Jupiter Retrograde 2021: From Pisces Back to Aquarius 

jupiter retrograde 2021

Jupiter Retrograde 2021: From Pisces Back to Aquarius 

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

The Pisces energy is extremely potent at the moment with both of the sign’s rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, at home. Yes, Pisces is one of those lucky signs that gets two rulers, especially with one of those rulers being Jupiter, the planet of luck itself. Don’t panic, but both of these planets will be going retrograde within the same week. Jupiter, being the first to take a step back on June 20. Keep in mind that Jupiter retrograde isn’t as hectic as Mercury retrograde, which comes to an end just two days later on June 22.

Jupiter entered Pisces in early May, as a jam-packed Gemini Season was just getting started. Gemini and Pisces are both mutable signs, meaning they share an underlying quality of fostering change. All this mutable movement means we are going through a metamorphosis and preparing for the next phase. Both Jupiter and Neptune’s retrograde will help us understand what needs to go and what needs to come in. Allowing us to connect to our soul and pinpointing exactly what we need to feel a little more aligned with who we truly are.

When will Jupiter be in Retrograde in 2021?

Jupiter will be in retrograde from June 20 to October 18 in 2021. The planet’s backward trek will begin in Pisces, and regress back into Aquarius on July 28. This will tie in the themes of both the signs. This is all a part of the process, like all the outer planets Jupiter retrogrades once a year.

Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces

Pisces is a water sign that traditionally rules the twelfth house in Astrology. Jupiter is the sign’s ancient ruler, so the planet’s energy is strong and comfortable in this sign. Until July 28 we have the chance to do some deep reflection that may unearth a new inspiration, belief or even purpose. The twelfth house contains all that is hidden, and this planet acts as a shining bright light that illuminates all it touches, making Jupiter retrograde in Pisces is a great time to do some soul-searching. This is also a very spiritual sector of the zodiac, meaning some people might feel the urge to connect with the Divine or a higher power.

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, but in retrograde this happens at a slower pace and on smaller levels. While the effects might be subtle, this is a turning of the page moment. Anything you begin to pursue now will reap rewards in 2022 when Jupiter moves into this mutable sign and remains there for the entire year. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Jupiter retrograde is a wonderful time to gather information, enroll in a course or dive deeper into a specific area of interest. For the next month focus on ways to converse with your innermost self. What does that part of your desire and how can you obtain it? Transformation is the ultimate theme of the twelfth house. While a major shift won’t occur until 2022, this is the preparation period.

Jupiter’s Unfinished Business in Aquarius

Jupiter has some unfinished business in Aquarius and returns to this fixed air sign on July 28, where the planet will stay until December 28 of this year. When Jupiter shifts back into Aquarius, we may have to tie up some loose ends. This transit could bring back a missed opportunity or a major theme of 2020. It might be helpful to think back to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020. This marked the start of a new 20-year cycle and Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius will further elaborate on what the new cycle is all about.

There will also be an emphasis on the groups we belong to and our deepest hopes and wishes, all themes of Aquarius’s traditional rulership, the eleventh house. The retrograde might create a magnifying effect on these areas and some things may have to go so we can grow. Some will be distancing themselves from certain friends or organizations, while others might find their wishes have changed. Until Jupiter goes direct on October 18, we are clearing out space to make room for the new and improved. In the fall we’ll attract what is truly aligned with our purpose, to fill that space. This will also be a better time to form business partnerships, join groups or organizations, launch businesses, attend networking events, go viral and run marketing campaigns. Once Jupiter goes direct it will expand whatever you put out into the world.

To find out how Jupiter Retrograde 2021 will affect your sign, read your June Horoscope!

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.