June 2021 Horoscopes: A Solar Eclipse in Gemini, Jupiter + Neptune Retrograde

by Kaitlyn De Leonardis

Welcome to Gemini season, are you ready to fully step into your destiny? This month we’ll experience an all-powerful solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10. This is a North Node eclipse, meaning it will point us in the direction of our destiny. Seizing an opportunity is easier said than done and with Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, currently at home and in retrograde until June 22, it’s going to be a fight for mental clarity.

This month, we’ll also experience the second square between Saturn and Uranus. The roles have switched since the last time they formed this angle in January, and now Saturn is the one in retrograde while Uranus is moving full force. The previous one was more controlled, while this one could bring up something unexpected. We’ll experience those out-of-the-blue moments this time around. With this being a defining aspect of 2021, we are all in the process of breaking down the structure in our lives and progressing forward.

The week that Mercury comes direct, both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are heading in the opposite direction and going retrograde. In this water sign, we are all working on releasing. By breaking free of the chains we place on ourselves, we are free to seek out abundance, growth and become our ideal selves.

June 2021 Horoscopes Important Dates:

1. Venus Transits Cancer, June 2: We’ll feel a strong urge to nurture and care for those we love.

2. Solar Eclipse in Gemini, June 10: A new door is opened and a fresh journey begins.

3. Mars Transits Leo, June 11: Creative energy and passion is heightened. For many, this will be a peak in ambition and others will feel the need to fully express themselves.

4. Uranus-Saturn Square, June 14: The square begins on June 2, and we’ll feel this energy build until peak on June 14. This is a plot twist or a monkey wrench in our plans. Remain flexible and open to taking alternative routes.

5. Jupiter Retrograde, June 20: Jupiter will go retrograde in Pisces this month, and transit back into Aquarius in July. This will have us take a look at what helps us expand and grow.

6. Mercury Direct, June 22: Hallelujah! Mercury retrograde is over. We’ll still be in the shadow phase until July 2, but communication should improve and our minds will be able to focus.

7. Neptune Retrograde, June 25: Are our ideals too high? Are we living in a delusional frame of mind? How do we make our dreams a reality? What is reality anyway? Neptune’s retrograde is all about examining the way we perceive our world. This is the “change your state of mind, change your life” kind of energy. Many people may go deeper into spiritual or religious practices.

8. Venus Transit Leo, June 27: A time to crack our hearts open to giving and receiving love. Some may reach a new level or self-love while others are expressing their love and generosity to others.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

Happy Birthday, Gemini! Welcome to your season, there is so much going on. Venus’ move into Cancer on June 2 is a cosmic confidence booster. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be doing anything and everything that makes you feel valued. On the following day, Venus will align with Jupiter and this will spark some big ideas surrounding your next career move. However, with Mercury in a challenging angle to Neptune, it’s best to hold off on taking action this weekend, as you won’t be thinking realistically.

The solar eclipse in your sign is a brand new start. Have you been wanting to upgrade your look? This alignment supports any personal enhancements you’ve been dying to make. With Mercury conjunct the Sun, this transformation is anything but superficial. It will bring you to a whole new level of self-appreciation. During this particular Mercury retrograde, you’re coming to understand yourself on a deeper level, with your ruler at home for an extended stay. Mars moves into Leo the day after the eclipse and you’re suddenly a force to be reckoned with. With the planet of ambition in fiery Leo, expect to have more energy.

The Uranus-Saturn square will reach its peak around June 14. It’s very possible you cling to some sort of limiting fundamental belief. This calls for an internal excavation regarding faith and how you perceive reality. What you find will be shocking, but ultimately beneficial. Jupiter goes retrograde in Pisces as the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20 and this is a good time to reflect on how your achievements have enhanced your overall life. Gratitude is the attitude, as they say.

You’ll certainly feel grateful as Mercury stations direct and the Sun trines Jupiter on June 22. Your ruler’s backtrack may have had you feeling a little loopy, and you gain more clarity on this day. The Sun trine Jupiter also has you feeling justifiably hopeful about your current direction. Under the full moon in Capricorn on June 24 you’ll feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

You may pay off a debt or begin some sort of payment plan. With Venus opposing Pluto, it will feel good to own up to your financial responsibilities. Further avoidance will only contribute to stress. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on June 25, some of your goals may be too lofty. Bring them down a notch and you’ll find you are closer to obtaining them. Venus moves into Leo on June 27, and your social butterfly status is back. Go forth and express yourself to anyone who is willing to lend an ear.

solar eclipse in gemini

Photo by Bryan Goff 

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Venus moves into your sign on June 2 and turns up your passion for life. As the planet of love vibes with Jupiter on the following day, you’re exploring some new possibilities. While your imagination is on 100, do come back to reality every now and then. With Mercury square Neptune, it’s all too easy to get lost in your mind. Mars opposes Pluto around June 4, and being too aloof will cause tension in your personal relationships.

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 will be enlightening. As Mercury conjuncts the Sun, you realize just how powerful your thoughts are. What you put out into the universe now will come to you by the following eclipse season, all that’s required is faith within yourself. As Mars moves into Leo, you’re feeling inspired. You might immediately start to make changes to bring more of what you value into your life. Expect a wild adventure with friends the weekend of June 12, as Venus gets involved with Uranus, say yes to spontaneity.

On June 14, the heat of the Uranus-Saturn square is full blast. There will be some sort of upheaval amongst yourself and a friend group. Perhaps, you haven’t been holding up your end of the bargain and your reliability is coming into question. Just remember to remain calm when you’re put in the hot seat. The Sun moves into your sign on June 20, and just like that, you’re feeling empowered. Jupiter also goes retrograde in fellow water sign Pisces on the same day. Welcome to your season, it’s time to connect with your higher self, and this is furthered backed by Neptune’s retrograde on June 25. The next five months are a time to connect with your spiritual or religious practices in new ways.

Smack dab in the middle of these Pisces retrogrades is Mercury, coming direct on June 22. You may have prefered to spend time in solitude with Mercury in retrograde, and around this time, you’ll be reemerging from your shell. Venus will be in opposition to Pluto during the Capricorn full moon on June 24 and this could make or break a partnership.

You’ll have to open up to this person. Be honest about your core values and desires for the future. This will either bring your relationship to a new level or you’ll go your separate ways. Either way, you’re feeling great as Venus enters Leo, because at the end of the day it’s all about living the life of your dreams. And you, Cancer, are well on your way.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Venus moves into Cancer on June 2 and reminds you to think loving thoughts. When this amorous planet trines Jupiter on the following day you may have a tendency to run away with your imagination. Mercury will be at a harsh angle to Neptune all weekend and your friends are trying to get in touch with you, but you won’t have the energy to converse with Mars opposing Pluto. It was a rough week at work and you want to unplug, just make sure your friends know. This is so unlike you, and you wouldn’t want them to worry.

With solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, you could be joining a new group or offered a leadership role in a current one. Whichever it is, you feel like you are truly around like-minded people with Mercury conjunct the eclipse. Your sense of belonging is further pushed along with Mars’ transit into your sign. Yes, you’ll be feeling extra ambitious and in the mood to get shit done. Just remember to take time to relax around June 12. With Venus sextiling Uranus, inspiration is like to strike while you’re at play. Focus on having fun for the moment.

The Uranus-Saturn square will be exact June 14, and you’ll really feel the push and pull between your career and close relationships. Both are equally important, and your job is likely to be extremely hectic at the moment. You have to step up to the plate and find a balance between the two. The Sun moves into Cancer and Jupiter goes retrograde on June 20, calling your attention inward. This is a good time to do some grounding work. When Mercury comes direct on June 22, communicating your needs to others will be much easier. With the Sun trine Jupiter on the same day, you’re starting to understand yourself on a deeper level.

The full moon in Capricorn prompts you to take a step back from the daily grind. You give a lot in your day-to-day life, make sure you’re getting sufficient rest. If you implemented some kind of new health routine six months ago, you’ll start to really reap the rewards.

When Neptune goes retrograde on the following day, you’ll be more in tune with your subconscious. Your dreams may be extra vivid and contain messages from other realms. Neptune simply wants to make you aware of limiting beliefs that inhibit you from becoming your ideal self. Speaking of ideal self, Venus moves into your sign on June 27 and that’s exactly how you’ll feel. It may still be Cancer season, but you’re coming in hot!

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Venus moves into Cancer on June 2 and you can expect to be spending more time with friends. As the planet of love aligns with Jupiter the planet of luck, single Virgo’s could meet someone through a friend. Coupled Virgos will be integrating their lovers with their friend group. It should all go well, but with Mercury square Neptune, beware of trying the show off. Treating a lover or new interest like a trophy is not cute.

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 marks a whole new beginning for your career. You might change directions entirely or get promoted. Your ruler Mercury is also involved in this eclipse, as it makes a conjunction with the Sun, you’ll feel extra connected to whatever opportunity comes along. Mars moves into Leo on the following day. If you want to attract more passion and ambition to your life, now is the time to get into that head space. Venus aligns with Uranus on June 12 so spending time in a group setting this weekend is favored. You’ll likely meet certain individuals who can provide some interesting insight, even if they don’t know your situation. These conversations will have a positive impact on you.

The Uranus-Saturn square will be exact on June 14 and you may be feeling weighed down by your daily responsibilities. Uranus is really pushing you to expand your perception of life and asks what changes can you implement in your day-to-day routine that will help you connect with your higher-self? The Sun moves into Cancer on June 20 and this is all about leaning on your support network. Should you be experiencing any doubts, talking it over with a friend will help. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the same day, with Neptune following on June 25. Over the next five months, you’ll be diving deep into a partnership.

In the middle of these retrogrades Mercury stations direct on June 22, and you’re feeling a burst of energy on the career front. Make sure you do your share of networking this Cancer season, it will really pay off. The Capricorn full moon on June 24 sets the perfect atmosphere for playing hooky and having some fun. Venus moves into Leo on June 27 and the future is looking bright for you, Virgo.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You ruler Venus moves into Cancer on June 2 and this will have you giving some TLC to your goals. What strides have you made in the recent weeks and how can you continue to go for the gold? If you haven’t put in much work, Venus’s trine to Jupiter will push you to do so. With Mercury squaring Neptune all weekend it can be hard to tap into your creative energy, as daily responsibilities are weighing on your mind. With Mars opposing Pluto, try not to get too upset about not being able to give your aspirations your full attention. It’s a process and you’ll get there eventually.

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 brings a whole new energy to your state of being. Mercury adds to the eclipse energy with a conjunction to the Sun and Moon. This could lead to a huge and positive shift in your mindset. When Mars moves into Leo on the following day you’re in the mood to connect with friends. If you haven’t seen the gang in a while make it your mission to get everyone together this weekend. As Venus sextiles Uranus, it’s very likely that one of your kin is willing to help out with something you want to get off the ground.

The Uranus-Saturn square will be exact on June 14. For you, this is about unearthing your subconscious to find out what is blocking you from creating time in your schedule for things like hobbies and romance. What you uncover might be shocking, but it will help you in many ways. The Sun moves into Cancer, and you’re feeling ambitious about actively working towards your goals. As Jupiter goes retrograde in Pisces on the same day followed by Neptune on June 25, this marks the start of a five-month initiative to really make the necessary adjustments to your daily routine.

Smack dab in the middle of two retrogrades, Mercury comes direct on June 22 and you’re feeling confident in the wisdom you’ve gained from all your past experiences. The Sun trines Jupiter on the same day and you feel a push to navigate your day to day towards what you want to achieve. With Venus opposing Pluto around the same time, your family might not support what you are trying to accomplish. The full moon in Capricorn on June 24 illuminates all the other ways in which you appreciate your family, reach out and let them know. You don’t need them to support your creative goals anyway, you have a strong network of friends who fulfill that. You’re reminded of this as Venus transits Leo on June 27.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Venus moves into fellow water sign Cancer on June 2 and you’ll start to ask yourself some deeper questions. When Venus aligns with Jupiter on the following day, you’ll crave experiences that delight both your mind and your heart. As Mercury squares off with Neptune, it can be hard to pinpoint what those experiencing actually are. When Mars opposes Pluto on June 4, it may be hard to communicate what you want and need to others. Both of these planets rule your sign, and for the next couple of days, you’ll feel at odds with yourself.

The vibe changes drastically with the solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10. As Mercury retrograde gets involved, you might find that opening up to others brings you mental clarity. This could lead to a life-changing epiphany. It takes great strength to be vulnerable, and when Mars moves into Leo on the following day, you’ll find the courage to really put yourself out there. With Venus in a supporting angle to Uranus, this weekend could have a very romantic twist to it. You might very well be swept off your feet.

Enjoy the ride but be prepared for a reality check around June 14, when Uranus squares Saturn. An important partnership isn’t on stable ground—this could either be a business or romantic relationship. Ultimately, the two of you will have to come to a compromise or go your separate ways. At this time you may have to bend to meet the needs of another, just make sure you set clear boundaries. The Sun moves into Cancer on June 20 and you may feel called to expand your knowledge on a certain subject. With Jupiter going retrograde in Pisces on the same day, followed by Neptune’s retrograde on June 25, this is a good time to enroll in a class. Over the next five months, you’ll be able to dive deep into your interest.

Between this retrograde energy, Mercury comes direct on June 22 and you’re handling your emotions with greater ease than in the previous weeks. The full moon in Capricorn on June 24 wants you to take a moment to realize just how far you’ve come in the realm of being able to express yourself to others. As Venus opposes your ruler Pluto a couple of days before moving into Leo, you feel empowered by your past struggles because they led you to where you are today. You can make some giant career strides in the coming weeks.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Venus moves into Cancer on June 2 and this will have you enthralled with the mysteries of life. When the planet of love aligns with your ruler Jupiter, currently in its other home, you’re feeling especially connected to those you love. People do come into our lives for a reason. Conveying your emotions to others might be difficult, as Mercury, currently in retrograde, faces off with Neptune on June 3. With Mars opposing Pluto the next day, you may want to shower these people with gifts, but your words will hold more meaning. Just wait it out.

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 is your chance to take a special relationship to the next level. A business or romantic partnership could take on a new meaning after this eclipse and with Mercury conjunct both the Sun and Moon, you’ll be able to clearly communicate your feelings at this time. As Venus aligns with Uranus, you know this relationship will work out because of the support you receive day in and day out.

The Uranus-Saturn square will be exact around June 14. This week in particular may be a hectic one. You’re just going to have to accept that this is the nature of life. Watch the way you communicate with authority, as slip-ups now will just make matters worse. The Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, the same day that Jupiter goes retrograde. Followed by Neptune’s retrograde on June 25, you’ll be rehashing your emotional wellbeing over the next five months. You can make some great strides this Cancer season by doing some deep soul searching.

In the middle of all this backward motion, Mercury comes direct on June 22. If you’ve had some issues with communication in partnerships, this will begin to clear up. As the Sun trines Jupiter, you’ll be opening up your heart to someone at this time. Before the full moon in Capricorn on June 24, Venus will be at odds with Pluto and this could bring up financial concerns. But the Moon is asking you to focus on self-care and it won’t be hard to find the value in treating yourself. On June 27, Venus moves into Leo and your perspective changes. Concern fades into the background as you take the reins of your financial future.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Venus moves into Cancer on June 2 and you’re in the mood for love. As Venus trines Jupiter the following day, you’ll feel the magic and ease of connecting with someone special. Beware of Mercury squaring Neptune, this makes it all too easy to kill the romantic vibes. While work may be extra stressful right now, briefing your date isn’t going to help you get to the bottom of the issues you face in your career. Focus on romance this weekend.

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 will bring a welcomed change to your work life. This might be a promotion, relocation or a new job altogether. The bottom line is, your day-to-day life is about to change and with Mercury involved in this eclipse, you can clearly see this is the right move. Mars moves into Leo on June 12 and you’re feeling extra ambitious about this new endeavor. If you’ve taken on a leadership role, you’ll have the power to positively impact the lives of many. Use it wisely. Venus is sextiling Uranus all weekend, putting you in the mood to celebrate.

The week of June 14 Uranus and Saturn are clashing energies. It’s very possible that you could get so lost in treating yourself that you heavily overspend. Remember all that catches your eye this week will come with a price tag, and large unexpected bills don’t fare well for the Capricorn psyche. Set a budget and stick to it. As the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, Jupiter goes retrograde in Pisces. Neptune follows suit on June 25 and you may suddenly realize you have to work on communication, especially when it comes to partnerships. For the next five months, you’ll be exploring how to better express yourself.

Mercury stations direct in Gemini on June 22, as you settle into the transition you made a few weeks ago. With the Sun’s trine to Jupiter, you’ll really fit in with your new team. However, your drive to succeed may cause some tension in a relationship as Venus opposes Pluto on the following day. The full moon in your sign reminds you that you need both in order to be completely whole. Don’t forget to pay attention to your loved ones towards the end of the month. Venus moves into Leo on June 27 and you’ll crave more intimacy. This will help patch things in your relationship or with someone you’ve recently started dating.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Venus moves into Cancer on June 2 and you feel connected to the work you’re doing. Your current job brings a lot of value to your life, and not just in a monetary sense. However, you could receive some sort of bonus around June 3 when Venus aligns with Jupiter. As Mercury squares off with Neptune, you may hold yourself back from celebrating. With Mars opposing Pluto, you’re likely focusing on the bigger picture and still feel you have a ways to go in reaching your full potential.

Have you seem to have forgotten how to have fun? The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 will remind you. A night out could turn into a life-changing event (in a good way). Yes, you could very well meet a fated connection tonight. With Mercury involved, you’re feeling inspired. If you’ve felt a creative block since Mercury went retrograde late last month, this will demolish it. Mars moves into Leo on June 11 and passion could spark with someone special. You may make a commitment to see more of this person as Venus aligns with your ruler Uranus. Even if this isn’t said out loud, you may be ready to truly let this person into your life.

The Uranus-Saturn square on June 14 has other plans, and you may have to confront some emotional issues you face. Regardless of what the source is, Saturn in your sign is asking you to take authority over your emotions. You’ll be in a better place when the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20 and you can easily find stability in routine. Jupiter will go retrograde the same day, followed by Neptune on June 25. Both are in Pisces and your house of personal finances. Over the next five months, you’ll be experimenting with ways to expand your bottom line, whether it be investing or contributing more to a savings plan.

While your mind is on your money, Mercury comes direct on June 22 reminding you to forget the logistics for a minute and be in the moment. The Sun aligning with Jupiter is asking you to bring a little more joy to your day-to-day life. Venus will oppose Pluto a day before the Capricorn full moon on June 24. This is the perfect time to release anything that still haunts you from the past. It no longer has a place in your current situation. As Venus moves into Leo, you can put your whole heart into falling in love. With a partner, with life, it doesn’t matter. Things are looking up.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Venus moves into fellow water sign Cancer on June 2 blessing you with a dose of inspiration. You may be engrossed in romance or a creative hobby at this time. With the Sun shining on Jupiter, enjoy the ride but don’t feel like you need to communicate your feelings at this time. Mercury faces off with your ruler Neptune on June 3, making expressing yourself to others extra messy this weekend.

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 is a different story and brings a whole new way to express yourself. Mercury will also be in conjunction with the Sun and Moon during the eclipse, and you’ll find a new way to relate to your emotions. If you are buying a new home or moving at this time, it’s going to exceed all expectations. Mars jumps into Leo the next day, and you’ve got your work cut out for you. The good news is you’ll have the drive to handle the busy day-to-day. With Venus sextiling Uranus, this weekend is an optimal time for some brainstorming. Grab a pen and paper and let the ideas flow.

Uranus and Saturn come to a head-on June 14, and you’ll likely feel distracted by this energy. This might also hinder your ability to have constructive conversations. If you have an important meeting, it may be best to reschedule at a later date when you’re thinking more clearly. The Sun moves into Cancer and you can easily let out stress via your hobbies. Jupiter goes retrograde in your sign on the same day, followed by Neptune on June 25. With both of your ruling planets at home in your sign, you might feel the urge to really get to know yourself. Over the next five months, you’ll be working on self-acceptance.

Mercury comes direct on June 22, in the middle of the two retrogrades. Things at home may have felt chaotic, especially if you’re in the process of moving. However, this energy will begin to settle over the next couple of weeks. Leading up to the full moon in Capricorn on June 24, Venus will be in opposition to Pluto. While you’d rather work on a project, your friends deserve your attention. Showing up for them will really warm your heart under this full moon. Venus moves into Leo on June 27 and you are really loving life right now. Pause and appreciate the moment.

june 2021 horoscopes

Photo by Abed Ismail 

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

June starts on an emotional note as Venus moves into Cancer and links to Jupiter on June 2. Right now, you’re in need of retreat and when you rest, it allows creativity to flourish. While you desperately want to take a step back, outer circumstances vie for your attention. With Mercury squaring up to Neptune until June 7, you feel like you always have to be “on.” Don’t play into this misconception, restoration is important right now.

Under the solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, the Sun, Moon and Mercury will all be aligned. This will bring about a new opportunity, and you may want to get more involved in your community. Whatever this lunation presents for you, it will put you in the direction you need to go. The following day Mars enters Leo and you’re feeling energized. Your ruler in this fellow fire sign will brighten the mood. The weekend of June 12 is best spent at home, with Venus sextile Uranus, you’ll be able to connect with family or roommates (or even yourself if you live alone) in unexpected ways. Don’t give in to the Sun square Neptune FOMO.

On June 14, Uranus and Saturn will be exact, and it’s time to make a move and cut the cords. The Uranus-Saturn square has you questioning your commitments all month. Perhaps you took on too much or are too involved with group politics. Uranus is pushing you towards what you value and you might have to decide what social obligations are truly worth your time. June 20 may feel erratic as the Sun moves into Cancer and Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces. You’re more sensitive to your emotions at this time. Neptune follows Jupiter and goes retrograde on June 25. Over the next five months, you’ll be uncovering the deeper truths about yourself and life itself.

Mercury stations direct on May 22 and it’s time to reflect on what you’ve learned thus far. You’ll also be much better at communicating your own thoughts. It may have been a struggle while Mercury was in retrograde. The full moon in Capricorn on June 24 is a time to celebrate just how far you’ve come. Pat yourself on the back for any recent accomplishments, no matter how small they seem. Venus steps into Leo on June 27 and you’re ready to party. Summer has officially arrived, and this is one for the books.

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20)

With Venus’ move into Cancer on June 2, you’ll be in the mood to share your true feelings with others. Tap into the archetype of this water sign and go deep when doing so. On the following day, Venus ends up in a supportive angle to Jupiter and you’ll want to tell everyone just how much they mean to you. The first weekend of June you may experience some confusion regarding a group outing or a trip. If you’re in charge of booking, don’t make any moves just yet, especially with Mercury retrograde in a harsh angle to Neptune until June 7.

The Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10 elevates you to a new level of self-worth. You’re on fire baby, and news of just how great you are could be announced to the entire company. With Mercury conjunct the Sun at this time, you’ll find the right words to convey your thanks to all the people who helped get you there. As Mars moves into Leo the next day, call upon your tribe to celebrate, and with Venus in a sextile to Uranus, you’ll definitely be feeling inhibition-free. Let loose this weekend and let the good times roll.

On June 14, the Uranus-Saturn square will be exact. This is that push and pull you’ve been feeling between yourself and your career life, something is off. Until June 25, you’ll be working to figure out what that something is so you can adjust accordingly. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on June 20, the day the Sun transits Cancer. This is excellent for networking as your intuition will connect you with the right people. Just remember to take things slow and let relationships develop naturally.

Mercury comes direct on June 22, and if you’ve been worried about your finances, the stress will slowly dissipate over the coming weeks. Under the full moon in Capricorn on June 24, you may realize that a belief you once held tight to has changed. As Venus opposes Pluto on the same day, it’s important to realize that it is our experiences that mold us into who we are and change is usually a good thing. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on June 25, it might be a little difficult to tell fake personalities from real ones. Don’t get too caught up in this, people will show their true colors eventually. Venus moves into Leo to close out the month and your heart is where your home is. Spend a good amount of time there in the coming weeks.

Main Photo by Abed Ismail

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A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.

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