present some options to make extra money. Asking a relative or close confidant for financial advice is also a good idea, as Venus sextiles Neptune the week of January 4. Their insight may be more helpful than you expected. By the time Venus conjoins with the Sun on January 8, you may feel an uptick in your overall self-confidence.

Watch your temper the week of January 10, as Mars in your sign squares Neptune. A crude remark made by a family member might set you off. But before you get all aggro, take a moment to understand their intention. With the Sun sextile to Neptune, it’s likely they’re just trying to help. Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, and this will have you rethinking the way you convey your own emotions to others. As the planet of communication lines up with erratic Uranus, bottling up your feelings may begin to affect your physical health. Any form of therapy could be especially beneficial right now.

Your subconscious will be heard loud and clear under the full moon in Cancer on January 17. Everything you push deep down will come to the surface, and full moons are the perfect time to release any baggage you no longer want to hold onto. Expect your schedule to pick-up as Uranus stations direct the following day. Work may go from slow to chaotic, but you’ll likely welcome and embrace this change of pace. The Sun makes its official move into Aquarius on January 19, increasing your mental dexterity. You’re ready to jump back into the grind of everyday life. 

On January 24, Mars enters Capricorn and lights a fire within you. Your confidence is off the charts and it’s time to get out there and make things happen. Money is the motive, especially when retrograde Mercury steps back into this sign the next day. This is an ideal time to review your budget and make some necessary changes. Money and its relation to your self-worth has been the underlying theme of Venus’ most recent retrograde, which officially comes to an end on January 29. As the planet of value stations direct, she makes an auspicious connection to Uranus. The unweaving belief you have in yourself will take you to some unexpected places. Something good is on it’s way, and it might even arrive before the month’s end. 

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A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.